Type Sammy, type! It's the eve of EGX 2015, so we're putting together WAYP abnormally early this time. Of course, you won't know that because you'll be reading this increasingly unnecessary pre-amble on Saturday. Here's everything that the team are planning to play this weekend.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
This weekend, I'll be descending on EGX 2015 with a few other members of the Push Square crew to sample some future gaming delights. There'll be plenty to check out, but top of my list is PlayStation VR, since I'm keen to see if virtual reality really is going to be the next frontier in gaming.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
It's yet another week of playing catch-up as I continue to try and regain some lost time with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. No matter how much I play, I barely feel like I'm making headway, but at least it's really, really fun. I might also make some time for NHL 16, and certainly for the Rainbow Six: Siege beta.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
My original Ridge Racer disc has drifted out of its jewel case, and I'm ready for a Galaxian loading screen. "Wow, what a start" for me to play a couple of the PSone's launch games this weekend.
Marcello Apostolico, Reviewer
While I'll be a little busy spending time with friends and family celebrating my upcoming birthday, I definitely plan on catching up on some games – and possibly new ones, too. As of now, I'm planning on tackling some Destiny now that it's been updated, and trying to finish up Murdered: Soul Suspect. I'm eagerly waiting for Tuesday to play Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 also.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
The Rainbow 6 Siege beta – don't make fun of me – is what I'll be playing this weekend. I can't wait to rappel up someone's house and blow a hole in their wall before laying siege to it. Oh, and saving the hostage – I guess.
What's on your itinerary this weekend, then? Will you be tucking into your backlog, or trying something new? Beef up our engagement metrics in the comments section below.
Comments 44
Going to get as much Destiny played as possible, as my gf has decreed that I'm "obsessed" and ordered me to leave the house with her.
LBX: Little Battlers Experience on my 3DS X3
Just completed all missions in MGSV this morning so feel like I need a break from that now (I'll mop up remaining side ops if I get the courage!). Need to give some attention to Tearaway before the heavy October onslaught commeth!
Getting on with batman I hope. My youngest daughter wants to play the frozen snow ball game arggghh just what I need cluttering up my trophies
Bit of Destiny to level up my Warlock and become a sith lord, then maybe inch closer to the platinum trophy on the Last of us
inFAMOUS: Second Son and Metal Gear Solid V.
Destiny and Diablo I think
Destiny!!!! That is all....
Almost done with Uncharted 1 on crushing. After I finish that, I'll probably just play something to unwind, and get Uncharted 2's treasures (20 left) tomorrow.
I've also been wanting to revisit Sleeping Dogs recently, so I'll probably do just that.
I'm with Graham, apparently both taking our time to play through this gem ...just like Snake
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain & Destiny for sure this weekend. Other than that, I'm thinking about finally getting around to starting a New Game + run on Death March in The Witcher 3 before the first expansion arrives, and maybe get around to some of my Nintendo backlog on 3DS if my buddies don't drag me out of the house this weekend.
Still playing through Danganronpa: Another Episode.
Probably will also play some Sonic Unleashed and maybe start Persona 3 FES.
PS4 - Diablo 3 (Bonus Caches weekend event)
Vita - Rayman Origins,Heroes of Loot and maybe Xeodrifter.
FIFA 16, MGSV, and rainbow six beta. I'm still on the fence about Siege but I like the concepts. I can't wait to see it polished in December.
I wanna play Destiny, I wanna finish MGS, but all I'm playing is PES PES PES.... Tonight after the game (go Bokke!) I'm hosting the first part of the 1st PES 2016 tournament at my place. 10 people have already entered the competition and I expect at least 6 more to participate. Hope I'll finally be able to win one of these tournaments, cause usually I get knocked out in the semis.
Dragon Age Inquisition (PS4): loving this game, and will be putting alot more time into it.
Broken Sword 5 at the mo' but also have Witcher 3 Arkham Knight (new game+) on the go too.
It's going to be a killing and looting weekend for me
Single players
PS4 — Diablo III
PS4 — Diablo III, Borderlands 2
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 (Steam)
Super Smash Bros for Wii U
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
@hYdeks the story is brilliant, but as soon as the main bit is done, it's just fetch and find gets boring quickly, but hey it took me 70 hours to do the story, so you can't complain, witcher is much better
Well I bought Mad Max and no matter what most critics say I enjoy the game a lot! So I'll be playing that and, of course, MGSV
Trying to Get through the phantom pain. It's so long.
Xenoblade Chronicles, and maybe Far Cry 4
I know, I know, they're old games, but I've a huge backlog and I can't be bothered to play new games atm (unless it's Fallout 4)
Jamie has it spot on with ridge racer, the music 🎶 was absolutely brilliant listen to grip or rare hero. Wow. My favourite was 4, followed by revolution and 6.
This weekend I want to get a few multiplayer games in on rocket league, finish geometry wars 3 and get a couple of trophies on Minecraft before I trade it in.
NBA 2k16; it's good.
I normally despise online gaming but can't seem to stop playing Rocket League er all week It's sooooooooo much FUN Well & i can smell a Platinum Trophy soon
Still FFXIII on PS Now. They took it down a couple of days after I started my monthly rental (sugesting HD version is in the works?), so I must finish it!
NOBODY is playing SOMA?
Super Mario Maker.
Gosh dang I just can't get enough of this game! It had enough pull to yank me away from MGSV and hasn't allowed me to go back since.
I love making professional levels with challenging but fair difficulty. In fact, I'll ttyl cause I'm going to make a new level now...
Will take a break from destiny to be farmed in dark souls 2.... and Lego dimensions with the wife and kids.
Well Forza 6... Was gonna be Destiny TTK on PS4 but my PlayStation has blown up... Can't believe that Sony want £175 to repair it!!
Had it since release, both controllers failed and now the PS4 /sadface
Pirate Warriors 3 and The Witcher 3
@sradmatt I was actually looking into getting that game after DA Inquisition. Thanks for the suggestion!
Was gonna try TTK or finally get around to finishing up the last bit of the Witcher 3. PSN sale last week had Metro Last Light for $7.50 and it has had me hooked ever since, oldy but goody I suppose.
This weekend? Uhm - dunno what I could squeeze in between getting up, doing driving practice, and going to work for 5:00pm - 9:30 - might be nothing! But if I had a choice? Catherine. Reached stage 2 on quadrangle and I am dreading it!
I've eventually got around to MGSV after platting PW3 but now One Piece Treasure Cruise has stolen my attention away from it again. Sorry, Boss.
PS4 - MGS V: The Phantom Pain
Xbox One - Forza Motorsport 6
@Liam1894 Catherine is awesome. One of my favourite games on PS3. I'm playing Pumped BMX +
Just bought Shadow Warrior for £6. Very fun game so far!
It was a combination of Until Dawn, Madden 16 MUT & some duelist challenges on Yugioh to try and finish off the last trophy. Still some time to get a little Skylanders Superchargers in too!
A fellow NHL 16 gamer!? Cool.
My WAYP is NHL, every weekend.
Hate it within passion but still log in daily and rack ridiculous hours even though I constantly whine about the crippled AI in an EA game. AGAIN!
Come in EA, hire some decent programmers for a change and give them sufficient time to complete it.
I've been playing Darksiders 1 (PS3) lately, just finished Chapter 02 by defeating The Griever.
This weekend was a bit of a slow one for me, as I had to fit in visiting family and friends, as well as commencing studies as I have just enrolled to take my maths a level next year - I've got 7 months to cover 2 years worth of topics and get to sit 6 exams in May/June, so finding time to game is going to be pretty tight this next few months!
I did, however, manage to start Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSX) on the Vita. An oldy but I'm playing it for the first time and really enjoying it so far. Just gotten to the Long Library, and I have to say the soundtrack in the game so far is absolutely phenomenal! I just hope there is a relic that enables Alucard to run like you could at the very start of the game, as his slow movement frustrates me a tad!
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