
Sony's gone ahead and announced next month's PlayStation Plus lineup – and we're hoping that, in the spirit of the season, people won't be kicking off over December's offerings.
On PlayStation 4, you're getting King's Quest - Chapter I: A Knight to Remember and Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, while Vita enthusiasts will nab Freedom Wars and Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken. And finally, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and SSX round things off as the PlayStation 3 picks.
What do you reckon? Is this selection better than Christmas dinner, or is it the equivalent of finding a lump of coal under the tree? Try to have a happy holiday in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 80
That's crappy even for plus. On the ps4 at least.
I've already got Blood Dragon so might grab SSX, but Kings Quest? Gauntlet? I don't think either remake which was wanted or needed. The original games hold up about as well as cereal from the same time period.
No opinion on the Vita offerings because they're all JRPGs or mobile ports.
Ah well. At least it gives me an incentive to clear a backlog a bit.
Not going to be everyone's cup of tea but I'm really happy, since I've had my finger over the "Buy" button these titles a couple of times now and didn't go ahead with it.
Again, some AAA's would be nice for the wow factor but I can't think of such a title I'd like that I havn't already purchased* so ho hum.
I'm happy overall with that although only one chapter for King's Quest is a bit weak as that's more of a demo.
I'll pick up Gauntlet, I almost jumped for it when it was initially released.
I think I have my nostalgia glasses on though........I always wish for a modern take on the N64 and Dreamcast Gauntlet Legends games by Midway.
I don't own any of the PS4 games so at least there's something for me to download and never play this month.
I've read good things about King's Quest so I'll probably give it a try, and if I still had access to my PS3 I'd definitely get Blood Dragon.
Also, everyone should definitely play SSX - excellent fun.
You should see PlayStation blog's comment section, it's full of the usual entitled whiners again. I'm beginning to think these people wouldn't spot a good thing even if it smacked them round the head.
I think Injustice was the most AAA we ever got.......but yeah, I'm surprised they have yet to put up Knack or Killzone.
I'll probably try gauntlet. Wasn't it released in August?
Happy to see Freedom Wars on the list, since I very reluctantly removed it from my Best Buy shopping cart yesterday before ordering a few other things. I wasn't sure I'd see the game for less than $10 again in the near future, but free is a lot better!
Yes, I think so.
This may seem a little underwhelming, but for the love of god please play Gauntlet. It's a hugely fun romp with friends, and probably the best Gauntlet game ever
Fantastic month for me and I only care about the PS4 game's, I don't even know anything about the first game but I almost bought Gantlet when it was released I am so glad I didn't now, I can't wait great month!!!
@Anchorsam_9 hmm yeah especially since it obviously didn't do well have been out only since August.
This is straight up polly wolly crappy. I thought they'd knock it out of the park this month to entice those receiving a PS4 for xmas to stick with Plus, but there's just no incentive here. The only game I'd be interested in is Blood Dragon, which I bought at launch. The PS4 selection this month is abysmal, even by the lowered standards Sony has cultivated lately.
This reminds me of the month Rocket League came out. The usual suspects stating worst month ever, balanced by loads saying they were so so happy to get Rocket League on PS+ and the former were slowly realising that some of the games are actually brilliant if they have a quick look. But they would never admit they were wrong. And then of course the following month, back to square one, nothing learnt.
Is it just King's quest episode 1, or the whole season? Cause that would be amazing if it was the whole season.
Well, I've been curious about the Gauntlet game for PS4, so will definitely give it a go, as long as it's like the originals. As for PS3, it kinda sucks for me as I already have those two titles, and I never heard of the other game for PS4, so I'll give that a go to. Not too bad, I suppose, as I have enough other games to catch up on too and the holidays are coming around, so that means less game time for me.
Excellent, worth it for gauntlet, it reviewed well and i've wanted it for ages and nearly bought it, however i ended buying astebreed instead as I had a feeling gauntlet would be plus fodder eventually. Happy about that.
Jamestown plus must surely be another title or maybe flame over contending for the next few months ps plus games.
Not bad, was curious about kings quest. Gauntlet is good I have on the PC, it'll be better on ps4.
@kyleforrester87 I actually got knack on sale. It was fairly dull. I didn't get far before falling asleep and moving on.
Oh my god this is totally rubbish for PS4. Sony is having a massive laugh at us all right now.
On Vita - yay freedom wars!!! Nearly bought it last month!! Phew. This saves the month for me.
Finally, games I don't already own (apart from Blood Dragon). 1 episode of a game seems a bit tight though.
@adf86 so entitled they are that they have the nerve to complain when a service they're paying for is absolutely terrible huh?
We don't need apologists here.
@adf86 If PS+ were a free service, you would have a point. But because we are paying a monthly fee to "rent" these games, we have every right to complain when the selection is terrible. And for many of us, the selection is absolutely terrible.
I'm definitely going to get gauntlet loved the original and this version sounds a vast improvement. Also freedom wars on the vita, I'll get both the ps3 games but chances are I won't have time to play them, but you never know
@thedevilsjester @gingerfrog LOL what thats bloody amazing better than the junk we have been getting and the vita games are amazing the rocket birds has the best bloody game soundtrack is amazing game. I know it is oppinion but wow if that bad i hate see what you call good i bet your the cod and gta gamer i bet you dont play any original games . also complain all you want as i have the right to say thats its a amazing line up and your a spoiled brat that thinks every month should be games you only like.
Calm down.
I suppose at least we're consistently getting games I had no intention of buying, instead of stuff I've already bought. Would have been nice to get one big PS4 game for December/xmas though.
First to babies stop complaining its not going to change the games and second you are a nobody as we all are and we all like different stuff and to me this is the best month for free games in the past two years. so stop acting like every month has to be games you only like. example look at Novembers games walking dead LOL the game is utter trash its a book not a game and but i know others love it so they were happy so be it and i am happy for them so this month i am the happy one
King's Quest looks fun. I usually end up liking point and click adventure games. However, combined with Gauntlet (which isn't very good), it's a weak month.
@godslayer1975 To be clear, I left last generation two years ago, so the PS3 titles don't matter, and I got rid of my Vita last year because it never got played. So any "amazing PS3 or Vita" games do not count as far as I am concerned. Only the PS4 titles matter and I think for most people that complain about the selection, this holds true.
Also, I hate CoD and GTA both (and most games like these). Take a peek at my PSN profile to see what I enjoy playing (and its quite a wide variety)
That being said, even taking into account the PS3 and Vita titles, this is a pretty garbage line-up. You seem to be the kind of person that thinks what they like is what everyone should like. Everyone has their own tastes, and this selection is pretty terrible. Thats fine with me though, I have so many great PS4 games that I have yet to play, so I don't rely on PS+ to fill my gaming library like some do, so I don't really care about the quality of PS+ anymore.
I paid $20 for Gauntlet when it came out, and deep down, I KNEW I should have waited!!!!! It's fun, but not worth $20, that's for sure! Will Plus ever have good offerings?
Garbage as always
I expect that Gauntlet will be fun with some mates so I am looking forward to that. The rest? No thanks, Freedom Wars is good but I bought that when it came out (never finished it though).
I like it and will try most of them, my only complain is that KQ is only the first episode, it feels more like a demo now than a full game.
@themcnoisy I don't get what you're saying though - what is it you'd rather they give us? It's not as if they have any secret unreleased AAA's in the background ready to throw at us for free, and the games they are offering could hardly be defined as "totally rubbish". Perhaps an Assassins Creed game or Batman or something would be nice but surely if you were really interested in slogging through these long games you'd have bought them anyway? Give them a try before you right them off, especially Gauntlet in particular, as I've heard good things.
I would like to see Wolfenstein up at some point. I mean, I've got it, but I'd like other people to be able to play it who havn't bought it yet.
20% of a game and offering blood Dragon for the 2nd time are valid reasons to complain about the line up this month.
Well...I hoped that, since it's Christmas time, we would get a really awesome game!
Gauntlet looks cool...but not enough! The Quest game...MEH!
PS3 games are welcome and awesome this month...SSX I already have but I LOVE that game! Also, I've been wanting to play Blood Dragon for ages
Vita...I am so disappointed since I bought Freedom Wars last year in the Christmas sale and never got me to finish (too many games, so little time)...I don't regret it thou, I think the game deserves a sequel on PS4!
The other Vita game...looks fun but let's be honest, I'll never finish it xD
Another poor showing Sony! If I did not need PS+ for MP and Co-Op I would let my sub just expire.
@DominicanGlory I'm no apologist, I just tell people how it is, just because some think the lineup is terrible doesn't mean it is, opinions are subjective after all. But let's face it these whiners would rather the Plus games were all AAA games then so called "indie trash" even though one visit to steam early access will show them what REAL trash games are. Besides it's all a storm in a teacup because most people will just be happy to pay for online play since many came over from the Xbox side where they didn't even get any games till Plus came along in the first place.
@RedPixel Well, of course you would. But you do need your PS+ sub for MP, much like you used to pay for Live, even before it came with its Games With Gold rewards. I can see why people are upset, because it's like they were given something and then had it taken away, but really we were going to be paying for PSN at some point anyway. It was nice while it was free, though.
The reality is it now costs to play PS4 games online, and if you like the free monthly games that come with it, then good for you. Still, I think we can all hope for some bigger budget games in the future as it helps justify the money we pay. And that, of course, can only lead to enlightenment and world peace. Of course.
didn't think people would be so harsh on this one... this time we are at least getting multiple games that don't look like they are from the 8 bit era...
Arse. I have both vita games- but both are good if you haven't already played them. Have always been tempted by gauntlet so happy with that, but I can't shake the feeling that we're being short changed by ps plus. Surely a big AAA to satisfy the masses isn't too big an ask???
Happy with the choices not played any of the games and wanted Gauntlet. Still got the PS3 so plenty of games to play with the free offerings this month. I see PS Plus games as a bonus so any I get that I like is a plus for me.
Rubbish, where's Galak z?
I really thought they would push the boat out for xmas especially since we pushed thier sales to over 30million. I wouldnt be renewing ps+ if i didnt need it to play cod and need for speed.
P.s what the hell happened to black flag?
@thedevilsjester there's an old saying about not feeding trolls to be heard there mate. Well played for the considered and level headed reply.
@blah01 Not on the vita, that's for sure. Lying devs.
In summary 2013
Leaving PS Plus:
27th November: Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
27th November: Jak and Daxter Trilogy
27th November: MotorStorm RC
27th November: Oddworld Strangers Wrath
Entering PS Plus:
29th November: RESOGUN
29th November: Contrast
27th November: Grid 2
27th November: Guacamelee! (Cross Buy)
27th November: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
27th November: Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
This was 2 years ago!!! Which month is better? Now or 2 flamin years ago?
I'm not bothered really what games I get - however - they have prised a lot of xbox gamers over with the promise of good games. Injustice is the only AAA game so far. Way to go Sony. That's my point. There's loads of retail games they can use - but underperforming junk no one is asking for gets top billing.
@themcnoisy In terms of last gen games they've basically exhausted supply. For this gen, sure, Resogun and Guacamelee are good but it's not exactly leagues above this months offerings, is it.
And it brings me back to, what do you want exactly? Are there any AAA's you're itching for that you havn't played? And if you did get a game like Black Flag this month, would you really bother playing through it? Out of interest did you play through the bigger games you listed above from 2013's freebies, or was it just a warm feeling knowing you had them for free? Or perhaps it's better to be surprised by a great indie title like Rocket League.
I dont think they prised Xbox players over specifically with the promise of AAA PS Plus games for free each month, so I'm not sure why you say that. I believe they ensure PS+ games receive a certain metacritic score for them to be eligible, but not sure that's still a thing. Either way, I'm not sure any of the PS+ freebies have been downright awful games. Maybe not to the individuals taste, but not bad.
I dunno mate. It's a bit off for you to call stuff under performing junk just because it's not sat on a shelf in Game, but if that's the way you want to see it. I bet people would call Axiom Verge junk if it hit Plus, and it sold a fraction of the numbers of the latest AAA, but then its in my top 3 games of the year, soo...
@kyleforrester87 Ok lets do it!!
Lego series
MLB the show
DarkSouls 2
Sleeping Dogs
DMC definitive edition
Dynasty Warriors
Hasbro Game Night
FF type o
I've tried to be sensible and pick games that have stopped selling.
@themcnoisy But I've already bought all of those that I want, and the ones I havn't I'm unlikely to play more than 30 minutes of :/ Is it just so we can say "yay! look what we get?!" while playing a mediocre open world GTA clone or what?
They could absolutely be giving Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Dying Light, Killzone SF, Assassin's Creed Black Flag or something.
@Johnnycide I tried to be civil and explain how many view it.
@kyleforrester87 it's about being offered something attractive
@DominicanGlory Totally get that, and in fairness if I had a backlog of big budget games that I hadn't purchased due to lack of funds or joining the current gen party late I'd be all for it. But as I'm fortunate enough to have been able to get the games I've been interested at launch so far this gen, there just isn't much I am yearning for. Appreciate other people will think differently and find different value in the content that's offered. But there does seem to be an element of people wanting big budget games just for (want of a better term) bragging rights.
@kyleforrester87 "element of people wanting big budget games just for (want of a better term) bragging rights" sorry Kyle that's not right at all. You are fortunate to be able to buy whatever game you like, I'm not I have to pick carefully (I've picked pretty poorly this year as it happens) I would love to play I dunno erm lets say DMC definitive far above anything on offer for the PS4 with this psplus. Without mentioning Bloodborne, Witcher 3 or any award winning retail release.
I did mention freedom wars in my original comment which I think we are both overlooking - that's a great choice and as I said 'saves the month' for me.
@themcnoisy I did say an element of it, not you specifically. And I still think there is an element of it.
Dusting off the ps3 for 4 of these titles
Business as usual this month...another solid line up,there isnt anything great but also nothing truly bad, then again i never complain about ps plus(been a member since the start) the cost is literally a few pence per day, no matter what games they put on there its always been great value for money and i honestly cant remember any "terrible" months
Only episode 1 of King's Quest what a joke! Give us Killzone already!
I will download Guantlet - just for the nostalgia but I am not overly impressed by the offerings for December. I do think that the offerings on Gold have certainly been of greater appeal to me over the last few months with AC: Black Flag, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition and now Thief as well as the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (an Indie 'Diablo' style game).
I know its a matter of personal taste and, at least in my case, I don't buy PS+ or Gold for the free games and see these as 'bonuses', Its just that PS+ bonuses have been quite a bit more disappointing from my perspective.
Called Freedom Wars though. Called it.
I'm actually interested in most of the games for the first time in a long time.
good update ^^ was planning on getting KingsQuest before, glad I waited. Super excited for Freedom Wars! I always wanted to buy this I freaked out when I heard it is free for plus in december cant wait to finally play it - people say its brilliant
This is the best ps+ for me in the last year. Kings Quest was aleays super fun and I hear gauntlet is cool. Also, freedom wars is supposed to be one of the best vita games ever. Thanks Sony!
@themcnoisy Thief was offered on PS3 PS+ on Feb 2015, DMC was offered on PS3 PS+ on Jan 2014, Sleeping Dogs was offered on PS3 on May 2013, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend was offered on vita on May 2013 (US offerings).
I didn't write this comment to be snarky. I just wanted to provide the perspective, that a long time PS+ subscriber may be frustrated if they started recycling games they have already offered. I certainly don't like every game that is released, but I do find a tremendous value in the service.
Waiting for a game you want to purchase to be free on PS+ is futile. I try to just look at it like a loot crate for video games. Enjoy the surprises as they come along. One of my favorite games on my PS4 was given by PS+ (Rocket League). By the end of the year I have easily gotten my 50 bucks worth.
For all of those complaining about how terrible the line up is and how you're all paying for a monthly service so you should be getting better games. You do realise that it's less than £4 a month, so that is a very small amount for the games on offer.
I'm looking forward to playing Gauntlet and may give the other one a go, I see ps plus as opportunity to play those games that I wouldn't normally purchase myself. Rocket League been a prime example and for me made ps+ worthwhile for the year. I've spent as much time with this as I have with any Witcher or metal gear and will be playing well into next year but without the service I may never have played it. In terms of big games like @kyleforrester87 says the chances are if I wanted them I bought them when they launched anyway and people just want the likes of Knack just to say we have it. I'm sure you can find that game cheap if enough if you really want to play it.
@godslayer1975 this is the best month for free games? Rocket League says hi 😃😃😃
What I'm getting at is just give the games a go, if you don't like them so be it but you may just surprise yourself every once in a while and that's what I love about the service, it's not just the obvious choices.
Kings quest was good. Still waiting on the rest of the game to release. Looking forward to gauntlet
Brilliant.... Lmfao...
Did you even read my comment? Or are you to wrapped up in your own self worth. I like the games that are out and I'll download them all, I stated the ones I liked the look of most, and that I probably won't get a chance to play the ps3 ones, as guess what I suffer first world problems, a full time job, a wife, 2 children one teenage. So I'm struggling to correlate you suggestion that I'm not happy for the games. I am I just have a busy life.
Also a gamer who likes COD or gta, isn't any less genuine gamer, personally I've never played a gta game due to time restraints , I like a bit of cod as I can fit a short game in time to time, just as I like most games. Don't try to hard to be a gaming snob you'll miss some great games.
@carlos82 From my perspective, the cost of PS+ is the same as (or at least very similar to) Gold on Xbox. Neither of these are bought by me for the 'free' games - I would buy these for the online gaming even if they didn't offer 'free' games. In fact on last gen, I had Gold but didn't buy PS+ as it wasn't needed to play online. I don't own a Vita (or other PS handheld).
On last gen, when Gold started offering games, It was often compared to the PS+ offerings and in terms of quality, age of games etc, the PS+ offerings were generally regarded as 'better' but it was also the primary reason for buying PS+. It had to offer 'great' games to entice people to buy PS+. The cost though was also the same as it is now and yet Sony still managed to offer a lot higher quality of games. I do wonder if people that have been a PS+ member for a long time feel more disappointed (particularly those that no longer have a PS3) because the IGC quality has dropped significantly.
Now Gold and PS+ are very similar in what they offer gamers on each platform, its a lot easier to compare both services. I wouldn't buy either if the online gaming component was free but as it isn't, I see the free games as 'bonuses'. As neither offer totally free (as they both have the 'condition' of maintaining a subscription to continue playing), thus increasing the likelihood of renewing and the fact that both are required for online play now, I would expect that PS+ has a lot more subscribers on PS4 as a percentage of gamers. The revenue to Sony therefore must have increased too. I know that Sony in general are not in the greatest state, but their gaming side is profitable.
It does seem to me though that Sony have changed their philosophy over PS+ and its IGC. It does feel like the offerings in general are a lot poorer than the calibre of games it used to offer - maybe as a result of the fact that you now need a PS+ subscription to play online. The IGC offered PS3 gamers AAA titles that were 6months old.
There has been some argument that the consoles didn't have the same 'library' of games to choose from but both consoles have now passed their 2nd year anniversary. It is a little disappointing to see last gen consoles getting games that had a multi-platform release and not offering the next gen version at the same time. For example AC4: Black Flag, Thief etc in terms of age, they are no older on last gen to this.
In recent months, the GWG has offered a lot more AAA titles too. It seems to have stepped up the GWG and I admit its also helped by the Backwards Compatibility now too. Its cost is the same as well. It could be argued that MS has to do more than Sony to try and close the market share gap that is constantly growing. However I would counter that and say that Sony are getting even more revenue from increased PS+ sales and of course from the console sales too.
As I stated, I see the 'free' games as a 'bonus'. I am of course pleased that we get these bonuses but that doesn't stop me being a little disappointed with the offerings in general. Certainly not disappointed to the degree I would consider cancelling or not renewing my subscription. I also know that its impossible to offer games that everyone wants all the time. Over the course of a year though, it would be nice to have a few games that appeal to me and when nothing does for several months at a time, it does get a little disappointing.
As I said, the way both Gold and PS+ operate, they are now very similar. Gold appears to be offering a higher 'quality' of game in general of late, and for the same cost too. Whilst most AAA games I really want, I probably have, its reassuring to see these offered with certain regularity. If Sony were to offer games like Killzone: Shadow Fall, Infamous: 2nd Son, AC4: Black Flag etc Games I have, I would be happier than seeing some average 'indies' I don't own month after month after month. The reason being that eventually it will offer some 'quality' game I didn't get round to buying as well as potentially reinvigorating the MP or co-op in some games as new comers try them out. Maybe its not the right month to offer Killzone with CoD:BO3 and SW:BF releasing so soon but its the principal.
Knack would be a good contender to offer as well. I don't know many that bought it, it's 2yrs old now and I doubt many would buy it with the increasing back catalogue of titles available. Being a Sony title, I doubt it would cost them much (if anything) to offer either.
The TL:DR point of this though is that I am NOT disappointed with PS+ overall and would buy it because of necessity to play the online component of games - the same reason I buy Gold! It doesn't stop me being disappointed though with the offerings albeit a minor disappointment.
I'd agree that we do need to start seeing some bigger games in its 3rd year as the (legitimate) excuse of a limited back catalogue is not the case anymore
Without trying to sound negative, this is pretty meh. Think that's about the 3rd month in a row now I probably won't play anything. I've also made the situation worse by selling my PS3 so now have less of a selection too...
Also I definitely don't think Sony should be dictating to us whether EA Access represents "good value for our customers" when you could argue it's better than their own service recently!
Very glad I have Xbox one and ps4 , this is crap for me Xbox wins again in ps + vs gold
I'm happy with indie stuff like resogun and outlast but it's gone way downhill from there isn't about triple aaa it's about right games right now this isn't it for me personally
My ps has now lapsed I won't renew till I see something worth playing sad state I used to look forward to new game times now I'm like meh more crap
Im good thanks Sony.
Jesus, what a terrible line up. I really wish Sony hadn't locked online play behind PS+ because I wouldn't renew it until they step their game up.
@godslayer1975 I stopped visiting IGN because of comments like this. Please don't turn Pushsquare into the same slanging match because you don't like someone else's opinion. I'm happy you feel like you are getting a great deal. For me, this month sucks. Why? It's because I don't personally like what's on offer. That is all.
People expecting a triple A right now, ain't gonna happen. To many ps4's getting sold at the holidays to give away games that people will probably buy for their new ps4. I say give it a few months and we will start to see triple A titles
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