Never one to miss out on an opportunity to announce tons and tons of stuff, Sony has made an assault on PAX Prime 2013 – just over a week after revealing over 50 games in Germany. Kicking off the announcements with a very floppy limb is the news that Octodad: Dadliest Catch will support PlayStation Move controls on the PlayStation 4.
“We’ve been itching to do motion controls for a while now,” explained Kevin Geisler on the PlayStation Blog. “Since Octodad is a game about wiggling your tentacles in 3D space, involving the player’s body has always seemed like a perfect fit. Controlling Octodad’s limbs one-to-one feels natural, and luckily doesn’t dampen his wacky movements.”
The game uses a single motion wand at the moment, and sees you switching between limbs using the Move button. To stumble around, you simply wave the peripheral in the direction that you’d like to go – it all sounds very intuitive and a perfectly natural fit for the game. You can catch a demo of the controls in action through here.
“When we first started thinking about PS4 development, we were worried that we’d be stretching ourselves too thin adding another platform,” Geisler continued. “But porting to the PS4 was surprisingly quick, and since we’ve got it running ship shape, we’ve been able to experiment with unique features like PlayStation Move.”
Will you be playing with the motion wand, or sticking with the tried-and-tested DualShock 4? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 6
You know I hadn't the slightest interested in the move till now? I was intrigued with the camera, but still thought the move wasn't for me. But now... I can >be< Octodad? Sony just sold a move controller.
I'm getting a lot more intrested in buying that camera now. Motion controlls feel like such a great fit for this game. I'm hoping that they decide to support two motion controllers though, sounds like the game could controll even better then. Of course, that might miss the point of the game then lol.
Oh and hey Sammy, a super PS4 indie guide that gets continuously updated might not be bad idea now.
I can't wait to watch Let's Plays of this.
So this sounds like it's going to be the first Move game for PS4, then.
I have two Move controllers and a navigation controller. If they can get both controllers to work opposing limbs, then I'll be Move-ing all year long, if not, I'd prefer to awkwardly jiggle from the lovely looking Dualshock 4
octodad seems interesting im wondering how the controls work compared to the controller never really played with the move before
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