Gotta love Amazon.com listing leaks, eh? The online retailer outed a re-release of PlayStation 3 adventure Darksiders 2 yesterday, and now, publisher Nordic Games has confirmed that a Definitive Edition is indeed coming to the PlayStation 4.
Talking to Gamespot, a company representative told the publication that "the authenticity of the listing is unquestionable". That's that then, we suppose. However, the publisher went on to say that it's not quite ready to discuss the return of Death just yet.
Did you enjoy the original release? Will you double dip? Bring a scythe to the comments section below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 22
I looked at a video review from some YouTuber and it looks pretty cool. I may get this some point down the road.
Never played it so if I do buy it, it will be a new experience. Price will be a big factor though.
If they put out part 1 and 2 on one disc, then I'll for sure grab it. It was a great series from the last generation. Hopefully leads to the final 2 games in the Four Horsemen saga.
Hmm - have to decide whether to borrow my friends Wii U version or go for this one now.
And complete this first
if it's just the second game then no thanks as I already have it
now if it had been both games then yeah I would get it
I enjoyed the first darksiders so much more. If they release both on one disc I'll grab it.
I did regret selling my PS3 at the start of this current hardware cycle, I don't know why as it seems most major releases are getting remastered.
Sick of getting re releases! Should spend more time in producing new games for the new consoles, maybe the odd few games what were very big hits...PSN is: add me anyone::... SUDS_96_YNWA
Don't mind re-releases too much, playing Sleeping Dogs on Ps4 at the moment, but this Darksiders 2 is a pointless one for me.
I played 3-4 hours of this on PS3 and I just couldn't get into it. I preferred the 1st Darksiders to this one and really liked War as a character.
I have to say, as someone who loves darksiders and got platinum on both games, this re-release is just pointless... Either bundle both games together or just make the next game in the serseries.
Oh man, I adored Darksiders II. Major fan of the series. Although this Definitive Edition is kind of unnecessary, it'd be awesome to play it again on the PS4. Now, if they include a touched-up Darksiders I with it, then it'd really deserve to be called a "Definitive Edition"! Everyone that haven't played the games should buy it if that were the case.
If you wanna experience a zeldalike game with improved combat and more adult contents, you should get it. A very good mix of gdr and action adventure. I played it on wiiu... won t buy it if not bundled with the first chapter...
Never completed 2 like i did with 1,so probaly will pick it up for the right price...
Hope they do 1 also.
They should remake the games combining both 1 & 2, alternate between War & Death. since both taking place at the same time. They needs the epic ending of DS1 to setup for next installment...
This looks like the year of the remakes to me! Too many ppl showing love to games that have come and gone, now we are stuck with more remakes!
I LOVE Darksiders! Played 1 on 360 and 2 on Wii U and I honestly can't wait to play it again with the ability to take screenshots. I just hope it isn't full price.
And I hope its a combination of 1 and 2....
At least this year there's still plenty of new games on the way too. Batman: Arkham Knight, The Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4 may all be sequels but they will be great games. Then there's Bloodborne, we already got Dying Light and Evolve. This isn't like last year where it was really on inFamous: Second Son and Titanfall until much later in the year.
Damn. I was hoping they would release 1 & 2 on the vita at somepoint.
@Gamer83 im looking forward to the new games coming out but i just don't want remakes to be the trend for d3vs. Unless its a huge leap in graphical/fps output. If they are going to remake games do it for the really old games for playstation1/2 but games comin from ps3 nah leave those on that console if ppl want that experience they will, a. Buy a ps3 or b. Rent it from psnow when its available. Lets focus on new ip's and how creative we can get with them!
I'm happy this is confirmed, will definitely buy as soon as I own a PS4.
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