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PlayStation 3
25th Sep 2012, $14.99
26th Sep 2012, £9.99
7th Jun 2012
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- 13th Jun 2022
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Review Tokyo Jungle (PlayStation 3)
Primal rage
Republished on Wednesday, 28th June 2017: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of July 2017's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. In an industry which is seemingly obsessed with burly soldiers packing massive machine guns and other associated heavy ordinance, it’s...
Screenshots 14
Tokyo Jungle News
News Heartless Americans Thought Tokyo Jungle Was Woof
Doggy doo
Tokyo Jungle is the most bafflingly barmy game to grace any console over the past five years. Outpacing even Octodad: Dadliest Catch in the odd department, the ridiculous roguelike sees you assume the role of a variety of animals, as you attempt to survive in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo. However, while we utterly adored the animal centric...
News Sony Unwraps Tokyo Jungle Discount on European PSN
It's an animal
If you haven’t experienced Sony’s utterly bonkers Tokyo Jungle yet, now’s your chance. As part of the platform holder’s ongoing European Christmas countdown, the company has cut the bizarre post-apocalyptic adventure’s price-tag down to Pomeranian dog size. For the next 48 hours, you’ll be able to pick up the mad wildlife...
News Four New Playable Animals Stalk Tokyo Jungle This Week
Killer croc
The roster of playable pets in Tokyo Jungle is set to expand by four this week, with the release of a fresh batch of DLC. New arrivals include the Crocodile, Giraffe, Kangaroo and Panda. Sony has also promised to give away a new wardrobe of outfits, though specifics are currently unannounced. If you’re still unsure about...
News Sony's Initial Reaction to Tokyo Jungle Was Bad
The rest is history
Sony didn’t think Tokyo Jungle sounded like a great idea at first, according to director Yohei Kataoka. The developer was speaking with the European PlayStation Blog about the quirky adventure’s rise to success. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. “[The initial reaction] was bad,” he revealed. “It wasn't...
Store Update 26th September 2012 (Europe)
Go ape
As expected, Tokyo Jungle is the highlight of this week’s European PlayStation Store update – but that doesn’t mean there’s not plenty of other content to look forward to. The quirky PSN exclusive is joined by the likes of F1 2012, FIFA 13, and New Little King’s Story on Vita. Let us know what you’re buying in the comments section...
Store Update 25th September 2012 (North America)
In the jungle
There’s a ton of content available as part of this week’s North American PlayStation Store update, but only one title lets you play as Pomeranian dog. That’s right, the bonkers Tokyo Jungle has finally made its way overseas – what are you doing still reading this? Pre-Orders: Dishonored ($59.99, $53.99 for Plus...
News Take Tokyo Jungle on the Road with Remote Play
Pomeranian power
Soon you’ll be able to take your Tokyo Jungle progress on the go, when Sony patches the quirky Japanese adventure with Remote Play support. “We are preparing a PS Vita Remote Play patch for Tokyo Jungle NA and EU versions,” Worldwide Studios gaffer Shuhei Yoshida divulged on Twitter. “Please wait a bit for the release timing...
News PS Plus Subscribers Get Cheap Admission to the Tokyo Jungle
Wild thing
North American PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to sample the feral future of Japan at a discounted price point, Sony has announced. Premium members will be able to snap up the hotly anticipated Tokyo Jungle at just $11.99 – a significant saving over the title’s standard $14.99 admission fee. Other upcoming offers include a...
News Sony Shepherds New Tokyo Jungle Trailer Online
Wild thing
This appropriately melodramatic Tokyo Jungle launch trailer is packed with the kind of excitement you’d expect from a game set in a post-apocalyptic city inhabited solely by feral animals. The bizarre PlayStation 3 exclusive has proved a roaring success in Japan, and is now ready for its debut overseas. Curious players can expect to...
News Tokyo Jungle Confuses PSN Next Month
Unleash the beast within
Japan Studio’s utterly baffling PSN adventure Tokyo Jungle will hit the European PlayStation Store on 26th September, publisher Sony has revealed. The mid-week release date suggests that the title will launch as a digital exclusive, unlike Japan where it was also available at retail. That should probably come as a surprise...
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