Should anyone from Sony Santa Monica get smited during the developer's celebratory God of War livestream, it'll probably have something to do with the price of God of War III Remastered, which was announced earlier today. Due out in July on the PlayStation 4, the refresh seemed like it might be a budget release – but the platform holder's charging $39.99 for it in the United States.
This is in line with other remasters, of course, but it doesn't seem like the manufacturer's put quite as much effort into this one. For starters, you'll only get the one game – albeit it in 1080p resolution – and additional changes appear few and far between. It's thrown in a Photo Mode, but don't expect any DmC: Definitive Edition-style Turbo toggles.
Yes, you'll get all of the original DLC content and costumes, but we can't help but feel that this should either come with God of War: Ascension – or be priced a lot lower. Sure, we accept that The Last of Us Remastered didn't come with a whole lot extra either, but you couldn't buy the PlayStation 3 version of that game for $2.99 when it came out. God of War III, you can.
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Comments 38
So...tired...of...remasters. That is all.
It's been 3 minutes since my classic post about remasters, so I'm remastering it, but it'll have extras.
So...tired...of...remasters. I can't take anymore of them. That is all.
I feel like it's better now. That extra line was cut from the original.
@Artie 7/10.
@Artie Lol
Lol great pricing, will get this. Played at a friends house, but the experience was limited.
@get2sammyb If I impose a review embargo on that score of yours and market the heck outta my comment, it'll still sell and require less effort, resources and originality!
$30 would have been better with $20 being the best scenario, honestly $40 is too much given how old and cheap and how little they seem to be doing.
Should've been no more than $30 since there really doesn't seem to be much effort going into this one. And even then, $30 is pushing it.
-_- what?
My point exactly.
You sir, are hilarious.
It's all @get2sammyb fault.
From earlier today -
"It all depends how much it costs. If it's full-price, I tend to agree with some of the above comments. If it's like $20, though, seems reasonable enough!"
I call jinx!!
I don't get the remaster complaints. I've bought exactly 3.last of us, which I had performed a self imposed media blackout since it had launched until I was able to play it, tomb raider which I hadn't played yet, and halo Mcc which shipped in such a horrid condition I gave them 2 months to fix and when they hadn't I traded it in. I'm all over a God of War remaster, and would have paid 60$ for it if that's what it cost. Yea it doesn't have ascension, but I played that via psnow and my god that game just felt wrong. While their at it, IL take an uncharted trilogy remaster, Mass effect trilogy remaster, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim remaster to hold me over while companies are diligently working on sequels. Heck most of those games I own on pc as well. I like my games, and being able to play them without having to keep, or re buy my old consoles that I usually sell for a very solid amount to play is beautiful to me. Yea you could argue backwards compatibility, but next gen they have no excuse, this gen they have very solid reasons.
I'd rather play these on PS Now, than get the remaster.
LOVE this game, one of my favorites of all time, but...this release is a bit silly. I don't think this game even needs a remaster! Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I thought it ran perfectly and looked super sharp. It's not like GTAV or dMc that chugged along on the PS3...this is one of those made-to-fit exclusives. Just give us GoW4 already!
@get2sammyb dude, 39.99 is nothing. Stop crying.
In order for me to get this game for 2.99 I would have to actually buy a new ps3(I don't buy used) which is like what, over $200? 39.99 is actually a great deal for me seeing as how I already own a ps4 . My only other option would be to buy a ps3 which is totally out of the question. So yeah like I said, 40 dollars is a steal for me.
And even though I'm late to the party, I get to experience this game for the first time in full hd. 😈
@Jazzer94 sooo....another $10 is a deal breaker for you? You must still live at home with your mom if you're making a big deal over $10.
$40 is still a much better deal than the $65 the majority of you guys have already paid for it.
I know there are a lot of complaints about the number of 'remasters' that seem to be available now but its nothing new as it was also happening on the last generation of console too. Halo (the original) has now been released on ALL 3 Xbox consoles. To a degree you could argue that GTAv is a remaster too and that is quite popular.
Given the choice I would rather play a new game but there are a few 'old' games I would like the opportunity to replay.
I have been gaming for over 35 years so the chances are I have played a lot of the big releases but there are people new to gaming too. I bet that for some people this generation (PS4, XB1) is their first console. I also know that people are put off from buying games in a franchise if they have never played any of the previous games - same as some people are put off from watching series 4 if they never watched 1-3 of tv shows etc.
I do think remasters serve a purpose for dedicated fans and newbies to a console family. There are a number of people who now own a PS4 who never owned a previous PS console - either because they owned a different console (XB360 or Wii) or are new to gaming so would have missed out on games like God of War, Last of Us or Uncharted (Uncharted 1 sold less than 3m) so for them, a remaster makes sense and offers a way in to these franchises if and when sequels release.
Even though I own Uncharted 1-3, Mass Effect 1-3 and Gears of War 1-3, I would buy remastered bundles - pity they haven't announced these...
So it will prob be £40 in the uk
Remasters do NOT serve a purpose, at all. If the game was half arsed or broken they shouldnt have charged us $60 in the first place (DmC comes to mind, that ran terrible on PS3, but is an excellent game now, but why on earth are they making it my problem that they delivered a game that played like a slideshow?). And if the game was simply wonderful like GoW3, they should add it to PSnow and let us rent it (or God forbid, let us play it for free since I own a damn copy). There is no way to justify the $40 price tag...none.
Please stop apologizing for these companies and telling others they shouldn't complain, things will never change if we keep eating the stuff that is served. It is a God darned miracle the PS4 sold more than 20 million units, because there is absolutely nothing that makes it stand out from the PS3 and there isnt anything in sight to change that. Yet I keep on seeing people defending Sony, defending their PS4, because they're afraid to say the console they bought is a glorified Netflix player atm; "oh noes, what will the One owners think if I critisize Sony?? Can't let those guys win!"... Well those guys aren't better of than PS4 owners are.
If gaming history has shown us one thing, it's that we as consumers have tons of power. Vote with your wallet, write a letter, post on blogs...demand more! Don't let yourself be put in a corner by Sony or Xbox apologists that will call you a self entitled jerk...it's your money, not theirs. We as consumers should demand more, else we'll never get it.
And before getting all worked up bout my post I ask you to think about this and be honest: would you buy a GoW 3 remaster for $40, if GoW4 was launching this year? Would you spend your precious time and money playing games you already played in a slightly better resolution, if there were plenty of new (1st party) games coming out this year??
You have been asked several times now to watch the language. Maybe a vacation will help you.
ok I guess I'll skip this.
or wait till its 50% off.
I actually enjoy some remasters so I can't criticise. This generation alone I have Halo: MCC, Metro Redux, Tomb Raider, Diablo 3 (I think that counts), Zombie Army Trilogy (possibly not counting) and Abe's Odyssey (thanks to PS+). I have Rayman Legends too which has some older generation games within it. I have also pre-ordered Borderlands: Handsome Collection but haven't yet got the Last of Us as the price is still more than I am willing to pay.
Not everyone wants to subscribe to PS Now and rent games and would prefer to buy remastered games that look a lot better and maybe have a few extras (like all the DLC) too. Some people have enough subscriptions as it is with PS+, Netflix (and/or equivalent), Internet bills, TV licence etc. Not everyone kept their last generation consoles either as they traded in to get this generation. I know quite a few people personally that bought a console because certain last generation games are now available on this gen (GTAv, Diablo 3)
Maybe the reason that some games were 'clunky', didn't run well or lacked 'something' on last gen was down to the Hardware and this allows developers to make the game better and they way they envisioned.
Like I said, there are also a whole new generation of gamers who never played ANY last gen consoles, let alone all those that may never have played the previous version (i.e a PS3 now they are on PS4).
I do think pricing though can be an issue. Who wants to pay £40 for a re-mastered game but £40 for a bundle (like Halo MCC) isn't bad value. These games have a lot of content (generally) and can offer players a chance to play 'classics' they missed out on because of age or console choice. Like I said the remastered option is not necessarily aimed at those who played the games before but for newcomers and dedicated fans. No-one is forcing you to buy them but they are obviously popular.
I haven't bought DMC, Saints Row 4, Sleeping Dogs, the Last of Us (although I might buy this at some point) but have bought a few and would buy a Mass Effect, Uncharted and/or Gears of War remastered trilogy even though I own these and still have my previous consoles too.
For the people who never owned a playstation 3, I can see why they are re-releasing some of their classics from that system. I have a PS3, and have this game on it, so I probably won't pick it up on PS4 until I see it go down to $20 or less. Somehow, I think sony is releasing these PS3 titles to get people hyped for the next in the series, or for the fact that there is now a stronger fanbase for the PS4, and they want those new people to experience their PS3 games...my only other thinking is involved with them trying to fill in the gaps between these new game releases. Is it just me, or is the lack of games on the PS4 and XONE kinda looking small for the systems being out for a while now? They say gaming is not dead, but if you look at shelf spaces in stores for all of these new systems, compared to the previous systems and the systems from the past, they're looking smaller and smaller.
@THEundying27 Well I'm a uni student so yes out of term time I live at my parents house ( problem with that?) and yes a $10 difference from $30 to $40 bucks for me is a deal breaker for this situation as how I see its worth is not the same as you, funny that isn't it?
It's ridiculous. This game is still fresh in my mind for cripes sake. The only thing that would've interested me in rebuying it would've been added modes, levels, costumes, and enemies.
You're basically overpaying just for them to drag + drop assets onto a newer disc and bump up the resolution. I'll wait til it's free on PS+....or just skip it because I still have the original and dont see the point in this.
If it was God of War 1, 2, 3 and Ascension for $40 or $50, now we're talking. That to me would be as compelling a collection as the Master Chief one and could've built some nice hype for the GoW 4. As it is right now, one game with no upgrades... pointless. I guess I'd recommend it to anybody who's never played the game before but compared to the collections we see for other big series, one game, with what doesn't seems like much work going into it, just screams lazy.
Can anyone please stop crapping their pants? I never played God of War III, as many others never played The Last of Us. There is a place and a purpose for remasters. As long as they're done well and not are simple sloppy ports with higher resolution, why complain? Not everyone has played everyone, it will be a "new" game for me, I'm used paying 59 Euro for a new game, so I'm actually "saving" 20 when picking this up.
People love to complain.
@Gamer83 - "If it was God of War 1, 2, 3 and Ascension for $40 or $50, now we're talking. "
You mean like this?
5 GoW games for $18 on Amazon and pretty much everywhere else. That's what's weird about this, all the GoW games have already been bundled (except Ascension) why remaster just 1 and then charge $40 for it? I'd rather see all 6 games for $60, or even $75. 1 for $40, why?
@Gamer83 That's what I meant, it's for the ones who didn't play it. I agree with you though, that it would have been nice to have all three and the 2x pop titles on one disc.
@kupo yeah you're right the game still looks and performs superb on the ps3 no questions asked. It does run at 30 frames though and I had just come from playing the first two remastered at 60fps and ill admit the transition was a tad jarring at first. Still an amazing experience, and glad they're not trying to charge $60. $40 is acceptable in my eyes and for those who haven't played it yet, they're in for one hell of a treat
@THEundying27 $40 dollars its a lot of money
Any way you slice it
Especially since its just the same game that they put in a PC, open up Video options and choose 1080p instead of 720p.
I guess that since it is not $60, Sony considers it budget priced. That resolution is so expensive
@Faruko "....Especially since its just the same game....."
Again, this complaint doesn't apply to me because I've never played it.
@THEundying27 Nice
Then dont say others people should not complain
Of course people have the right to complain and be disgruntled. Just because a few people missed this on PS3 doesn't negate the fact that this game had it's time, and most have played it or had the opportunity if they so desired.
If it was one remaster, ok fine, but this got old like 5 remasters ago.
As for me, I'm not disgruntled or upset, but I'm not interested I the slightest either.
The same people crying about Sony remastering TWO HOLD GAMES are the same people who are going to be cheering for MS when State Of Decay remastered goes to the Bone, and Gears and Alan Wake also go to it. I'm not buying this because I played the craps out of it already back in 2010, but jeez.
@rjejr I was going to bring that up too. I'm definitely getting that in the near future, since it's a great deal, and probably would better suited for PS4 than, whatever this topic is about.
I'll also have to add that you have to get it new, since two of the games (The PSP ones) are on a voucher.
Remasters require less work so should be cheaper.
Agree that they should include Accession too.. Judge from the trailer, the visual upgrade is so unnoticeable...
And what is remastered in this remaster except resolution and framerate? Does it have better graphics?
Also, the Last of Us Remaster has 15$ single player DLC + DLC maps for MP + better graphics. And it was pretty fresh game, more like game of the year edition.
@Gemuarto I believe this remake, will be the game to end all remakes. As in, it will sell fifty copies at that ridiculous price and publishers will actually put some work in and make some fresh games.
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