If you're a fan of niche Japanese titles, you've more than likely looked at the release line up this month and cried into you wallet. To help alleviate your pain, strategy RPG Natural Doctrine, which is being released for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita, has had its release date bumped back to give it some much needed breathing room. Thankfully, it's only been shuffled back two weeks to the 30th September in North America, and the 3rd October in Europe.
However, this fiendishly difficult SRPG will make up for its kindness by destroying your soul, judging from the latest trailer. Giving insight into the highly strategical combat system, it shows how you can manipulate the terrain to change the tides of battle, and how important teamwork will be in the struggles ahead. If the amount of game over screens are anything to go by, we may have another Dark Souls incident on our hands, where we'll find staff members broken and crying in the corner.
Take a look at the trailer that we've embedded to see if the brutality piques your interest, and then write your last words in the comments section below.
Comments 9
Thank God for NIS America. What a wonderful job they're making at localizing games like these. It sure is a wonderful time to be a fan of JRPGs and japanese oddities in the West. If only SEGA were so generous...
wait how did I miss this game I LOVE JRPG's and SRPG's, so getting this
@fchinaski and Square Enix (thinking of you Dragon Quest)
@FullbringIchigo Oh, don't even get me started on SE. When I see niche titles coming West even though companies know that they won't be big sellers, it boggles me how SE can't consistently release one of their most sucessful RPG franchises overseas. Hell, I'd be onboard even for a digital-only release of DQVII's remake.
I want to know why the title is PS4?!?! Since it's coming to Vita and PS3!!!!!
@italodance Blame @ShogunRok for that.
@fchinaski not to mention Dragon Quest 1-3 (we never got them in the UK)
@italodance @NicolaHayden What are you two on about? It's coming to all three. PS4 is in the title because that's its main game page on the site.
This isn't doing me any favors. I needed a HANDHELD game to release before the last week of September. My employer is sending me to Minneapolis for a week of training- hotel, company car, the works. And I needed a new handheld game for the trip. With Smash releasing Oct 3, THIS was going to be my game. Not any more. I leave Sept 29, the day before this game releases. But now the game will be waiting for me in the mail when I get back.
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