End of the Line is the eighth mission in Sniper Elite: Resistance. In this final open-zone level, you'll stop the Nazi forces from unleashing Kleine Blume on Allied forces on the eve of D-Day. In this Sniper Elite Resistance guide, we are going to reveal all End of the Line collectibles locations, with all collectibles found through the link.
Sniper Elite Resistance: All End of the Line Collectibles Locations

There are 19 collectibles to find in End of the Line, consisting of 5 Personal Letters, 5 Classified Documents, 3 Hidden Items, 3 Stone Eagles, and 3 Workbenches. Below you'll find all End of the Line collectibles locations, with images and text descriptions to help you track them all down.
Personal Letter #1: Victory Is Imminent!
- Along the southeastern edge of the map is a house you can enter
- Go up to the top floor where the sniper is and you'll find this Personal Letter in the back
Personal Letter #2: Home Soon, My Love
- On the eastern side of the map, on the southern side of the wall dividing the area up, is a bunker
- On the top floor of the bunker on a desk is the Personal Letter
Personal Letter #3: What We've Achieved
- When looking at the map, observe the yellow main objective on the left
- In the north of this circled area is a building you can go up some stairs to enter
- Open the door in the back with either the key or a Satchel Charge and you'll find the Personal Letter inside
Personal Letter #4: Burn After Reading
- Just south of the Kill List objective is a small building you can enter
- Inside on the desk is the Personal Letter
Personal Letter #5: I Think This Is It
- In the central building in the middle of the map, stand in front of the staircase in the centre that leads up an office
- Instead of going up, turn to your right and you'll notice a small office block built within the factory
- Go in here and upstairs to find the Personal Letter
Classified Document #1: Zugwerfer Departure
- Enter the factory marked as a main objective in the very centre of the map
- Go up the stairs in the middle, and then head for the northeastern corner as you look at the map
- Here you'll find a room you can enter using either the key or a Satchel Charge
- Inside will be the Classified Document on a chair
Classified Document #2: Prepare to Strike!
- On the western edge of the map, you'll notice how all the train tracks come together to enter a tunnel
- You can climb a ladder to the right of the tunnel entrance to access an office above the tunnel
- In here will be the Classified Document
Classified Document #3: Rusty Turntable
- In the northwestern corner of the map are two buildings you can enter
- Go inside the one on the right and you'll find the Classified Document on a desk in the smaller room
Classified Document #4: Railyard Management
- In the no man's land area of the map, you're able to get inside multiple Nazi bunkers
- Go inside the middle one that's closest to the main objective building in the centre of the map
- Near the viewpoint inside on the right-hand side is the Classified Document
Classified Document #5: Turret Locations
- In the northwestern corner of the map are two buildings you can enter
- Go inside the warehouse on the left and take the stairs up into the room above to find this Classified Document
Hidden Item #1: AA Repair Manual
- In the southern section of the map is a bunker with a trench running alongside it on the eastern side
- Enter the trench and find the path inside leading north into the bunker
- When you get inside, the Hidden Item will be on top of a box in front of you
Hidden Item #2: New Tank Blueprints
- In the building just south of the most western main objective circled in yellow on your map
- Enter the warehouse, and on top of a box on the first floor you'll find the Hidden Item in the most eastern corner
Hidden Item #3: Pour Une France Libre
- On the map, you'll notice how all the train tracks come together and enter a tunnel on the western side
- Just to the right of this tunnel entrance is a factory you can enter
- Go up to the second floor, then take the stairs (the staircase in ruins on the left side) outside to the next floor. Out here will be the Hidden Item
Stone Eagle #1
- Inside the main objective area marked for finding a way to trap the Zugwerfer, look for the crane on top of the building
- The Stone Eagle is next to it, and can be easily spotted from on top of the Nazi bunker southeast of it
Stone Eagle #2
- This Stone Eagle is on the eastern corner of the main building in the very centre of the map
- It's the building circled on the map as a place to find a way to trap the Zugwerfer
Stone Eagle #3
- In the northeastern corner of the map, there are the remnants of a building on top of the hill
- On top of the tower still standing is the Stone Eagle
Workbench #1: Pistol Workbench
- Among the trenches on the southeastern side of the map is a house to the right of the second AA gun you can destroy
- You can only get inside by climbing the vines on the side of the building and then entering on the second floor
- On the bottom floor is the Workbench
Workbench #2: Rifle Workbench
- Enter the factory marked as a main objective in the very centre of the map
- Go up the stairs in the middle, and then head for the northeastern corner as you look at the map
- Here you'll find a room you can enter using either the key or a Satchel Charge
- Inside will be the Workbench
Workbench #3: SMG Workbench
- In the northwestern corner of the map is a warehouse you can enter
- Go up to the second floor and you'll find the Workbench on the back wall
Did you find our guide covering all End of the Line collectibles locations in Sniper Elite: Resistance helpful? Let us know in the comments below and refer to our Sniper Elite Resistance guide for more help, including all collectibles.
Comments 2
@LiamCroft, another perfect guide thanks mate couldn't have collected all these without them.
@Anke Thanks for the spot there pal, that's fixed now!
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