Summer Lesson – a VR game in which you flirt with Japanese schoolgirls – has just received a new trailer. The clip shows off the game's cutting edge 'nod' technology, which will see you physically moving your head to answer the questions posed by your study buddy. As we understand it, this innovative new feature is set to totally revolutionise the genre.
Obviously this one's a bit niche, but even if the slightly risqué premise isn't your torrid cup of steaming hot tea, the game at least deserves kudos for its fairly impressive facial animations. Unfortunately, we're still firmly planted in the uncanny valley, but this is still getting much closer to not being entirely unwatchable.

In the extremely unlikely event of this making it to the West, will you be giving Summer Lesson a gander? Nod for yes in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via dualshockers.com]
Comments 15
To be fair, the graphics are amazing. This trailer has some great music, too. I even like the idea of interacting with an AI — it's just a shame it's so creepy.
no gender choice?
This pretty much just guaranteed that Project Morpheus will be a sucess in Japan.
Just need to add tentacle arms as DLC and just count the money.
I want it, I really do. I've never gotten to play these type of games, but I would like too. Seems harmless. But alas, there's a 0.009% of this coming over here.
What is it with Japan and schoolgirls?
Ugh, that music, had to stop watching.
This looks great!
But I don't want to study with a Japanese schoolgirl.
I want to study with a cat! Change it to a cat studying sim please Sony. You could learn:
Catching mice
Catching birds
Staring at strange cats
seems like a perfectly normal game for the japanese.
they are an odd bunch, but probably my favorite race of people in the world.
When is project morpheus coming out? How much? Way more than the ps4 sells for I bet. Sounds expensive.
@SuperCat Dude. Your cat-related comments are without a doubt the best and funniest comments I receive on the articles I write
@SuperCat I would totally buy that!
@get2sammyb I think the exact same thing as you, its too creepy....
Just imagine this game being on the shelf along Batman Arkham Origins, The Orange Box, MAG, Deus Ex, inFamous, and Panty Raider The Second One..... lol
Im interested if VR Project Morpheus will be compatible with Virtuix Omni so that in the near future when/if they release an Anime themed type of game where one can wander through a mansion, open bedroom/bathroom doors and unepectedly find some french maid anime chick getting dressed and you have to choose your choices in a limited amount of time before being kicked out, hit, beaten up or scared off to get the good/bad/ intercoursee types of endings.....
If so, Im definitely going to throw some serious cash at this for my own copy.
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