The weather may still resemble December outdoors, but that’s not stopped Sony from launching its Spring Fever initiative in North America. This year’s seasonal PlayStation Network promotion finds four indie games featured, with each of the titles boasting cross-buy compatibility. PlayStation Plus subscribers will secure a 20 per cent discount on all of the releases included.
The line-up starts with Guacamelee!, which will set you back $14.99 (Plus price: $11.99) when it fights its way onto the PlayStation Store later today. It’ll be promptly followed by Dragon Fantasy and Thomas Was Alone over the next couple of weeks for $9.99 (Plus price: $7.99). Finally, on 30th April, the initiative will conclude with Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge for $9.99, with premium members securing the title for free.
While the platform holder’s not running the exact same promotion in Europe, it has confirmed that Guacamelee! will be discounted for PlayStation Plus subscribers when it launches overseas tomorrow, so it’s safe to assume that many of these offers will be mimicked globally. In fact, Thomas Was Alone won’t cost you a penny in the old world, as it's set to join the Instant Game Collection on 24th April.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 4
I was kind of hoping for one of those big sales where LOTS of games get DEEP discounts. Like Halloween and other sales of that sort. But I'm glad Guacamelee and Dragon Fantasy get day 1 sales. Guacamelee is really a lot of fun to play.
Guacamelee is fantastic.
Been looking forward to Guacamelée. Is there any news on Runner 2 for Europe? It's out on the WiiU tomorrow.
I am enjoying Guacamelee. Spent an hour on it last night. Good humour, little bit different.
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