Even after the many times that we've heard about it, Murdered: Soul Suspect still feels as ethereal and nebulous as its ghostly protagonist. There's something bizarre and intriguing about the spook-'em-up that we just can't pin down. Set in the notoriously haunted city of Salem, the title sees you playing as a recently murdered gumshoe, who has to use his otherworldly powers to help solve crimes.
To help build some hype around the incoming game, Square Enix recently released a new story trailer on the PlayStation Blog that gives us a bit more information regarding the title's primary antagonist, The Bell Killer. Needless to say, the clip doesn't contain a great deal of tangible gameplay. However, its chilling and grizzly premise certainly gave this reporter a potent case of the willies.
What do you make of Murdered: Soul Suspect? Do you think that it's worthy of further investigation, or will you be giving this one a swerve? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 6
I don't think this is going to be anything outstanding, but I'm honestly really excited for it.
Looks really good
This is just the sort of game I like, so quite excited. Planning on getting it as long as the reviews don't slam it. Would like to see some gameplay, but from what I can see it looks quite good.
I'm happy to watch these scary games played by mates whilst stuffing my face with popcorn and fresh juice! The more games and more developers bringing their wares to us gamers the better. Square Enix are great story tellers and love to see their slant on the crime genre.
I wonder about gameplay. Is it a quest?
Also, don't know what expect from developers. Didn't play Dark Void, but Quantum Conondrum wasn't very impressive.Anyway, I like the idea of the game.
Seems like a game that will at least be worth trying out. I'll give the developers this, if nothing else, it looks more creepy than any of the modern REs and I like games that have some tense moments even if not a 'true' horror game, so that's a plus.
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