There are some things in life that never change. We've been reporting on Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian for eons now, but at least they've both proven to be proper products that can – no matter how fleetingly – be consumed. The long-in-production Uncharted movie, however, has been a frequent proponent of a certain curse-laden GIF for as long as we can remember – and it's just been delayed to 2017.
This time it's Variety with the hot news, who reminds us that progress stalled this summer after director Seth Green departed the project. There have been approximately 452 names attached to this flick over the years by our reckoning. For the record: Sony Pictures doesn't have a script or cast for this cinematic spin-off yet. In other words: it doesn't exist, it never has, and it probably never will. But hey, we can't wait to report on another "delay" in a few months' time.
[source variety.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 14
I don't know if we need an Uncharted movie, we already have Indiana Jones!
BORING! We all know it will be rubbish, if it ever gets made.
@LieutenantFatman Don't worry, it won't.
Chris Pratt as Nathan Drake anyone?
@WanderingBullet The only suitable actor to play Nate Drake is Nathan Fillion, approximately 10 years ago. I remember reading a couple years back that whoever was supposedly directing it at one point was considering Fillion for the role, but then a new guy was brought in who'd never heard of him.
While we're on the subject of things that are never going to see the light of day and Nathan Fillion, BRING BACK FIREFLY.
Here we go again...
@SteveButler2210 Yeah, I've read about that but like you said that was 10 years ago. I think Chris Pratt would be better choice than Mark Wahlberg as Nathan Drake. They should also not cast Robert De Niro as Sully.
Ryan Reynolds as Nate?
J k Simmons as sully?
Jennifer Lawrence as elana (sp)
Helen mirren as the baddie ala uncharted 3??
@SteveButler2210 It might be too late now, but I think Nolan North as Nathan Drake would be the best idea.
Awesome I thought it would take longer
Nevermind, I didn't know Chris Pratt turned down the role to play Nathan Drake back in 2014. lol
As long as Adam Sandler is nowhere near this movie, it should be fairly good.
My dream cast:
DJ Khaled as Nathan Timothy Drake
Willem Dafoe as Victor "Sully" Sullivan
Troy Baker as the ghostly voice of Elena Fisher
And featuring Mel Gibson as the franchise's biggest and baddest villain to date, the enigmatic "Dr. Scrumps"
(Note to whoever is making this movie - I haven't bothered to check - Mr. Dafoe should
deliver his lines exclusively through gritted teeth)
If this does eventually happen I hope they don't go and cast some Matt Damon type actor as Nate, I personally wouldn't mind Christ Pratt.
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