Sony’s not totally done for the year yet. In an interview with Game Crate, Evan Wells, the big cheese at Naughty Dog, has hinted that we’ll be seeing more of its PlayStation 4 exclusive Uncharted: A Thief’s End “really soon”. These comments mirror those made by creative director Neil Druckmann prior to Gamescom, too.
“It’s coming along nicely,” he teased. “We’ve been hard at work since E3 and all I can say is that we’ll be having some stuff to show you very soon.” Of course, as VG247 points out, game developers have a different definition of ‘soon’ to the rest of the world, so this could mean next year for all that we know. It would be nice to see something before Christmas, though, wouldn’t it?
[source, via,]
Comments 13
I'm pretty sure we'll get something "soon" 33 years before The Last Guardian releases...
Its first real release date trailer.
@Punished_Boss the last guardian has passed from the age of men, into the age of legend and myth.
VGAs, perhaps?
Just as long as we get to see some actual in game (not just in engine) gameplay running on a PS4 I'll be happy. X1 has "Rise of the Tomb Raider" (Timed exclusive too) next fall and we have the amazing (hopefully as good as or better than Uncharted 2) around the same time which is solely a next gen title unlike Tomb Raider which is cross gen. It will also showcase what the PS4 is capable of and that should hopefully shut up all the Xbot fan boys who still think the X1 in there delusional minds that there system is more powerful.
Just to clarify, im not a fan boy I own a PC Gaming rig, XB360, PS3, Wii U, X1, PS4, PS Vita and a Nintendo 3DS. Oh and I also own an Atari 2600 which was my very first home console from the mid 1980's lol
@Bad-MuthaAdebis Sony's soon is maybe next year.
Aye. I'm ready. So ready.
@ShogunRok Never again will I watch that rubbish, was painful last year.
Most likley means they will show it at this years vgx like the did with TLOS.
@WARDIE You still own a Atari 2600 ? Oh that's awesome. It was my first console too!
Have you really kept it that long? (is so, I'm not worthy), or did you track a second hand one down? I still play the odd Atari game on the PC, simulated using Stella.
I just hope Lezarovic comes back, all the boss fights from other uncharted games were such a bore!
I'm entirely confident that Uncharted 4 will be that showcase, must-own game that PS4 is lacking right now, but it's not going to be enough to shut up the Xbox fanboys especially if both Rise of the Tomb Raider and Halo 5 deliver. What will shut them up a bit is if Sony's real first party teams would finally decide to arrive at the frickin' show. Enough of the half-a$$ed, overhyped mediocre nonsense from middling studios like Evolution. Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Polyphony, Bend... when these teams show up, things will get real. It sucks that 2014 was as disappointing as it can get but I guess I'd rather get the DriveClubs and the Knacks out of the way now so they can be a distant memory soon enough. The bragging stuff goes both ways though. PS4 fanboys hype up an awful lot of games that end up being not so great.
@Ginkgo I have kep it all these years. The great thing is, is that still works just as good as the day I got it, which would have been 86-87. I got it with one game called "Centipede" and a black and white TV and I was addicted. Have been ever since. I doubt consoles these days would last half as long.
Let's all gather around the camp fire. It's story time.
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