Get over here! No, we're not going to play body tennis with your skull, but we're instead inviting you for a good ol' chinwag about your weekend. The great ball o' fire in the sky's shining here in sunny England, but that hasn't stopped our ragtag crew of reviewers from shutting the curtains and getting stuck into some serious gaming. Here's what's keeping us safe from social interaction and sunburn.
Sammy Barker, Editor
There'll be plenty of fists flying and fudged up faces in my weekend, as I flex my muscles through Mortal Kombat X. I think I've finally settled on a couple of mains, and am enjoying NetherRealm's latest all the more as a result. Who's next?
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
It's more Dragon Age: Inquisition this weekend as I continue my second playthrough of BioWare's rather good role-playing extravaganza. Being a human takes some getting used to after spending about 100 hours as a hulking, horned Qunari – but it's nice being able to actually see what's directly in front of me for once. Human or not, though, I've slipped down the moral slope once again, shrugging off my promise to be a fair and righteous Inquisitor in favour of being an absolute b*stard. Can't say I don't enjoy it, however.
Nicola Hayden, Games Editor
The Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn bug has bitten me hard as I make the final stretch towards level fifty. I'm trying my best to stay away from the Gold Saucer after my Free Company almost staged an intervention, but it does take the edge off the grind. I've also only seen three episodes of Daredevil, and this needs to be rectified because it's so damn good.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
I think I'm close to bringing my Bloodborne hunt to an end. I've no idea if I'll finish things up this weekend, but I'm pretty sure that I've killed all of the optional bosses, and only have a couple more tense battles between myself and what will no doubt be a bloody conclusion. I've really enjoyed my time in Yharnam, and despite a few really frustrating points – like those bloody stupid Insight sucking enemies – the urge to chase the high of a hard fought victory has been really motivating.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
I've been playing so much Mortal Kombat X since it released, and I just can't see myself playing anything else for the foreseeable future. As someone who has played every entry in the series, I'm definitely loving it.
Marcello Apostolico, Reviewer
MORTAL KOMBAT! Sorry, had to say it. But in all seriousness, this whole weekend will be dedicated to playing Mortal Kombat X. I haven't been able to put it down since launch day.
What's keeping you indoors this weekend, then? As always, share your gaming itinerary with us in the comments section below.
Comments 51
after watching that EPIC trailer for the Force Awakens I've gone full on Star Wars mode and am playing Knights of the Old Republic on XBOX and Battlefront II on PS2
Aaru's Awakening from Plus and Pokémon Rumble World for 3DS.
I want to play dying light or borderland but
my kids is not supposed to see that so it will be Fifa 15......again
Trying to get my last Mortal Kombat trophies with smal breaks for Rayman Legends, mainly when the kids want to sit with me.
Pokemon Trading Card Game. Gotta card 'em all! — 7 Eleven Guy
Also gonna try to play some Dust: An Elysian Tail if I have time.
Diablo 3 on PS4, so close to the platinum, and MonsterBag on vita. Trophy hunting weekend.
I'm still playing South Park: The Stick of Truth (PS3), hoping to be done with it by Monday night.
Mortal Kombat X! First order of business...downloading the iPhone app and jumping through some hoops to get the mime costume for Johnny Cage.
Playing Arkham Asylum on hard mode. I have two more trophies to get then it's a platinum.
Depending on my mood I might play either MGS 3 or FFVIII.
Bloodborne, I'm straight up hooked.
Just hit Old Yharnam and have Cleric Beast and Father Gascgoine as notches on my Threaded Cane!
Mortal Kombat X. That will probably get the most play time until The Witcher 3.
Just got my plat on borderlands pre sequel so back to plants vs zombies gw for me
MH4U aiming to get to rank G2 also learning Mewtwo in Sm4sh and general practice for a small tournament I'm going to.
Well after hooking my retro systems up last weekend I am going old school
Sonic Adventure — I have never played this game so I am looking forward to checking it out.
Metropolis Street Racer — One of my favorite DC games going to get much Kudos on this weekend.
Sega Genesis
Batman — A nice action game based off of the 89 movie. I never knew it existed till a few days ago
Streets of Rage 2 — What can I say an old school brawler that never gets old.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft — Now that it's available on phones I have something to do when on my break at work.
Got my bloodborne plat now so finally going to jump into far cry 4
Resident Evil Revelations 2, Assassins Creed Unity, ..
I'm downloading Lords of the Fallen off the flash sale so will be checking that out soonish.
I need something to play while I impatiently wait for The Witcher to come out.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 on DS
Destiny of Spirits on Vita
and Battlefield 1943 on PS3
@FullbringIchigo @Tasuki I am jealous, PGR followed by KOTOR followed by SOR2 followed by Battlefront 2 bosssss. Been looking into purchasing a snes as the retro gaming bug has hit me hard since a game on shining force 2 but it £400 for a decent console. The game im playing this weekend is fez.
Same game I play every weekend & everyday. Minecraft lol. I've also become pretty beastly at Last of Us
------------------------- >>>> (explosion here)
Xenoblade Chronicles. Probably every weekend for the next 6 months judging by how fast I'm playing and how long the game is.
And Last of Us, which I should finish up next weekend, entered the woods last night about 2AM, about 2 hours past my bedtime. Woods was the only good place to stop in over 3 hours of gameplay. Well 3 hours for me which was probably only 1 hour of gameplay. I so hate killing 3 clickers only to have the 4th kill me and having to play the entire section over again, items and all. If they're going to have a game mode called "Easy" it should be easy. 1 bite kills should not ever be considered easy.
I got my butt handed to me online, so I will spend the weekend honing my skills.
Playing Bloodborne, had it now for 2 weeks and have just killed the cleric beast, so by reckoning ill complete it in time for uncharted 5 , see what I did there 😉
Been playing SF all evening long. I wanna be prepared when it hits the digital shelves this may. Now it's up to Capcom to announce ps3 arcade stick compatibility, else all my training will be futile!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi what you think of ps now? Seems to be running really smoothly
Bloodborne for me. The blood starved beast has got me. That one move where he takes like 90% of your health is crazy.
Dying light for me after getting beaten to a pulp on bloodbourne and gettibg pissed off with it.... Time for a break methinks
just got metro 2033 redux for like 15euro. Started playing in the afternoon and didnt stop untill 1:30AM. This game really reminds me of both halflife 1 and fallout 3, which are quite possibly my favourite games ever
@Flurpsel i was going to pick this up when it was in the sale but missed it. Worth a play then?
@themcnoisy Actually I am playing the predecessor to PGR, MSR. Good luck on getting that SNES.
Haha, complaining about difficulty again are we?
Excellent choices there. I really enjoyed TLoU- beat the game and the DLC I liked it so much, and Xenoblade, well, it's one of the best games ever made. You playing the new 3DS version or the Wii version? I started a game on the new 3DS but Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate still has it's claws in me.
I broke 300 hours today actually.
MLB 15: The Show .... Addicted. They tweaked just enough this year and the trophies are fun to go for - take note other sports games!
@themcnoisy I still have my SNES, works perfectly too
I never get rid of my consoles, I still have all my consoles from NES to current systems
@FullbringIchigo I had to ditch everything when I joined the navy. I had an Atari 2600, amstrad cpc6128, master system, Amiga 500, mega drive, ps1 with a dodgy disc drive a gamecube, game gear and an Atari lynx. The only systems I kept hold of was the original game boy and xbox. Lost the gameboy at sea and when I got back my xbox was missing.
@themcnoisy did you ever think of getting a RetroN5 it plays NES, SNES, MegaDrive and GameBoy games
yrah it's a emulation machine but you still need to use official games
@FullbringIchigo yes but the pal nes and snes games run at the wrong speed, the genesis/megad hz switch can be changed so the only benefit is pumping the Sega games to 700p. I would have to seek out American carts for the Nintendo stuff. That said its a better deal than purchasing a yellow snes for £400. I'm really interested in getting a mame coffee table or revamped candy cab but the prices are over a grand for a good quality stable machine. So I may treat myself to the retron as even if its not great its only £100.
@Mrskinner if you like the atmosphere in halflife and fallout 3 then youll probably like metro as well. And on hard mode its very tough (which I like). It isnt an incredibly fast and slick shooter like CoD though, so if you're expecting that you might be disappointed.
Playing some more MKX, maybe a little Toukiden or Lego Hobbit since I still haven't finished the plat yet.
Revising for exams ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ (off-topic but do you reckon ps4 will get a price cut during e3?)
@JaxonH - I'm playing the Wii version on my Wii U. Besides complaining about difficulty another of my fine attributes is doing things the odd way.
How much of that 300 hours is storyline and how much is on line multiplayer? I know there is a lot of content but I can't imagine the storyline is 300 hours. Did they even bother putting end credits in the game?
I'd say about 120 hours was the offline, single player campaign, and yes there are ending credits once you fend off the Rusted Kushala Daora in the Battlequarters and save Dundorma village. Others have spent upwards of 200 hours offline in the village quests- but me- I like to graduate to G rank ASAP because then you're not working toward armor and talismans that will be outclassed later.
If you only played every village quest once, an just did the KEY village quests that are tied to the story and required for progression, it would probably take about 75 hours to finish the story. But that'll never happen because you have to make better armor and weapons along the way, which means grinding an armor set periodically.
I made a Great Jaggi set in low rank right off the bat to get me started, then a Testsucabra set to finish out low rank and get me into high rank. I upgraded it quite a bit and made it last until I could craft a Najarala armor set in high rank. And I made that set last all of high rank and all the way through the G1 quests until I could craft my G rank starter set from Seregios. Then I used that to climb my way to the end of G rank where I made my final end game armor set.
If course, I made several other G rank armor sets since then, just because I like variety, but point being you can make it through all of low rank making just 2 armor sets, then 1 to get through high rank and 1 to get through G (and optionally a 2nd G rank set at the end if you plan to take on the uber-tough quests). Of course, you'll need to upgrade those sets along the way to keep your defense relevant, otherwise you'd need to craft WAY too many armor sets toget through the game.
@JaxonH - I'm going to start calling you Dr. Jax, you have an honorary Ph.D. in Monster Hunter.
@FullbringIchigo That's what I have done as well just hung on to my consoles. The only ones I have ever had to rebut was my SNES, N64 and PS2. My original SNES was stolen from me years ago, my N64 I traded in when the Game Cube came out towards a Game Cube and my PS2 I had to sell cause I needed the money at the time to help cover rent when I lost my job years ago.
As for the libraries for my systems some of the games I don't know what happened to them over the years I suspect that maybe my brother has them.
@Tasuki I never saw the point in getting rid of my old systems, probably because I grew up with cart based systems like NES and you could never use your old games on new systems, so I kept them to continue playing the games I liked
@rjejr Nice, Xenoblade Chronicles is probably my favorite Nintendo game ever. Monolithsoft definitely made something very special, that's for sure. Probably my favorite story in gaming ever.
Possibly Smash Bros, Bloodborne on new game +, Majora's Mask 3D, or new game + on Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii. More than likely though it'll just be a day of Borderlands Pre-Sequel on PS4.
@FullbringIchigo Yep same here. The one I regretted the most was trading in my N64 for the Gamecube. Don't get me wrong the GC was great but it couldn't play my N64 games. The other two I really didn't have control.
Finally got father Gascoigne down after the 11th or so attempt, I immediately punched the air as if I was ryu and was doing a dragon punch and ran around the room as if I had scored in the world cup final.
The wife thought I was sad but I was so relieved and didn't care 😊
Do you/have you guys had the same feeling whilst playing bloodborne or any other game and what's ur gaming celebration 😊 ????
Barney: Hide and Seek, Maximum Carnage
@marston1983 haha i virtually had the sane reacrion to every boss in any FROM software game lol
@Mrskinner phew that's good to hear, i thought I was just bad a the game 😊
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