49, original price $4.99)
Final Fight/Double Impact Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Worms 2: Armageddon Sale (PS3) (now $7.49, original price $14.99)</ul>
- Dungeon Hunter: Alliance ($12.99)
- Might And Magic Clash Of Heroes ($14.99)
- Assassin's Creed ($19.99)
- Swarm Trial
- Might And Magic Clash Of Heroes Trial
- The Fight: Lights Out Stress-Buster Demo
- Costume Quest Grubbin's On Ice ($4.99)
- Bulletstorm Gun Sonata DLC Pack ($9.99)
- Killzone 3 Steel Rain Map Pack ($4.99)
- Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds Shadow Battle 03 ($0.99)
- Mushroom Wars Five Maps Pack + Free Online Add-On ($11.49)
- Mushroom Wars Premium Pack ($4.99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Black Heart Booster 3 ($0.99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Compa Booster 3 ($0.99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Green Heart Booster 3 ($0.99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: IF Booster 3 ($0.99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Neptune Booster 3 ($0.99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Quality Certification (Free)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: White Heart Booster 3 ($0.99)
- Red Dead Redemption Deadly Assassin Outfit ($0.99)
- Red Dead Redemption Golden Guns Weapon Pack ($0.99)
- Red Dead Redemption War Horse Pack ($0.99)
- Yakuza 4: Upgrade Pac
- Moon Diver Silence And Score Attack Mode: Flow! ($0.99)
- WWE All-Stars: American Dream Pack ($1.99)
- WWE All-Stars: Honky Tonk Man (Free)
- Yoostar 2: We Got Both Kinds: Country And Western ($1.99)
- Yoostar 2: We Don't Drink On Duty ($1.99)
- Yoostar 2: A Bullet In The Buttocks ($1.99)
- Yoostar 2: Am I Missing A Tooth? ($1.99)
- Yoostar 2: Please Step Aside, Sir! ($1.99)
- Yoostar 2: Blade Runner ($4.99)
- Yoostar 2: I Love You Too, Sweetheart ($1.99)
- Yoostar 2: Derek's Eugoogly ($1.99)
- Super Stardust HD Impact Mode ($1.99)
- Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
"Lifelong Dayshift" Middle Class Rut ($1.99)
"Across 5 Oceans" Madina Lake ($1.99)
"Beyond The Life You Know" Darkest Hour ($1.99)
"Doomsayer" Darkest Hour ($1.99)
"Hey Superstar" Madina Lake ($1.99)
"Ignorance" Paramore ($1.99)
"New Low" Middle Class Rut ($1.99)
"Sad To Know" Middle Class Rut ($1.99)
"Savor The Kill" Darkest Hour ($1.99)
"That's What You Get" Paramore ($1.99)
"Middle Class Rut Track Pack" ($5.49)
"Darkest Hour Track Pack" ($5.49)
"Emo Edge Track Pack" ($7.49) - Rock Band Network
"[&] Delinquents" Woe, Is Me ($1.99)
"Devoid Of Thought" Evile ($1.99)
"Evil Inside Me" Amberian Dawn ($1.99)
"Jamie All Over" Mayday Parade ($1.99)
"Lexington (Joey Pea-Pot With A Monkey Face)" Chiodos ($1.99)
"Love During Wartime" The Main Drag ($0.99)
"Sexual Man Chocolate" Attack Attack! ($1.99)
"The Fire And The Fury" Firewind ($1.99)
"Those In Glass Houses" Of Mice & Men ($1.99)
"What's Your Favorite Dinosaur?" The Main Drag ($0.99)
Videos (free)
- Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Trailer
- Crysis 2 Be Fast Trailer
- Crysis 2 Be Invisible Trailer
- Crysis 2 Prophet's Journey
- Dragon Age II TV Spot
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution Freedom Of Choice Trailer
- Fireburst Trailer
- Top Spin 4 Controls Trailer
PS3 Music, Themes, Wallpapers
- SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs Soundtrack ($9.99)
- Yakuza 4: The Men Of Yakuza 4 Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops Ascension Theme ($1.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops Iconic Theme ($1.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops Special Ops Theme ($1.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops World Tour Theme ($1.99)
- Exodus Dynamic Theme ($1.49)
- Statue of Liberty Dynamic Theme ($1.99)
- Source Code Dynamic Theme ($1.99)
- Scrapbook Theme ($0.99)
- Rango Theme (static) ($1.99)
- Azmodeus Dark Angels 5 Premium Theme ($1.99)
- Commando Tiger Camo Premium Theme ($1.99)
- Soccer England Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Soccer Spain Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Convert The Wack ($2.99)
- Shakur ($2.99)
- Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp Wallpaper (Free)
- DC Universe Catwoman Wallpaper (Free)
- DC Universe Online Batman Wallpaper (Free)
- Free Realms: Chatty And Friends Wallpaper (Free)
- Free Realms: Chatty Welcome Wallpaper (Free)
- Free Realms: Pixie Wallpaper (Free)
- Free Realms: Racing Wallpaper (Free)
- Free Realms: Warrior Wallpaper (Free)
- Free Realms: World Map Wallpaper (Free)
Downloadable Games (also available from PS3 Storefront)
- Patapon 3 ($19.99)
PSP minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
- 3D Twist & Match Minis ($2.49)
Add-on Game Content
- Lord Of Arcana Pack 5 (Free)
- Patapon 3 Online Entitlement ($9.99) - "This Online Entitlement Voucher is used to activate the multiplayer features of Patapon 3. For those purchasing the game second-hand, the entitlement voucher will need to be purchased and entered into a PSN account prior to activating the multiplayer features. The entitlement voucher will be tied to purchasing PSN account and cannot be used by another account."
PSP Themes (also available from PS3 Storefront)
- Scrapbook PSP Theme ($0.99)
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