Right, so they've been basically confirmed for a while, but during yesterday's Destiny livestream, Bungie finally showed off some swords. Categorised as heavy weapons, these blades will require purple ammunition to 'charge' them, but they look cool enough to be worth the trouble.
These instruments of death aren't like most of your usual armaments, though, due to the fact that you won't be able to find them as random loot drops. Instead, you'll have to 'forge' them through a series of quests - probably not unlike the objectives that already exist for various other exotic weapons.
The swords boast their own unique perks, and they control a lot like the Hive blades that are currently present in the sci-fi shooter. As such, unsheathing your sword unsurprisingly shifts the camera to a third-person perspective, so they should prove to be a popular choice for players who like seeing their Guardian in all of their glory.
Do you think that swords are an awesome addition, or are you struggling to care? Hack and slash your way into the comments section below.
Comments 7
Already knew about them but it is pretty exciting!!!
They need to be usable without heavy ammo though. If you can't just swing it whenever, I'm not sure how they'll be able to explain why you can't swing a big piece of sharp metal at your enemies when a small knife works on them.
I'll definitely head back in to try one of these out.
@Jaz007 That's a very good point. Titans run around punching things with their fists, so why not just swing around a huge piece of metal even if it isn't charged?
Hopefully we won't have to kill a bajillion guardians in the crucible using void damage to get these dandy butterknives.
This is cool, but you need to be able to use them whenever. That's pretty dumb if you ask me. Might as well keep a rocket launcher equipped when I'm in the crucible, because I never live long enough to use purple ammo drops, if I do get them at all...
Warframe>destiny nuff said!
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