Wha-? Another game? Seems we barely have time to blink here in the PushSquare office before Sony's announcing the release date for yet another exclusive. This time the American arm of the PlayStation Blog's slapped a March 22nd release date on Nihilistic Software's motion controlled PlayStation Move Heroes. The game — which features all of Sony's platforming icons, including Ratchet, Clank, Jak, Daxter, Sly and Bentley — is an uber-crossover title requiring the PlayStation Move controller.
In addition to the date, SCEA's also detailed the game's pre-order bonuses. An exclusive skin pack featuring Pirate Sly, Freedom League Jak and Trillium Armor Ratchet will be available to those who pre order at Amazon or Gamestop.
Despite the name, PlayStation Move Heroes is looking really neat. Sony's promising more details on the narrative soon, so we'll be sitting tight for that.
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