Amazingly, it's that time of the month yet again where our attention turns to the Instant Game Collection. It may only feel like yesterday that Rocket League released for free, but August's PlayStation Plus update should be announced sometime next week – barring a last-minute disaster, of course.
This means that it's time to speculate about what could be included in Sony's latest collection of complimentary gaming goods. New releases on 4th August – when we're expecting the lineup to refresh – include Bedlam, The Castle Game, and AeternoBlade, all of which could make the cut. Submerged and Galak-Z: The Dimensional are also due out on the same day, but are tied to existing promotions, and are unlikely to be given away.
Of course, there's no guarantee that we'll score any brand new games – but Sony does seem to prefer leading with fresh releases rather than older outings. We suppose that we're probably due something a little bigger budget; Knack, for some reason, has been a constant request from subscribers since launch.
But instead of us jabbering on, we want to hear your thoughts. What games are you hoping will make the grade in August, and why? Are you still clamouring for major blockbusters, or do you like the newer indie stuff that the Japanese giant's been giving away of late? Share your wishlist for August in the comments section below, and don't forget to check back throughout next week for confirmation of the official offering.
Comments 74
There is nothing on my radar until September 1st, so I'm not fussed!
Knack and Killzone for sure for PS4.
I wouldn't mind Killzone on PS4 either. I have only played the Vita one and would like to try another from the series.
I'd take Roundabout and Astebreed right now. That would go down well, wouldn't it?
Galak z. Let's make it happen, sony.
@get2sammyb I've a feeling that if roundabout is given away then there may be rioting in the streets.
I bought batman launch day but been so busy with work I've only played an hour or two and brought borderlands for vita for holiday away so this time I'm not fussed I'll let the team vote for me
I'd be happy with Knack, The Castle Game, or Bedlam.
Hmm, knack,tembo the badass elephant,guilty gear....I'd take shadow fall again as I had it had sold it on upon completion..but was fun multiplayer
I would to see some AAA games for PS4 this time around. It's about time we started getting big game love for PS4 Plus subscribers. It's a stretch, but, I'd like to see The Order 1886 be a freebie in August, hahaha. It's probably too soon for that to happen though, but that'll be about the only way I end up playing that game.
Whatever the games will be they are indies most likely. We aren't getting AAA freebies unless they are really old like killzone. I have knack so I prefer that doesn't go free. I would love submerged to be free because it looks like a great new game indie or not.
@JesWood13 rent it for 2 days max and you will finish it. You can buy it for $30 now but I still wouldn't get it.
Don't let no one tell you this game was better than what critics rated it. This was one of my most anticipated games but it had mediocre gameplay and non inspired boss fights and the story was just meh. The story ends very abruptly and non satisfying.
I predict Surgeon Simulator, Trials Fusion, Dark Souls, Citizen Earth, Chariot and Severed
what I hope, 1 AAA title for each platform and 1 indie/budget title for each platform.
what I think, 1 AAA title and 5 indie/budget titles.
not that I have something against indie titles and budget titles but it would be nice if we had some variëty on each platform this time.
@unionjack3rd badass elephant looks good and actually fun to pay with the demo. It didn't get great reviews so i wonder if it falls apart in the rest of the game.
@get2sammyb You're just trying to make me crack mentioning that.
axium verge, shovel knight, BF4, another world, murder soul suspect, wolfenstien the order, maybe one of the remakes like the last of us, gtv, tomb raider, since they are last gen games. id be happy with any of these
I would like submerged and knack, as I'm refusing to buy the latter knowing full well that as soon as I do it'll be free the following month!
Do not understand the constant raving for Knack. I hope they release it at some point so everyone can stop beating a dead horse. The Last Tinker was a better game but people seem to be hung up on the AAA tag. It would be great to see Dying Light as a free release! Also, Axiom Verge would be great.
Toukiden Kiwami.
Anything...its all good
@Ewflex agree completely. @JessWood I'm 100% honest with this. You should just watch the whole thing on YouTube. It's 60% cutscenes and what game play there is just isn't fun at all.
The only positive is that it looks incredible, but even that gets boring after a couple of hours.
I started it a couple of weeks ago and I'm about halfway through. I'm not even sure I'm going to finish it.
It's that bad.
I would love to see Titan Souls or Shovel Knight. I have Shovel on 3DS but would love to go through it again on ps4.
Would love Rayman Legends, it's been on xbox gold few months ago, time for Sony to put it up for free if not, i'd be happy with Axiom Verge or Shovel knight, but it's probably too early for those
Dunno but Rocket league was worth my subscription alone!!! Freakin awesome game!!!!
Some kind of action slasher DmC style, a good Prince of Persia style action adventure or nice Black Flag open world-esque title would be top for me, triple a or not.
Im quite particular about what I like so often its hard to see the fun in games I dont enjoy as a rule.
Edit: Journey would be good, I missed that on PS3 but the whole idea just captivated me.
PvZ: Garden Warfare is on sale this week so wouldn't rule out that being included on PS4 and/or PS3. My copy of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is broke so I'll be greedy and ask for that. Would allow Sony to give some Persona away while not making it the main game. They'll never release that on PS+ as it's the only must have on Vita. Although I imagine if P4A does come it will be in a few months as Dancing All Night gets nearer release. Would be a canny move by Atlus. Unfortunately they're owned by Sega who seem allergic to good ideas.
@Johnnycide Only 60%? I'd say more like 75%.
Diablo 3 for PS4 and the Batman game for the Vita - surely they must realise they are charging too much for this game.
My tip is to look at what has recently been discounted and that could be a PS+ in the next month.
@rastamadeus true. That game is a dog.
Plants vs zombies was given away a while back by EA. Can't see it happening on plus.
I know the games I wish for are likely impossible for Sony to offer for free, but I will still have some hope.
I wish for AAA games like Dark Souls 2, Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare or Battlefield 4.
@adf86 I would be happy with that. Citizen Earth and Chariot are games I am interested in playing, which if they had those two, would make it the best month since the PS4 launched.
I own knack and vote for knack. Its repetitive, no clue the story i skipped every cutscene, but it is fun. Im through my 6th play through right now. When im not in the mood to expend brain power, or really even focus much but want to game, maybe hang out in party chat knacks my game. I understand its reviews, but it reminds me of being a kid playing games for the first time, it reminds me of games that many hold in high regard so i will not mention them and start a war. But for me personally, and the 4 copies i bought for relatives for xmas, weve all gotten great entertainment over who could collect everything first. If not knack then killzone, another launch title but one that has vastly underrated multiplayer, or infamous.
I would like Galak-Z, personally. Hopefully the promotion you mention won't be too much of an issue.
Having looked it up, Submerged looks like something right up my alley.
But itll no doubt be discounted rather than in the plus line up.
@Johnnycide Was on PS4 only that so I can see it being a PS3 game on Plus. Or, knowing Sony and EA, on PS4 despite already being given away.
@Johnnycide you wil not see a sequel to this game for sure especially after Read at Dawn last news report. I am banking on next yr to finally get some great sony exclusives like UC 4, Rachet and clank, Horizon etc.
@BigDaddyT0101 knack is good but I can't imagine playing 6 times. I think Rachet and clank reboot will blow knack away. Knack was fun but it was repetitive but the story was cool with me. The gameplay issue was that it wasn't enough variety like flying like it can do in Rachet and clank and jet packing etc.
Killzone or Knack, maybe The Last Thinker for a Indie game.
I am still enjoying Rocket Leauge! Kill zone would be sweet. I already played through it and traded it in, but the multiplayer is fun and if it was free it would probably get a bunch of new players on the servers.
@Ewflex I think it comes down to one of my favorite sayings. "to each their own". There have been highly reviewed games that I have bought only to find it complete trash, or a solid 6 at best, or in knacks case it got 3's/4's and I would have given it a solid 7. I'm looking forward to the next ratchet, would love a crash/spyro revival. My ultimate "days of gaming past" revival would be medieval. If I happened to run across a kickstarter, not only would it be only the first game I would support, but there is a solid chance I would go to that $1-200 range pledge. I miss Sir Daniel that much.
I hope we get AC Black flag. Was one of the first Ps4 games I bought but my favourite AC (mainly because your a pirate), also the xbox has already had it free, and doesn't sony have some deal for the new AC? I think it would make sense with a new one coming soon. Just really feel like playing again but don't want to re-buy. And another game like Rocket League that I didn't expect to be so fun.
Need for Speed
Last month was the best with the unexpected (for me) Rocket League for free, so I'm open to some new surprises.
@JesWood13 Its good for a couple of days, I traded in some games - finished it - then traded it back within a week losing £7.50 in the process. Yet I didn't regret it at all.
The Order has been given a rough ride, and for good reason. But as a standalone game the graphics are unbelievable, I personally liked some of the characters, the tone, setup and naming conventions in the game are well thought out. But best of all is photo mode after a shot with the arc electricity rifle, this simply has to be done. So its well worth a run through in my opinion (a million times better than planetside 2 and nba live).
I want to see P4g on the vita and COD ghosts on ps4.
@Clay_Davis83 Your right, but as fans who have read the terrible reviews and avoided - we wouldn't mind seeing just how mediocre with the free games. I don't believe for one second anyone here thinks its going to be great, but I would still like to have a go anyway.
Axiom verge is a great shout.
Rocket league was the only game last month that wasn't terrible, if plus wasn't required for online I wouldn't bother resubbing.
@BigDaddyT0101 I thought knack wasn't that bad and I would give it a 7/10. But I did buy it for $10 on psn so my perspective of the games value could be based on how much I paid. If I paid $60 then maybe I would have thought it was worth 5/10 rating. Just like The Order 1886 I bought day one and thought it was a 5 or 6/10 but if I got it for only 20-$30 I may have given it a 7/10. By the way, I traded in The Order 1886 once I played it on hard difficulty and it took me about 9 hrs. I have never played a game on my first play thru on hard. It was a flop of a game.
@themcnoisy you're absolutely right. Can't argue with greater exposure good, bad or indifferent.
We won't be getting any AAA games for a while, not until the catalouge grows a fair bit. Not enjoying the offerings from Plus of late, doesn't mean I don't put them in my games list, as who can resist a freebie...even if you'll probably never play it 😉
I think I might be the first, but Rocket League was absolutely not the rave and fun time Ive been hearing about.
I played through the training and thought Ill try out a few offline games as I had zero interest in the online aspect.
The AI on standard felt like I was playing Fifa on beginner, and the only reason it wouldnt be 10 million nil is because Id score an own goal out of boredom.
So I ramped up the diff and it was like trying to outrun Usain Bolt while chained to a post.
Definitely not my thing at all, but then I knew it wouldnt be.
Personally I would like Knack, The Escapists, Magicka 2, Helldivers, Flame Over, Pillar, Hand of Fate, there's a lot of games I would like to see tbh. But Killzone isnt one of them, its not a patch on Killzone 3 and Ive already played it. Rather try out Knack.
As long as its not the disgusting Toro.....
Would love to see Axiom Verge up for grabs
It would be awesome if they added your choice of a free monthly game rental on PS Now - either that or offer an annual subscription for PS Now for $50.
I still don't think the PS4 is up there in term of library Volume yet that they can offer anything really crazy for the PS4, like they can on there older systems. But based on what there is and for the sheer hilarity of it, Id like that pigeon dating simulator to be a freebie for a month.
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya with you on rocket league. I played it a bit at a friends house but it's nowhere near as good as people make out.
I'd be fine even if none of the games interested me. They are just bonus gifts so I have nothing to complain about. Also gives me time to whittle down my backlog.
Crossing my fingers for Octodad! I've been patiently waiting for that one to hit PS+ since it launched on PS4.
That time again already lol! Im still happy with rocket league but im worried i havent heard of ANY of those games you listed apart from knack p.s i really dont get why people want knack so much its not a great game tbh its good....not great
Killzone: Shadowfall
Dying Light is a good shout. I'm not a huge fan of first person perspective games but I've heard that it's pretty decent.
Broken Sword on the Vita would be my other choice.
The order 1886. I think it would fit nicely. You don't hear it's name anymore, it came and went quickly. I doubt its sales are anything to write home about and it would make ps plus members feel appreciated, a bit more bang for their buck, plus it would be quite unexpected. This won't happen but it's something I would consider if I were Sony.
Looks like someone had that same idea already
Journey on PS4 please!
With Playstation Plus - I usually like things that have slipped under the radar a little so they come as more of a surprise when you first download them. However, I have been meaning to get around to Shovel Knight so if that was on there, I'd be as happy as a pig in mud.
Language -Tasuki-
Please, anything but Knack...would love to see a big title lead the way though and Killzone could be a perfect choice - haven't got any shooters on PS4 yet but fancy giving this a go.
I think we'll see Jamestown+ at some point soon and I bought astebreed last week so I selfishly hope it's not that!
Terraria would be nice and the order
How about Infamous second son....That's quite a old one and a AAA to boot
@Johnnycide I wouldn't say it was that bad, but it definitely was lacking in the gamplay n story was ok , but what carried me through was the graphics. The funny thing was 90% of the cutscene where not pre rendered But in-game elements . A few times I had my self thinking why is he just standing there during a cutscene, but the cut scene had ended already a and was back in gameplay. Yeah the graphics where that good to me . So I sat there imagining somthing like destiny or batman with those kind of graphics. Fook yeah mate!
Well I can say what I hope doesn't show up: Tales from the Borderlands and Broken Age. I've just bought them so that'd be annoying. Knack would actually be good. I'm not going to buy a 3D platformer ever, especially one that no one likes, whereas at least with The Order I would actually buy it if it got to about £10 or so.
I feel like The Order would be better released for the December PS+ as a kind of pretend Christmas present. It's also more comfortably distant from its release date. It'd also be interesting if Sony put Tomb Raider Definitive Edition up there when RotTR comes out on Xbox One. Not sure if it'd come across as deftly undermining Microsoft or pathetically trying to compete, though.
What I want free for August line is Vita games-Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited, Freedom Wars. PS3 Games-Dark Souls and something else. I don't care much for Ps4 games since i dont have one, But please no garbage games this month.
PS4 games would be The Last of Us Remastered or Battlefield:Hardline. For PS3, Black Ops 2 or Assassin's Creed: Rouge. As far as Vita, I don't have one anymore. I have a feeling we are going to get games that are equal in comparison to these made up titles like "Pickle Shooter Mayhem" or "Crossword Jewel Thief." Or how about "Hamburger Maker: From Scratch" because that sounds like so much indie fun!!
I'd like to see Resident Evil HD and another triple A offering for PS4, but not too fussed about PS3 and Vita.
I'd love to see shovel knight, if that was given away I wouldn't even care if the next few month's free games were garbage
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