Tokyo Jungle

Tokyo Jungle is the most bafflingly barmy game to grace any console over the past five years. Outpacing even Octodad: Dadliest Catch in the odd department, the ridiculous roguelike sees you assume the role of a variety of animals, as you attempt to survive in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo. However, while we utterly adored the animal centric excursion – slapping a 9/10 on it in our review – director Yohei Kataoka has revealed that not everyone was quite so enamoured with the Crispy’s Inc developed release.

“Europe loved it, and we got a lot of great feedback from that audience, but [in] America... that simply wasn’t the case,” the developer told Siliconera as part of an exclusive interview. “We received a lot of negative feedback for the game. It takes time to make an unfamiliar audience understand something like [popular Japanese art style] ukiyo-e, right? So, it might take something like travelling around an abandoned Tokyo as a Pomeranian a little bit of time to sink in, too. At least, that’s how we saw it.”

Of course, while we thoroughly enjoyed the title, it certainly wasn’t for everyone, with repetition and poor presentation being common criticisms from other publications. Divisive as it may have proved, though, we think that it’s great that Sony’s willing to back unique ideas such as this. It also sold spectacularly in Japan, so we wouldn’t be surprised if a sequel pops up for the PlayStation 4 and Vita at some point in the future. Are you itching like a flea-ridden cat for more of this strange series? Howl like a hound in the comments section below.
