It's that glorious time again where we round up as many staff members as possible and ask them to detail what wonderful gaming delights they have in store this weekend. In this edition, Push Square's head honcho Sammy Barker also unveils his not-so-secret obsession with a certain pop star. While we don't expect you to follow suit and detail your own guilty pleasures, feel free to drop us a comment to let us know what you'll be playing this weekend.
Sammy Barker, Associate Editor
I'm preparing myself for a very mucky weekend. Like Christina Aguilera, I'll be getting downright dirrty with Farming Simulator on the PlayStation 3, and I genuinely can't wait. I don't know what it is about this series, but I find it bizarrely compelling – even if the games aren't particularly good.
To cleanse my palette (and overalls), I’ll also be hopping my way through Rayman Legends, which is every bit deserving of its Game of the Month accolade. This is an utterly gorgeous platformer that continues to astound me on the basis of its inventiveness alone.
Katy Ellis, Events Correspondent
I've fallen back in love with Disney all over again thanks to Disney Infinity and the mystical powers of those soft plastic figurines. The Toy Box feature is great fun to experiment with thanks to its utterly bizarre physics and wonderfully obscure in-game items. Collecting Lums is also high on my agenda with Rayman Legends, but not before I go and sell my kidneys to Disney in exchange for that sweet Lone Ranger and Tonto Play Set...
Robert Ramsey, Staff Writer
I'll still be unleashing my plundering powers in One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 this weekend. After browsing YouTube for gameplay videos, I was stunned to come across players who had completed stages on the brutal Super Hard difficulty – without taking any damage whatsoever. Now feeling horribly inadequate, I too must strive to reach this pinnacle of excellence.
Ben Potter, Staff Writer
This weekend I'll be skulking through The Last of Us' new multiplayer mode. I'm still to complete all of the challenges for either multiplayer faction, and my attention was diminishing somewhat, so this'll certainly rekindle my interest. Bring on that Platinum Trophy.
Ron DelVillano, Staff Writer
This weekend I'm hoping to get in some time playing Dead or Alive 5 Plus and Muramasa Rebirth on the PlayStation Vita. I bought them both via the PlayStation Network during the summer sale, and still haven't had time to touch either. I'll probably be spending too much time on Disney Infinity this weekend as well. My Toy Box isn't going to fill itself.
Nathan Michalik, Staff Writer
I'm still engrossed in the world of Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Between loading screens and boss fights, I might just squeeze in some chapters of The Walking Dead on my Vita.
Jamie O'Neill, Staff Writer
It was not Mizrabel the Witch but a review in Mean Machines magazine that cast a spell on me and prompted me to adore the Mega Drive version of Castle of Illusion in 1991. I'll fill my yellow boots with nostalgia via the HD re-imagining on PSN this weekend.
Will you be joining Ubisoft's limbless hero in platforming heaven this weekend? Have you got something even better on the cards? Let us know in the comments section down below.
Comments 34
Ni no kuni me! Girlfriend walking dead on vita. Me also some kz mercenary
KZ Mercenary. Such a great game
Planning on sinking some serious hours into Diablo 3 this weekend
KZ Mercenary and Castlevania - mirror of fate 3ds
All my Japanese PS3 imports mostly Initial D Extreme Stage, Saint Seiya Sanctuary Battle, and Gundam Extreme Vs. among others I have.
@Snorky it's 3:48 AM and I'm considering what a third iteration of a Diablo-thon would translate to school/work-wise, lol. How many hundreds of hours does a guy really have? : )
Most play more Borderlands 2, then eat and then play more Borderlands 2.
been playing klngdom hearts HD the last week.............uh its soooooo goooooddd. And they did an amazing job with the textures to HD, so smooth and beautiful looking. Although the gummi ship looks really flat and funny because it was already just a bunch of shapes smashed together.
One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 for me this weekend
I most likely won't have a lot of time to play this Weekend, since I go out to October party today and then Sunday most likely used to get through news, so I am ready for Sony event on Tuesday
ahh, i don't have much time this weekend, maybe some backlog...
gravity rush and killzone mercenary...both great game
I'm probably going to be playing Morrowind on my PC, There is a chance I will play some Gravity Rush.
Diablo III, such an addictive and fun game, especially with friends
Maybe some Sonic 4 Episode 1 and NFS Most Wanted (Vita) if I get bored of Diablo for abit
Getting married today - but I did play some rounds of buzz quiz world this weekend with the groomsmen. Can't believe I had never tried it until the last week or so. I'm looking forward to playing some Rayman legends with the wife on our honeymoon - origins was one of our favorite co-op games.
@ztpayne7 i'm sure there are better games you could be playing on your honeymoon!!!
@Dambuster you're entitled to your opinion, but I think it's a perfect choice!
@ztpayne7 I was talking about "honeymoon" games, nudge, nudge, wink,wink ...... say no more!
@Dambuster ahh. Baha. Sorry, I'm an hour and a half from my wedding, so I'm not taking Internet wit too well right now.
Rayman Legends on Vita, super fun!
I am having a total Blizzard weekend. World of Warcraft on my PC and Diablo III on the Xbox.
Gravity Rush on the Vita for me, I still have a fair few indie titles to get through before the PS4 is released, thank god its available from the 29th in the UK.
I'm devoting this weekend to making a quality LBP Vita level. It's gonna take a while.
Starcraft 2 and Project Diva F here. To be honest, I kinda hated Vocaloid before that game, but since I'm such a sucker for a challenge I picked it up. It's a great game but be warned that you may find yourself starting to enjoy a few of the songs whilst trying to get a perfect
Finished the final few main campaign missions in Splinter Cell: Blacklist (360). Now just waiting for Killzone: Mercenary.
The Last of Us and Tokyo Jungle until I receive Diablo III.
Diablo 3 and last of us trophy hunting
one piece pirate warriors 2
@Epic I like your style.
For me it's night time bashes at Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate mixed in with Payday: The Heist. God I hate Payday, but can't stop playing it when someone asks me. Oh, and a bit of Smart As if possible.
Ill be on my OUYA downloading user made games and any type of Indie game i can find. As far as Nintendo and Sony go, I'll be taking a much needed break. I do have tons on games to get to though. I did just buy Tokyo Jungle
And so the time has come for Catherine...And some EO III inbetween.
@ztpayne7 congratulations dude!
I'm playing Guacamelee on the Vita. Man, is it ever awesome!
@ztpayne7 grats m8
I'm playing Walking Dead and Killzone Merc on Vita and my lady is playing Batman Arkham City on the PS3.
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