Back when Sony revealed that the Darth Vader PlayStation 4 bundle would include three Star Wars games from the PlayStation 2 era, we assumed that they'd be getting the remaster treatment. While there have been many rumours regarding PS2 emulation on the new-gen system, the promise of Trophy support and improved visuals led us to believe that it was porting the games in that instance. But a fascinating report by Digital Foundry has suggested that we were wrong.
The site has tested out Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, and it's concluded that they're all running on a PS2 emulator that's been sneakily added to the PS4 in a previous firmware update. It knows this because there's an OS-level controller prompt which states that the Start and Select buttons have been mapped to the touchpad. The console also simulates a PS2 memory card – both features that ordinary developers wouldn't be able to incorporate.

This is hugely exciting news because the emulator itself sounds awesome. While the games don't run natively in 1080p, Digital Foundry reports that they all benefit from a resolution boost, as well as plenty of post-processing which improves the image quality of the originals. Framerates are also much smoother than their native counterparts, with Jedi Starfighter sticking rigidly to 60 frames-per-second while the PS2 version dips to 30 frames-per-second and lower.
But the big thing is Trophy support. Remember years ago when the platform holder patented the ability to add gongs to older games? Well, the site claims that the company may have used it at last. Essentially it sounds like it's figured out a way of popping trinkets by the console reading the game's code in realtime and looking for triggers. To be honest, we don't understand exactly how this works, but it basically means that it'll be able to add Trophies to games without tinkering with the core code.
A recent PEGI leak revealed that Sony had rated Ape Escape 2, Dark Chronicle, and Twisted Metal: Black in Europe, so it's safe to assume that these will eventually make their way to the PlayStation Store. And with the functionality seemingly finished – and already inside your PS4 – we'd expect an official announcement any day now. It's a good thing that the company's got a press conference coming up, isn't it? See you at PlayStation Experience.
Update - 19th Oct (19:45PM GMT): In response to some of the comments, it's perhaps worth noting that it's highly unlikely that this will be compatible with PS2 discs – we expect that games will be available from the PlayStation Store only.
We should also stress that all of the information in this article comes courtesy of Digital Foundry, and while the site is almost always accurate with these kinds of reports, we're yet to get any official confirmation from Sony.
Update - 20th Oct (11:45AM GMT): Sony's now confirmed that PS2 emulation is coming to the PS4. There's more information through here.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 66
Yes! Man, I can't wait for this. Looks great.
First Beyond 2 Souls and Heavy Rain and now this, does Sony even listen to its fans at all I wonder?! Playstation owners have made it absolutely clear in the months that followed this year's E3, that wanting to play old games on a new system is nothing less than retarded.
I cannot wait! I would cry if Dark Cloud 2 (Chronicle over here in the UK, Europe and Japan) was added to the PSN store. I want my childhood back.
@Boerewors Please don't use the word 'retarded' like that. If it's not taking resources away from new games, I don't really see the problem - especially when this sounds pretty well done.
@Boerewors Are you serious? Take your trolling elsewhere
Sorry, in our region we throw that word around pretty casually. But it's was simply summarizing many of the comments I've read the last months concerning backwards compatibility. So if no one is interested, why implement it?
Dead serious. Not a day went by the last months without people claiming that backwards compatibility is indeed backwards, so I expect those people to think the exact same now it might hit the PS4. I for one think it's great, but not just when it happens on the ps.
@Boerewors No problem.
I don't think it's a selling point at all - my stance remains unchanged on that. If you tell me that Bully and Silent Hill 2 are going to get put on the PlayStation Store and they're going to look better and have Trophies, though, I'm definitely going to be interested.
That's my view on it.
Sounds to good to be true, but if so PLEASE bring TimeSplitters 2 to the PS4! & PS1 & PS3 Emulation to the PS4 to Well what would be the best thing ever would be if I could play all my PS1 & 2 & 3 discs on a PS4(can't see that ever happening tho, shame)
Now if only it could read the Disks, I could FINALLY play Magic Pengel!
I have no complaints about this! One more thing ol' painless can do and having the "option" of playing some PS2 classics is got to be a good thing right ? !
I would love to play Tony Hawk's Underground 1 and 2 again.
so when can i put my PS2 discs in and play them
it's not full emulation until i can;
They have the technology to add achievements without going through the ratings again, so that would be awesome. For me BC is great, there are certain games that have aged so well. FFXs remake and Kingdom Hearts's remake for instance weren't that much of an upgrade in terms of visuals imo, but I just love to play these games! Bully is a great example, but since my PS3 remasters of Okami and SotC aren't BC, I don't mind playing the PS2 versions again. I have quite the PS2 library, so this is wonderful news for me!
I would like all Shin Megami Tensei series on my PS4. I'd be ecstatic
@FullbringIchigo Yeah, very important to note that that probably won't happen!
This is great news!!!, especially because I was a Dreamcast / Xbox owner during the PS2 era.
I wouldn't mind if we can digital download PS2 games but in the end it depends on the price.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE LET PHYSICAL GAMES WORK!!! I have over 150 games physically for my PS2. Really don't want to rebuy them...
Ouch! I kinda hoped discs were to be used too. I literally just called a friend who was interested in my physical FF collection that all deals are off. Sweet Lord, think of all the excellent RPGs I'll be playing on my PS4, PS TV and Vita, all made possible with the power of "ze klauwt"!
Same here mate! You'd think it would be possible: the PS4 recognizes the data and starts downloading the digital version which will be locked unless the disc is used. This will mean though that you can't take your saves on the go with your Vita, but it would still be so awesome.
The Final Fantasy VII pc to ps4 port disappearing makes perfect sense now.
Also the God of War games not being included with God of War III Remaster. Just makes too much sense. @get2sammyb
My only hope is that the somewhat recent re-rating for Dark Chronicle means that it is coming to the PS4.
Based on the comments, this does NOT mean we can put our PS2 disks into the PS4, correct?
Cause I'd buy a PS4 in a heartbeat if I could do that. I have PS2 games still on the backlog, but my brother has the PS2 states away.
Being able to buy games again is not appealing in the slightest.
So does that mean I can play Spiderman 2, King's Field TAC, Jade Cocoon 2, Shadow of Rome, Mark of Kri, Bully, GTA San Andreas and War of the Monster for my Ps4?!?!?!? YESSS!!!
I think it would be an absolutely wonderful feature if it did run the games off discs (PS1 games included) I'm not sure it would be a system seller for the wider market but would be a lovely extra for long time gamers. The PS3 was able to play PS1 games off discs after all.
Removed - inappropriate language
@get2sammyb i guessed as much but as long as the digital versions are well priced it wont be a problem
This is very exciting news. Fingers crossed for an announcement at Playstation Experience...
Give me silent hill, black, twisted metal black, and I will be one happy person. Need for speed underground, the first mx atv, some shareplay support, oh boy...this news is wonderful.
Unless I could pop in my actual PS2 discs, this doesn't interest me. I would gladly buy a PS4 even though I already have a One just to play my PS2 games with these added features
I added an update to the article as it seems some of you may be expecting PS2 DVD support. We can't rule it out for sure, but I personally think that's highly unlikely. You definitely shouldn't be anticipating something like that.
Dark Cloud 1&2, Silent Hill 2&3, and I'm sold.
Agreed. Bring me Dark Cloud 2 and I can die a happy man.
Oh it'd be cool if they let you use a disc copy like the xbone.
I've got way too many PS2 discs for this to be of any interest to me if it won't run them.
Why PS2 and not PS3? Just thought I'd ask lol
@get2sammyb Yeah, I doubt that'll happen too. It sounds nice, but it also seems a bit out of the realm of possibility, eh?
This sounds good, but I'd rather not rebuy my games off PSN. Even if it would be more convenient. Plus, that would take up even more space on a hard drive. It just seems better for me to repair my PS2. But that's just me.
Yeeeees!!!! I have final fantasy 12, GTA San Andreas, NFS underground 2, Soul Calibur 3 and Gran Turismo 4 on disc!! Please let me use them. FF12 is winking at me. Disc Disc Disc Disc.
(I also just found homeworld for PC and the Cher 'Believe' in an old 80 disc carrier oh my god retro heaven)
Looks at Final Fantasy XII PS2 disc. Sighs*
@Boerewors I never had a PS2 and I am VERY interested in it. True, I prefer new games too and there's plenty that interests me, but playing the old frantic Smackdown games alone is worth checking that feature out for me!
So, serious question... Could PS2 or PSOne games be added to PS Now? Theoretically? I can't think of anything that would prevent it...
@Scollurio 4 player Smackdown back in my uni days was INCREDIBLE! I'd love to be able to get that again, but due to licensing issues I'm afraid there's a 0% chance of it happening.
If it turns out go be correct, it's purely so Sony can sell their back catalogue via PSN. I would be hugely surprised if this was not the case. Might be even so Sony could use it as a marketing option for PS4 games. Buy the special edition and get the game that started it all...
@RawShark You in the same boat or was that sarcastic?
I've had a discussion with @stevebutler2210 about ff12. I hated it first time round, but Balthier and Fran are awesome and the game gas grown with age. I love Ivalice too, pity the big plan of releasing tons of games set their never took off as planned.
I love trophies but I'm not sure if the ability to add trophies is a good thing... it may be used as a justification for not letting us transfer our PS2 classics bought from PS3 to PS4 and may discourage publishers from bringing additional PS2 classcs to the store due to the work involved in deciding on the trophies
Please put Star Wars Battlefront 2 up on the store! I refuse to play that lackluster online-only garbage they're calling Battlefront now!
@Boerewors Just because a lot of noise is made about something, doesn't mean that its the majority of the people. Typically its a small but loud minority, and as all big companies know, you can't please everyone. I would love nothing more than PS1, PS2 and PS3 remakes for the next decade. That would be perfection as far as I am concerned.
If ypur going to troll at least try to be intellectual about it. As if being able to play more variations of games on a gaming console.is a bad thing. Awesome news for PS4 people.
Do like it. I also want PS1 though.
I wish we could play PS2 games on VIta.
@MakeLoveNotWars me too.
This is great new to see trophies on PS2 games. Would be great of they did PS1 games also. Would give me excuse to play Final Fantasy IX for the 8th time just to get the trophies
A waste of time i rather see a remaster of my most liked games now i have to look at games of 10 years old or even older. Not gonna waste my money on games that look extremely aged i rather see a up to date remaster....... That's my opinion.
I'd much rather have my discs play.... Lame because I only own 3 ps2 classics but still interesting nonetheless.
@thedevilsjester I completely agree why would i want to see games that are so old i rather buy a new remaster. And it's true how many people are really gonna play those old and outdated looking games. It is indeed a real small part of the gamers who didn't spend money anyway.
@Boerewors Have they, now? Because I'm excited for that collection, and this news sounds awesome. Remember, PS fans were also the ones complaining when PS2 compatibility was removed from the PS3. Sure, we don't ALL agree on this issue, but it's absurd to suggest NOBODY wants this.
The part that adding Trophies without tinkering the code sounds unreal!
Very clever stuff if its accurate (which it looks to be) - the trophy stuff especially.
Now surely they could do something similar with PS3 games?
Sony doesn't seem all that interested in bringing PSone, PS2 and PSP classics to the store.
Shame considering all the games that even the Vita offers.
This is fantastic potentially official news (fingers crossed!). I hope the Star Wars games will at least be available for purchase later. My main wish list: Shadow if the Colossus, Street Fighter III Third Strike, and all the Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain PS2 games!
Sooooo, can we buy the games that come with the special edition ps4? I thought it was just super star wars, i could only find the bundle on ps3 on psn.
Good new's but it depend's on the price, let's face it Sony will try and make as much money as possible I won't be paying £20 for PS2 game's lol.
Its a nice feature to have but can not imagine I would use it very much. The critical point is the pricing of the games I am not going to be paying £15 for an outdated game. I think this move will also give fuel to the fire about why they did not provide this service for PS3 games instead they had the now service.
I hope they have Parappa the Rapper 2, I doubt they will, but I never got to play that game...
@Flaming_Kaiser I fully agree, unfortunately there are so many great PS2 games that are never going to see a remaster, that playing them again (with trophies!) even if they look quite a bit uglier on our HDTV's than they did back in the SDTV days, will be worth it.
Unfortunately this will either make devs lazier with remakes (since they can just let you play it emulated), or make them see even more demand for the games of the past, and start remaking more. I wish for the later, but the pessimist/realist in me says it will be the former.
I can't wait
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