How do you visit every location in Downtown Seattle during the Downtown chapter of The Last of Us 2? As part of the campaign, Ellie and Dina will find themselves searching for gas in Seattle, so they can power up a generator that will enable them to infiltrate the Serevena Hotel. In order to unlock the Sightseer Trophy, you'll need to fully explore 10 locations in Downtown Seattle, which Ellie will mark on the map she discovers in The Gate. In this The Last of Us 2 guide, we're going to detail in full how you can visit every location in Downtown Seattle, but be sure to also refer to our The Last of Us 2: Downtown - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes guide for a full list of all the collectibles in the area.
The Last of Us 2: How to Visit Every Location in Downtown Seattle
In order to visit every location in Downtown Seattle, you'll need to visit 10 locations. These are as follows:
- Valiant Music Shop
- Synagogue (Ration Distribution Centre)
- Checkpoint Bridge
- Dilapidated Building
- Ruston Coffee
- Westlake Bank
- FEDRA Ration Truck
- Courthouse
- Checkpoint West 2
- Barko's Pet Store
Once you've successfully cleared out each area, your map should look like this:

Upon visiting each location in Downtown Seattle, you should unlock the Sightseer Trophy for your troubles.
Have you opened the visited every location in Downtown Seattle in The Last of Us 2 yet? Did you find this The Last of Us 2 guide helpful? For more information, check out our The Last of Us 2: Downtown - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes guide.
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