The Order: 1886 was met with a mixed reception, and seeing as we haven't heard a whisper about its sales, we're guessing that it flopped at retail, too. It's not an enormous surprise, then, that developer Ready at Dawn now wants to release games on more than the PlayStation 4. Well, that's according to the company's new CEO Paul Sams, who was speaking as part of an interview with Games Industry this morning.
"The one thing that is for sure is that we intend to continue to try and build some of the best games in the world," said Sams. "While we expect to continue in our tradition of making big AAA games, we will not rule anything out at this point. Great games come in many shapes and sizes these days and we will look to be involved with games that we believe in and that we love to play ourselves. Said another way, we are platform agnostic at this point – just like most gamers. Further, our technology now supports multiplatform development. Since the release of The Order, we have been very hard at work to advance our engine and technology to a place where we can deliver our games on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and one other unannounced platform that you will soon find out about."
Aside from that, the studio wants to have full control over its IPs in the future. "We want to build, own, and publish our own IPs in the future. We are in the process of trying to figure out how we will be able to achieve that goal. As for The Order, it was absolutely the company's desire to own it. We love that game and we are proud of it. Unfortunately, we were at a point in the company's evolution where owning that IP was not possible. We hope to not find ourselves in that position again."
Sams joining the team is big news in its own right, as he was Blizzard's CEO for ten years. Ru Weerasuriya, the company's former CEO who will now take on the role of president and chief creative officer, said that Sams will play a large part in helping Ready at Dawn achieve its IP goals. He said: "Paul's expertise will be essential in achieving some of our goals, including our desire to seek a strategic partner in helping us create and retain ownership of our own transmedia IPs."
While losing an exclusivity deal is never good news for any console maker, we doubt that this will be a heavy blow to Sony's plans – after all, we're talking Ready at Dawn and not Naughty Dog. Still, we'd love to know what you think, so go ahead and fill us in on your thoughts in the comments below.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 24
And just like that The Order: 1886 as a franchise died a cold, quick death. It's a shame as there was potential in that series, and I reckon a sequel that wasn't solely devoted to the tech would be ace. Alas, there were far too many problems with the original for Sony to consider pumping another $20 million or so into the series.
This is interesting, though, isn't it? "We have been very hard at work to advance our engine and technology to a place where we can deliver our games on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and one other unannounced platform that you will soon find out about."
Funny, the order 1886 was the first big seller for my store and it reached no.1 in the charts so yh i guess it did flop.
Didn't Michael Pachter say the order would sell more than 10million?
Not a big loss at all. I'd drop them too for that atrocity of a game they put out.
@get2sammyb Could this be the Nintendo NX? I can't think what else it could be. That's a good sign that's it's coming soon and is going to be powerful, if that is what he's referring to.
@viciousarcanum How long did it stay at number one? How big is your store? How many copies did you sell? Did it do better than Bloodborne, for example?
It's a shame that these guys get so much hate now because besides the god awful Order 1886, they made some amazing PSP games.
Is the new console the steam box?
@NeverGoFulRetard I was thinking that, but they've already been announced. But then again, so has the NX, so I don't know.
@NeverGoFulRetard @Wesker I would think that would still be classed as a PC to be fair. I think its a safe bet to think its the Nintendo NX
"another console we will soon hear about"
you mean the Nintendo NX, we already heard about that
still on topic I guess them going multiplatform wouldn't really hurt Sony after all Sony still own the IP's so if they had too they would just get another developer to make the games for them
@get2sammyb RAD backed down on that statement saying "they have no knowledge regarding any unannounced platform" interestingly they also say "The Order is meeting sales expectations"
They shouldn't have insulted our intelligence by making that shambles of a game. They made their bed, and will be consigned to the dustbin of history.
Good luck. Whatever Ready at Dawn does in the future, hopefully it's better than The Order, we don't need another studio closure.
Oh maaaaan, I was really hoping they'd continue with the Order series. The first one just felt like the first chapter in an epic tale. WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FIGHT THAT THING WE FOUND THAT I WON'T NAME FOR SPOILER REASONS!
@get2sammyb That sounds more like he's referring to an existing platform that they never worked on before.
@Johnnycide IKR...I don't see how they could've made a game like The Order and have expected it to receive anything more than a lukewarm response at best. I bought it because I love mediocre TPS games, but even compared to Inversion, Scourge Outbreak or Gears of War, the Order doesn't even try anything new gameplay-wise and ends up being my least favorite of the bunch.
They might as well go multiplatform sinnce The Order didn't sell good at all. They gotta make living some how. I just knew that game wasn't going to sell much. The Order is already forgotten...
@get2sammyb same thought... They built a really interesting world for The Order 1886. Too bad there won't be a sequel for it anymore... Going mulitplatform doesn't means better.. they will loss the halo being a platform exclusive.. Just like Insomniac Games...
@get2sammyb Ouya 2
I didn't know Sony Owned the IP to the Order. I'm sure Sante Monica or another big studio could do a better job with the IP, no offense ReadyatDawn. But they make great handheld games.
You have to go multi platform when your exclusives sells wind 👆 in the 🚽 , got to make some of that 💰🔙 somehow, to bad I'll skip it
That unannounced platform better be Morpheous.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Exactly!
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