Taking the time to answer some questions on the PlayStation Blog, European producer of Bloodborne, Jun Yoshino, has unleashed a few juicy details about the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive.
For starters, the executive points out that shields in the game "might be crap". In other words, unlike its spiritual predecessors, Bloodborne's faster paced combat, which is more focussed on offence, has less room for purely defensive techniques, like blocking. "I think some of the more experienced players will figure out straight away that the gun is like a weapon you can parry with," Yoshino says. "The fire of the gun is like a parry."
Next up, speaking of the title's world and how it's designed, the producer states that "It's like a hybrid of Demon and Dark Souls." He continues: "You still have this kind of refuge, this central area you can always retreat back to, but the game world itself is more like Dark Souls, because in Bloodborne it's all linked together as well - once you venture out, you can effectively go anywhere you want."
Finally, regarding a query that's more business-based, Yoshino comments that the studio never tries to make anything purely to gain an audience. "I think what Miyazaki-san and From Software do, they basically just make a game that they think is fun, and I mean that in a good way," he says. "They are not dictated by the market and still deliver really high quality games - I am really glad that they kind of proven to everybody that these types of games could be successful as well," the producer continues.
Indeed, it's good to see tougher titles thrive - after all, variety is the spice of life. What do you make of Yoshino's answers? Are you looking forward to Bloodborne's release later this month? Summon us into the comments section below.
[source community.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 12
I cannot wait for Bloodborne & will be picking up Dark Souls II again for the PS4, From Software does some of the best original RPG's about.
I'm sure there will be people that have no idea what they are getting in to and will rage so hard.
I wish this was coming out next week instead of the following week after that, since next week is my spring break and I'd have plenty of free time to chip away at this. :/
Ha! Reminds me of my little cousin. Me and my brothers were talking bout Demon and Dark Souls and he was listening quietly and you could see the enthusiasm in his eyes. So when Dark Souls 2 came out, he got it day 1. That weekend I stopped by and asked him how he liked the game, and he said: it's ok. Then his mom came in and said: ok? Ok? Where is the shouting and cursing that your uncle (me) needs to give you your money back?
Haha, he didn't quite understand what the game is about and like lots of kids these days he couldn't appreciate a challenge. Gave me a good reason to stay at their place for the day and instruct him a bit. The other day he came to me and asked if I still had a copy of Dark Souls 1, so it finally clicked with him. But if I hadn't shown him the proper way to play, he would've never touched it again.
I hope Bloodborne will be better than DS2 tho; maybe I was too hyped for it, but it was one of my biggest let downs in 2014.
The game I bought a PS4 for.
I'm so excited for it and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be harder than DS1 which i love challenges in my games because its a lot funner.
@AyeHaley me too.... but in the meantimes I am having fun with so many others....
but still, please stop talking about Bloodborne and give it to us!!!!
Why even include shields in this game if they will most likely suck lol why even bother I'm sure the game will do just fine without them.
@gameaway101 call it "false security"...
Man I could not be any more excited for this and the Final Fantasy 15 demo within one week of each other!!!
Personally, I'm not interested in this game.
But with that said, I definitely want it to succeed. To me, Bloodborne is videogaming done right; one that isn't obsessed with Hollywood-aping cinematics and shallow, homogenised gameplay. The art style is wonderful, too.
@Kage_88 Yeah, Miyazaki wasn't given a deadline, which is fantastic. More game developers should take note and allow their game development leads to determine when a project is good enough to be released. If the business men at Ubisoft didn't give a deadline, AC Unity may have been delayed and could have had a way better launch.
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