Prior to the announcement of the PlayStation 4, a number of outlets reported that the console would come bundled with an improved PlayStation Eye camera. Sony failed to clarify that point when it revealed the peripheral at its PlayStation Meeting earlier in the year, but the implication has always been that the system will be sold alongside the enhanced technology. However, a disclaimer at the end of a recent DualShock 4 video has hinted that that may not actually be the case.
The message – spotted by the eagle-eyed folks over at NeoGAF – notes that the PS4 camera will be "sold separately”. The insinuation is that the peripheral may not come included with the machine after all, but the terminology is not entirely clear. The footage is specifically about the DualShock 4, so the disclaimer could feasibly be indicating that you don’t get the camera with individual purchases of the controller. That doesn’t necessarily rule out the PlayStation Eye being bundled with the console itself, though. Confused? Us too.

It’s a topic that’s unlikely to be cleared up until Sony clarifies what’s actually in the box. On the positive side, not including the camera would allow it to shave a few pennies off the price of the hardware, but it would also dramatically impair the number of developers taking advantage of the peripheral. Then again, seeing as use of the unit will come at the expense of Remote Play, it may yet be for the best.
Would you prefer the camera to be bundled with the PS4, or sold separately? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 55
Honestly it depends how much it adds to the price tag. I can do without the camera if it means we'll get a much better deal.
I like the idea of it not being bundled with the eye for privacy reasons, monetary reasons, etc., but it does sort of void some of the features of the controller that they listed in the video, like split-screen swaps and the like.
It will probably come with it since they made the controller with a light that works with the camera. I would be suprised if it didn't.
Forget the camera. Drop the price. I'm sick of gimmiky crap that devs attempt to shoehorn into otherwise awesome game(lookin at u qte you touchscreen uncharted golden abyss). I think the dual shock touchpad will also be found useless.
I have a few thoughts on this: 1) Realistically how much will this cost Sony to produce? If it's manufacturing millions, you have to assume it won't cut much off the cost of the console, right? 2) If PS4 and Xbox One are priced similarly, will Sony be happy to let Microsoft's machine include an extra component? Including the camera gives the perception that the systems are equal.
I only care about games and remote play. But if move is going to be supported i will like to have the camera bundled. / care ... Im going to buy the most expensive model with everything on it ( maybe a second vita;p?)
@get2sammyb Do you see a model with a vita included? ( because of the remote play)
It will be bundled after all its the reason why there's a light on the controller.
Price is obviously a concern. But my other consideration is what are Sony doing with the camera in for general console controls. Kinect can be used to control the XBox with hand gestures as well as voice which is why it makes sense to bundle. If Sony is doing something similar it should bundle them too, if it is only used in some games, then they should be separate.
@Sanquine Personally I don't think it will happen (at least not yet), but it's definitely a possibility in the future.
Sell separately, know real gamer cares about that motion crap!
I have to buy the PS4 and the Vita, if not having the camera drops the price then I am all for it.
Given the light bar on the controller, I can only see the camera being included. Why sell a controller with a light bar that needs a camera, then not include the camera? You're only giving the consumer half of something that - potentially - many games will make use of. It would be like selling the wheels separate from the car.
If they don't, they're going to have a split market again as they did with Move and PS Eye for PS3, with devs not supporting them in any form because not everyone has them. It was understandable with Move as it arrived late, but they shouldn't let the situation happen again when they have every chance to prevent it. Since every controller will have a light bar, every system must have the camera.
I don't think the camera would add much to the price anyway. The tech isn't overly advanced, it's a lot smaller than Kinect, and isn't motorised.
What I would like to see - for all consoles, not just PS4 - is a HDMI cable and second controller included in the box.
In the conference mark mentioned they work in tandem. .. in the dusldhock 4's first promo u see the control and the camera. .. in last month's video about the DS4's development the camera and control were mentioned! At that mini cconference were they showed 4 controls with the camera in the casing also hints that it will come along with the system! And finally in early March it was mentioned that that the console would ship with, control, mic, and camera! Let's not forget the fact that it has a dedicated port on the console itself for the PS4 eye! Its definitely coming with it! Think guys if the ps4 eye was to be an add on down the road why would they mention it so early before the console is even released!? =D But guess we will wait and see in 8 days! If the eye is a separate add on then okay I stand corrected but if it comes with the fully loaded version I'm definitely getting it!
@Paranoimia totally agree with your input my friend! As far as an HDMI that will remain a wish for a while since not everyone is fortunate enough to own a HD tv!
I'd rather not have to allocate a spot on the entertainment center for the camera, but ultimately don't really care whether or not it comes bundled with the Playstation 4 since I'll be paying whatever the system costs anyway.
@Paranoimia I understand the point you made about the camera & COMPLETELY agree with what you said about HDMI cable being included. I'd rather not have to go out and buy another cable after buying a Playstation 4.
The Eye doesn't necessarily have to plugged in for the Move to function. So I can see the DS4 working the same way, although I would like it if the Eye came with the system.
@DeHorror1975 Many "real" gamers care about motion gaming. You can't just go around making broad statements based on your personal interests or disinterests.
It better become one. Also people with privacy concerns how do you guys feel about every other piece of tech that has it built in.
I vote for not including it, if only to further increase the odds that devs choose remote play over camera functionality. I also don't care about it and wouldn't mind lowering the initial price of the console.
For those who say it is included b/c Sony already said so - the PS3 also lauched w/ BC and other OS but then Sony removed them after launch. Since we haven't even seen the PS4 or a box or a price Sony can easily change it's mind about anything at this point.
If you watch the video it clearly reads like they haven't made up their mind yet. And they probably havent. Cost has to be a big concern after lackluster Vita and WiiU sales. The WiiU had 2 models, the cheaper 1 didn't sell b/c it wasn't worth it, catching Nintendo off gaurd, they even apologized. Maybe Sony will have 2 models as someone above wrote. (Posting on my Tab is not ideal.)
So Sammy, you'll clear this all up in the morning for us, yes?
You haven't been paying attention to what "real" gamers care about lately if you think they care about motion controls. Motion controls are one of the main complaints by hardcore gamers, just go do some research. Motion controls are for casual gamers due to their ease of use.
@DeHorror1975 I am definitely a real gamer and love motion controll implementation in some games. They are not just for casuals because of ease of use. Skyward Sword and Red Steel 2 use motion conroll fantastically and aren't casual games. "real" gamers should be open to good use a motion controlls. Not saying your not a real gamers if you don't just saying they it's good to keep a open mind.
I would really like it if they bundled the new Playstation eye with the ps4 because then developers could use the ps4 to it's fullest and not have to worry about to many people not having it. Also I just wanted to say did anyone else notice that the shoulder buttons don't have 1 and 2 It looks like they have the triangle, circle, X, and square symboles! That's weird?!?
why change the formula? I'd love to have the option, of course.
It damn well better not. For one it adds extra cost. It also smacks even more of these idiots at $ony going right down the same garbage path as M$. If $ony makes a voyeur machine as well, count me out for sure. I don't know what the hell is going on right now because for a while $ony seemed to be doing everything right, now all I can say is the more I hear about these new consoles the less excited I am for them and the future of gaming. These dipsh*ts have managed to ruin what should be an exciting time with stupid f'ing ideas like forcing Kinect and Eyetoy on people and listening to depsicable scum companies like EA to stick a nice big one up consumers rearends. I really am close to buying a Wii U, even if the only games I ever buy are Mario 3D, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. simply on the principle that it is the only company that seems to not be trying to totally piss people off. The dumba$$ North American market will probably make the Xbox One moderately successful but if the Wii U sells close enough to it here and can crush it in Europe and Japan then maybe the industry isn't 100% screwed yet. While the P$4 and Voyeurbox One will be a bit more powerful it'll be more like PS2 specs vs. Xbox and Gamecube than Wii vs. 360 and PS4 so third parties may eventually have no choice but to hop on the Nintendo bandwagon. That's my hope if $ony and M$ actually are as stupid as each appears to be right now.
It's not critical to the PS4 functionality like the kinect is to xbox, so it shouldn't be included. Lower launch price is way more important. Plus after the low success of the PS move and PS eye 2, they have to prove it's worth buying/using with "killer" games designed specifically for it. None of those tacked-on controls for games that work much better with a dual shock, but real immersive experiences. Then people would spend the extra cash as an add-on.
Not every device that has this crap forces you to use it. Vita and 3DS have cameras, my phone has a camera but none of it is voice controlled, I don't have to do an online check to get them to work, it's not a pain in the a$$ that the Voyeurbox One and very possibly P$4 will be. Yes, it's great that technology has advanced to what it is today, but a lot of these things should be options nothing more. If I want to let a friend borrow a game or I want to buy a used game (neither of which of I do often but sometimes circumstances come up like not being able to find a new copy of an older game) I should not have to jump through one million hoops to do it. If I want sit down and play the brand new game I bought I should be able to do so without having to worry about doing a stupid online check. It's all ridiculous, unnecessary bs. Then on top of that I have to wonder why I'm forced to use this always-on camera device that truly doesn't add anything great to the experience I'm looking for.
I see why it would make sense for Sony to bundle every PS4 with a PSEye, because, as was said, devs could be sure that they can use it in games should they desire. And I don't even think it would up the price of the bundle significantly, since the tech in the Eye is relatively cheap.
Personally, I hope they don't bundle for that would mean that the Eye functionality is entirely optional, which is of huge importance for me. The always on Kinect on the Xbox One is a deal breaker for me (not that there weren't enough other deal breakes with the X1 already).
I really don't want to have a 24/7 big brother device in my living room, so I really hope that Sony is smart enough to allow us at least to completely disconnect the Eye from the PS4 should they decide to bundle it with every system.
I'm not overly fond of motion or voice control. I want a gaming system that I can controll with my gamepad. So please, make Eye control optional!
@Gamer83 I agree ! Sometimes i switch my internet kabel from pc to ps3 . Sometimes i dont. If i cant play a game because it first wants to check if i went online.... then im out
When $ony sees an idea it likes, it usually doesn't just provide something close, it just completely rips off the other company's work (Move is a prime example). So there's no question if $ony goes through with this, it will be exactly like the Spybox One's Kinect functionality. And that absolutely is a deal breaker for me, even if every other negative rumor about the P$4 ended up being false.
Yup, too many damn hoops. Even the PS3 can sometimes be more of an annoyance then I'd like because it needs to install the game data. Usually it's not too bad but it took like 10 minutes for MGS 4 to load up, if I'm remembering correctly, and that was extremely aggrivating. If I had to do an online check every day for P$4, $ony can piss off.
Things really are getting depressing lately. At least the 3DS and Vita aren't complete wastes of space... yet.
I am afraid that you're right...there's plenty examples of Sony doing exactly that. I want the PS4 very badly, 'cause I want a next gen system...but if Sony goes down the "Eye always watching"-road, I might look for another system...maybe the steam box...or a gaming PC, but I don't want that. I got a console because I was looking for plug and play, without the need to mind any hardware configuration to play a game properly.
There's always the Wii U. Honestly it's not the direction I wanted to go, but the idiots at $ony are forcing me into it, mostly out of spite. I guess I should wait until E3 before just thinking everything is all bad but the silence from $ony actually speaks volumes as far as I'm concerned. Why sit for weeks on stuff if negative rumors are 100% false?
For me personally, the Wii U is not really a next gen system. I own an Xbox 360, so graphics-wise the Wii U has nothing to offer me or wow me, as the PS4 clearly has. Also, the Nintendo franchises don't interest me much (they're great games, I'm sure...this is just my personal taste). So, as there's hardly any third party games on the Wii U (and even less I couldn't also play as well on my 360), the Wii U isn't for me. I really can't see me buying one. I'd rather wait for the steam box, then. Rumor has it it will be offered in three configurations...and if the top steam box should be strong enough to run some nice games in awesome graphics, I'd go that way.
I might even consider picking up a PS3 for cheap, 'cause by now there's about 10 exclusives on PS3 I would like to play.
But I agree...Sony being so mum about those negative rumors is worrying to say the least.
Part of the reason I wanted a P$4 and to wait on the Wii U until it's much cheaper is because I pretty much think the same as you, that while the Wii U may be more powerful than the 360 or PS3 it's not as much of a step up as I'd like and aside from Mario 3D and Smash there's nothing that I want for it that I couldn't get on two systems I already own. When $ony first announced P$4 it seemed like just what I was looking for but now that's clearly not the case. And for a while I was saying I thought Sony needed to drop PS3, as far as major first party projects go, and focus mostly on PS4, now I think it's the other way around. Same for MS. Neither company can drop their current systems. Not only because of install base but because of how trashy P$4 seems like it will be, and we already know what an anti-consumer, voyeuristic piece of garbage the Spybox One is. I don't know why anyone would want to buy either of these consoles (especially M$') knowing what we know so far. Maybe $ony puts my mind at ease at E3, but I'm not counting on it and that is truly disappointing because I've enjoyed the PlayStation brand since Christmas 1995 when I played the PSone at a friend's house.
Yeah, I agree. The PS4 looked very much like the system I'd want to satisfy my coming gaming needs...and it still does, if Sony decides to not go always online with the Eye. I don't mind the drm stuff so much. Though I still want to be able to borrow a game to or from a friend, I buy most of my games new (maybe a few month after launch if they're to expensive), so the whole used games thingy isn't such a big bother to me as it is for other people, so that wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, shamefully.
I have loved the PS1 and PS2 (even played a Japan-imported PS1 at a friends place back in '94 and was totally blown away) and wouldn't mind loving the PS4...so I hope Sony still comes to their senses. E3 is gonna be interesting, that's for sure.
I need to see what Sony's stance on used games is. It's possible there's a plan that satisfies everybody but if it's the exact same as what MS is doing, I can't support that eventhough I very very rarely buy used.
I understand why you wouldn't get a PS4 if Sony goes the MS-way and I don't feel good supporting that, but I'm so eager for a next gen system that I'll cave in nonetheless eventually, I think.
I still hope Sony will be smart on this, but pressure from various publishers might be too high, so we'll see...
Please don't ruin gaming as we know it!
I think there going to have a bunch of different bundles like they already do with PS3 and it's worked out really well for Sony. It would make a ton of sense to offer different options to better cater to everyones needs. You can have a standard base model with a minimum sized hard drive and doesn't come with the PS Eye and launch it at 350$ which would be a killer price point and would give them a stern advantage over Xbox One. PS4 for 350$ would sell like crazy and would be very appealing to the casual market. Then they can also still have the premium model with a much larger hard drive that comes bundled with PS Eye and possibly a game ( Knack ) and retail it at 500$. That's still one heck of a deal and would also sell like crazy. The premium model would mostly cater to the hardcore market. This is the same strategy Apple uses with ipad. They use the 16gig base model as the selling chip, while the 64gig and 128gig are also on the shelves for the hardcore market.
Really, you guys have laptops with webcams always on, cell phones and tablets and are worried about a camera that you could just possibly unplug? If you are worried about privacy don't buy an electronic device period because no matter what, you are monitored and observed for everything. Hell even pandora does it, go to a few shopping websites and then listen to pandora.....guess what ads will be displayed? the website you just visited because everything is stored in your browser.
I would refer you to the IGN article that surveyed 62,000 people about motion controls.
Motion controls suck...they lack a requirement for skill and precision
@Sanquine - "switch my internet kabel from pc to ps3"
I was doing that for awhile also then I bought a pair of these cheap splitters/dividers so I can now keep them both plugged in.
If you are running a line from a single socket source such as a modem these won't split 1 line into 2 so they won't help, sorry, but if you use a switch or router w/ 4 ports you plug into 2 ports on the router, 1 ethernet wire, then attach the other to split the wire into 2. For about $5 it's made my life a whole lot easier.
I see your point, but no, I don't have a smartphone, my cell phone has no internet connection, I don't own a laptop (nor a webcam) and no tablet or such. But as I said, I see your point, because everything I do online is stored somewhere and my phone records as well. But if I turn my PC of (should he have a webcam) it's OFF. It doesn't still listen to every word uttered in the room.
So my worries about the new Kinect or PSEye may seem a little paranoid, but I just don't want to give any company the possibility to get a 24/7 video/audio stream from my living room...aimed straight at my couch. Also, I'm really not into motion controls and just would like the option to completely disconnect the Eye.
We'll just have to wait till E3 to get a clear answer to this issure, I guess.
@Reverend_Skeeve yes, i see your point as well......however wouldn't that cause bandwidth usage to spike? I mean its constant data stream if it did that and could cause people to go over monthly caps.....i mean I do have really good internet 55/15 but however my ISP does limit monthly usage.....even though its really high and I will probably never hit it unless 5 games the size of uncharted 3 comes out (37GB download).
But yes everything needs to come to rest at E3, no new questions....just closure.
I could see Sony launching 2 bundles of PS4.
1. Basic = Just PS4 with Controller and headset
2. Premium = PS4, 2 x Controller, PS Eye and Headset.
I would refer you to my previous post as well for the opinion of the vast majority on motion controls.
@DeHorror1975 I thought the IGN community wasn't very freindly to Nintendo, and Nintendo Wii=motion controls. Look the ratings from critics for Red Steel 2 and Zelda: Skyward Sword on metacritic. Those ratings are better proof that motion aren't "crap". Most people who have played the games agree they are used very well. The mojority of people who have played games wih good motion controls agree that they enhance the game. You presented it as fact that motions controls stink when it is "fact" even more that they can be great. Just because there are some games where they are wasted doesn't mean that they are automatically bad.
I don't doubt Nintendo makes a good zelda game, but most of what you said just sounds like opinion to me. The poll I gave you overwhelmingly supports the fact that the core of the gaming community just don't care for motion controls. They may have a good fit here or there, but overall gamers prefer to have a button controller and don't want to play skyrim swinging an inaccurate motion control stick through the air for hours.
@Gamer83 Stop using $ for S you child
I'll drop the $ when $ony and M$ stop enabling anti-consumer scum like EA.
None of the computers in my house have a web cam. I have a very basic phone that has a sh*t camera and the Vita and 3DS, but the functionality in those aren't close to what is being done with Kinect. I hope $ony just makes the new eye a separate device that doesn't even need to be hooked up, I'd have no problem with that.
@DeHorror1975 The problem is that your saying motion controls are bad and don't work. You're going off from saying that people prefer not to use them and injecting your own personal hatred of them. You're not arguing that most people don't like them so much as arguing that they stink and don't work. You're trying to use the poll to prove that they don't work, but they can work to great effect regardless of what most think. The poll can't prove they never work. If you're trying to argue that most people don't like them then say that instead of saying they don't work and therefore stink.
My point was, whether they work or not, the large majority of gamers dont care for motion controls.
Yes, that could present an entirely new problem...monthly caps, I mean. As far as I know, as long as the X1 is turned on, it constantly collects data about your use of the system and the media on it to "get to know you better" and thus being able to predict your tastes and present you with media choises tailored to them. From what I remember from Feb. 20th, Sony also wants to do this, to offer you games, demos and movies and such based on what you like.
As long as no camera is involved, the data to send back to the companies is relatively small, it's just what you clicked and watched, I'd guess...but if you'd add video and audio stream, the bandwidth would go up, yes and probably add to many people reaching their monthly cap quicker.
One more reason to make the Eye optional. Luckily, I have a very quick internet connection without any cap, so at least this wouldn't be a problem.
Hopefully, E3 will bring clear answers to those questions, even if we won't like all of them.
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