Sonderzüge Sabotage is the third mission in Sniper Elite Resistance, and has Harry Hawker uncover details relating to the mysterious superweapon the Nazis are building. In this Sniper Elite Resistance guide, we will reveal all Sonderzüge Sabotage collectibles locations, with all collectibles found through the link.
Sniper Elite Resistance: All Sonderzüge Sabotage Collectibles Locations

There are 19 collectibles to find in Sonderzüge Sabotage, consisting of 5 Personal Letters, 5 Classified Documents, 3 Hidden Items, 3 Stone Eagles, and 3 Workbenches. Below you will find all Sonderzüge Sabotage collectibles locations, with images and text descriptions to help you track them all down.
Personal Letter #1: Be Safe, My Dear
- On the other side of the river from the mission starting area is a restaurant that a truck has crashed into
- It's opposite the bridge on the left side as you look at the map
- Inside you'll find a safe you can either open with the key or a Satchel Charge
- Open the safe to find the Personal Letter
Personal Letter #2: We Are Everywhere
- In the central building in the middle of the map, go up to the third floor
- Hug the northwestern wall (as you look at the map), and you'll find a room with a balcony leading outside
- Climb over and shimmy across the ledge to another room on your right
- Climb in and you'll find the Personal Letter on the desk
Personal Letter #3: Cross of Lorraine
- In the building marked as an Optional Objective, go up to the second floor
- This Personal Letter is in the end room and is marked as the Optional Objective
Personal Letter #4: Missing Her Birthday
- When in the train station, enter the main building tied to the objective for this area
- Go up to the second floor, and you'll find this Personal Letter on one of the benches
Personal Letter #5: The Scars of War
- In the garden area northeast of the central building on the map, you'll find a small undercover area
- Behind this and up the stairs are some benches, with the Personal Letter placed on one of them
Classified Document #1: Gestapo Briefing
- In the building where you search for the clues on the Superweapon
- Get to the top floor of the building by climbing across the balconies and up the pipes on the outside
- Use either the key or a Satchel Charge to blow open the door to the office
- The Classified Document is inside on the war table, and doubles up as a main objective
Classified Document #2: Hotel Refurbishment
- In the building where you search for the clues on the Superweapon
- On the first floor, go to the reception desk with the cash registers in the main hall
- You'll find the Classified Document on the front desk
Classified Document #3: Hotel Storage
- In the most northern part of the map, there's an archway across a road you can climb up into via ladders
- At the top, opposite the radio is this Classified Document
Classified Document #4: Rail Network Control
- In the area where you have a Kill List objective on the other side of the river from the mission start point
- Climb the only watchtower here and you'll find the Classified Document at the top
Classified Document #5: Cargo Details
- In the train station, enter the building tied to the objective for this area
- Go to the top floor and you'll find this Classified Document in the small room up there
Hidden Item #1: Resistance Flag
- On the first floor of the building marked as an Optional Objective, look for the end room with the radio equipment in
- Opposite on a set of boxes is the Hidden Item
Hidden Item #2: Gestapo ID Badge
- Head to the bridge crossing the river on the left-hand side of the map and begin to cross
- On the left side of the bridge, on a box next to a set of Bolt Cutters, is the Hidden Item
Hidden Item #3: Le Sniper
- On the side of the river you start the mission on is an Optional Objective to complete
- Outside the building this takes place in is the Hidden Item, which is also the Propaganda Poster for this mission
Stone Eagle #1
- From the first mission start point at the bottom of the map, the Stone Eagle is on the building to your immediate left
- Approach the main gate and the Stone Eagle will be on top of the building right in front of you
Stone Eagle #2
- At the northernmost tip of the map, you'll notice a building on a corner with a dome for a roof
- The Stone Eagle is on top of the dome and can be shot from most of the surrounding area
Stone Eagle #3
- On top of the building where you must search for cargo transportation documents
- The Stone Eagle is just above the clock, making it easy to shoot from the surrounding area
Workbench #1: Pistol Workbench
- Go to the trainyard on the eastern side of the map and enter the undercover area
- There's a building on the left you can enter, with an unlockable gate via Bolt Cutters
- Go upstairs to find the Workbench
Workbench #2: Rifle Workbench
- On the other side of the river to the mission start point is an area with a Kill List objective
- Within this area is a building, with the Workbench located on a side wall
Workbench #3: SMG Workbench
- In the Old Town area south of the first Optional Objective on the southern side of the river
- You'll find a courtyard area with a fountain in the middle
- There's a locked gate you can lockpick next to the fountain, and on the other side is the Workbench
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Perfect, thanks @LiamCroft
@Anke I’m glad you’re finding my guides helpful!
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