Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege is out in under a week, but that fact didn't stop Ubisoft from delaying the game's open beta at the last minute yesterday in order to sort out some matchmaking issues. Fortunately, if you're hankering for some intense teamwork, you'll be happy to know that the open beta should now be live on PlayStation 4.
"Your feedback helps. For everyone who hasn't been able to play as yet, we apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience and understanding," the studio stated. Let's just hope that the actual launch of the game goes a little more smoothly, eh?
Will you be jumping into some well coordinated raids tonight? Blow a wall apart and swarm into the comments section below.
[source, via]
Comments 5
I'll certainly be giving it a shot tonight or tomorrow. Since this game doesn't have a campaign and R6 campaigns have always been my favorite part of the series (at least with the original and Rogue Spear), this is really going to be the make or break factor for me. I've been looking for a good first person shooter to play lately, so hopefully this will end up being that game.
@Shogunrok Any idea how long for?
I'm so UNHYPED for this ...
I know people are hating on this game, but it's one of my most anticipated games this year, and even if it has bugs on launch, what game doesn't? I absolutely love this game, and I really wish people would appreciate the positive things about this game!
@nlovett218 yep, its cool to hate on Ubisoft these days, but AC syndicate was a superb game imo, and I'm loving the R6 beta, already preordered.
The AI is superb and love the maps and operatives. Like a grown up Counter Strike.
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