Republished on Thursday, 18th August 2018: We're bringing this article back from the archives in celebration of Shenmue I & II's impending release on the PlayStation 4. The original text follows.
Originally published on Thursday, 16th July 2015: I don't remember the day that the snow turned to rain, but I do remember when I first learned about Shenmue. I must have been no more than 11-years-old at the time, and I'd been bought a copy of EDGE magazine. It had one of those customary end-of-year features spotlighting all of the exciting upcoming games, and in it was a small section on Yu Suzuki's magnum opus. There couldn't have been more than a paragraph of text on the title, but there was a screenshot of protagonist Ryo Hazuki looking up at an overhead plane. Call it instinct, but I knew right there and then that I had to play this game, and so I started the arduous task of trying to convince my parents that I had to trade every Nintendo 64 game that I owned for the recently released Dreamcast. I was lucky enough to acquire SEGA's shiny new system alongside a copy of Sonic Adventure just prior to the end of the year.

I see
Even though I ply my trade with PlayStation these days, I'm comfortable admitting that Sony isn't entirely responsible for my love of games. Naturally, I grew up with the likes of Crash Bandicoot, WipEout, and Spyro the Dragon, but there were three particular titles that truly opened my eyes to what this industry could be: Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Shenmue. These were formative releases for me; all three changed the way that I think about games today, and I hold them responsible for the reason that I'm sitting here writing this article in the first place.
You have to understand, however, that my understanding of the industry 15 years ago was much different to what it is now. I didn't know who Yu Suzuki was – although, ironically, I was already a big fan of Space Harrier, OutRun, Super Hang-On, and Virtua Cop. All I knew back then was that Shenmue had utterly captivated me from the moment that I saw the aforementioned EDGE screenshot. And it continued to do so. I remember one issue of Official Dreamcast Magazine enforced my excitement, as it shipped with a demo disc that included a six-minute video outlying the scope of the title. It was unbelievable, describing a release so massive in scope that it would "transcend games". I must have watched the clip tens of times over, picking out every last piece of detail, and waiting patiently for the European release date to arrive.
Way uncool
The European release date did arrive on 1st December, 2000. I'd not long started at high school at the time, and had, of course, listed 'Shenmue' right at the top of my Christmas list. Disaster struck, however, when one of my best friends had saved up the money to buy the game on release day. I was thus forced to wait over three weeks before I could play my copy, while my buddy slowly worked his way through the campaign. Naturally, I was invited to come and take a look at the game in action – my excitement for it was well documented by everyone at the time – but I resisted the temptation. I wanted to play it for myself, and in my own time.
I can still quote much of Shenmue's first cut-scene from memory alone – it's become an absolutely iconic sequence for me
Christmas Day eventually arrived, and – as I'd anticipated – my copy of Shenmue sat under the tree. I don't remember the day in all that much detail to be honest, but I do remember booting up the title and watching the intro movie for the first time. It hasn't aged especially gracefully, I suppose – the voice acting was a source of amusement among family members even at the time – but its scope and ambition was unparalleled. I can still quote much of the first cut-scene from memory alone – it's become an iconic sequence for me.
But the thing that I remember really impressing me was just the sheer scope of the world. SEGA dubbed it Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment, a dodgy acronym spelling out the word 'free'. Grand Theft Auto III wouldn't arrive until a year later, so the terms 'open world' and 'sandbox' hadn't even been coined at the time. But unlike Rockstar's release, this was a game that made the mundane a core tenet: shopping, working, and heading home to bed were just some of the chief mechanics on display. And yet this is something that I appreciate in games even today; Life Is Strange, Heavy Rain, and, to a lesser extent, the Yakuza series all deal with daily life in different ways, which I find makes them more relatable than most other games.
Shenmue really was the master of embedding you into its world, though. Yes, the untimely murder of your father offered ample motivation for you to proceed with the plot, but the game never pressured you to rush. I'd spend a lot of my time just exploring, interacting with non-playable characters and kicking back in the Game You arcade. For those of you with memories long enough to remember Dream Arena, I was the holder of a Top 100 score in Excite QTE 2. But I was also hooked by the story, and so I did push on with the plot. And that's when disaster struck.

You're not going to Hong Kong
It took me a long time to finish Shenmue – too long. All of my friends completed it before me, but I got stuck. I bought every guide, read every website, and talked to every person who would listen, but I could not get a particular cut-scene to trigger. I re-started the game five or six times, and played through to the same point on Disc Three each and every time. Eventually, I gave up.

The issue is better documented these days. I would learn many years later that the title included a glitch whereby if you take the wrong route in the forklift it's impossible to progress. My Dad, who had always been intrigued by the title, decided to give it a go. And he got stuck at the same point, too. But where my youthful impatience had forced me to concede, he persevered. And he repeated the same day of work – the bug caused the story to loop – over and over again. I don't remember the exact details, but I'd estimate that he spent at least ten evenings enduring the same sequence. Eventually, he got the cut-scene to pop – and he completed the game.
It was a weird time for me. Shenmue was a game that I'd been waiting for forever, and yet I felt like I was the last person in the world to see the plot conclude. I avoided any spoilers from my Dad's playthrough and, once he was finished, I decided to give it one last attempt. I played through the entire game again, taking my time, and – much to my surprise – the cut-scene that had eluded me previously finally popped. My limited understanding of technology at the time led me to believe that my father's frequent playthroughs had etched out a previously irretrievable part of the disc; in reality, the hiatus that I took from the game must have led to me taking the 'correct' forklift path. Either way, I finally finished the game.
Looking back at it now, I actually think that the bug increased my appreciation of the release. I've never been the sort of person that replays titles multiple times, but I played through the majority of Shenmue seven or so times in the span of six months. I came to appreciate every single aspect of the game, and in trying to overcome the bug, the way in which I explored was elevated to a higher level. The problem soured me for a period, but once I'd seen the story end with Ryo Hazuki sailing to Hong Kong, it cemented itself as one of my all-time favourites, where it's still yet to really be replaced.

Maybe some other time
In fact, there's only one game that I'd put on the same pedestal: Shenmue II. The interesting thing was, during the period where I'd been stuck on the original game, SEGA had announced that it was ceasing production of the Dreamcast. This, alongside the release of the Game Boy Advance and the PlayStation 2, meant that once I'd finished the first game, my interest in the system started to decline. I stopped buying Official Dreamcast Magazine, and started to lose interest in the console that I had adored so much for the first year or so that I owned it. Shenmue II, ultimately, was not even on my radar when it launched on 23rd November, 2001 in Europe – but, given how much I'd played the original game, I still received it as a gift that Christmas.
Shenmue II was very much built upon the blueprints of its predecessor, but even at the time I was infinitely impressed by its much greater scope
I certainly remember being pleased with the game, but it was different to the year prior. I didn't rush upstairs to play it, and nor did I even start it until a few days later. Over the Christmas holiday we had a bit of a family emergency, which meant that I was left at home alone for much of one of the days. With nothing better to do I booted up the game, and worked through an enormous portion of it in one sitting. Whereas my consumption of the first title had been so protracted, I gorged on its sequel. I would ultimately get through the whole thing in a matter of days, and would go on to hail it as one of my all-time favourites, too.
Shenmue II was very much built upon the blueprints of its predecessor, but even at the time I was infinitely impressed by its much greater scope. Hong Kong felt gigantic compared to the tight city streets of Yokosuka, and while that made it tougher to navigate, it meant that there was more to discover. The sequel introduced several memorable characters as well: Ren, Joy, and Shenhua being the most obvious names. And, finally, the ambition of the narrative was much greater; looking back on it today, it makes the first game seem like a prologue of kinds. Of course, it all concludes with a cliff-hanger – one which we're still waiting to be properly resolved.
I would ultimately play through Shenmue II multiple times, too – but not on the Dreamcast. I picked up a second-hand copy of the Xbox version which released a couple of years later, and that's always been my 'main' version since – mostly because I like the English voiceovers. Over the years, I've taken the game on holiday with me many times, and probably played through it entirely on eight or so occasions. The difference this time around is that all of those subsequent playthroughs have been through choice – I never got stuck like in the original game. Considering that I'm not someone that tends to replay games, I know this series like the back of my hand.

Lucky hit
And all of this brings us to the present day, and the announcement of Shenmue III. I really wasn't looking forward to E3 this year; the convention's meant to be Christmas for the gaming calendar, but the hours are long and the pressure is high. As such, I was willing it to be over before it had even started. I'd written an article on the morning of Sony's press conference writing off a couple of rumours regarding Shenmue III and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and I remember bringing it up during a chat with others prior to the Japanese giant's big show. I distinctly remember saying that the game "will never happen". But it did.
Some people were baffled by the reaction to the PlayStation presser this year. Sony didn't really announce any Christmas exclusives – I don't think it needs any, personally – so how could it 'win' the convention on the back of a Kickstarter and a CG trailer? Well, you have to remember what franchises like Shenmue and Final Fantasy mean. For a new generation of gamers, born in the late 90s, these series may not carry a whole lot of weight – but for me, with Shenmue in particular, it made me want to write about games. The fact that a sequel should show up when I'd long written off the idea of it ever happening at all was a dream come true. I'm still pinching myself today.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still able to maintain objectivity: I think Shenmue III may run into problems. For starters, I'm not sure how Yu Suzuki intends to make this game. If he returns to the campy style of the originals, then it's going to come across dated by modern standards – but if he tries to evolve it all, then he may lose the heart of the series all the same. It's almost an impossible project, and it's not helped by the fact that he's working with a wafer-thin budget after being out of the console development game for over a decade. But this is a series that means so much to me – and clearly to him – that I'm willing to take the ride whatever happens. I can't wait.
At the time of typing, you still have over 24 hours to contribute to the development of Shenmue III. There's certainly no pressure from me, but if you're interested in seeing the sequel get made, then remember to back the Kickstarter while you still have time.
Comments 44
I've never played shenmue so I hope I can get into 3 when it comes out.
I was already in my early 20s when I played these games near their release, both on Dreamcast. I never got that glitch, but I did look at a lot of faqs to access particilar events, so I may have avoided it that way.
Most recently I went back to Shenmue 2 when I read about a glitch to get out of the map, I dont know why, but I always wanted to cross the road in the Lucky Charm Quarter.
Im going to avoid learning too much about the third game prior to its release, as after 15 years waiting for further narrative deveopments, I dont want spolilers!
One of the few Dreamcast games I have never played. Looking to do so here soon.
Before i got into PlayStation (and to a lesser, Xbox) I basically only played Sega consoles and games, and shenmue 1 and 2 where my favourite games by Yu Suzuki, and that says alot considering he made alot of classics!
Sega would be smart to capitalize on the shenmue 3 release and bring it a shenmue 1 and 2 collection for pc and ps4.
I played it for a few hours and really didn't like it. It was the whole having to be home by a certain time thing that annoyed me. I understand it isn't like this through the whole game but it just really put me off. I'd like another chance to play both though. For me, DC was all about Skies of Arcadia, but that's a different topic
This was a game that I picked up on Dreamcast after the system was already obsolete. I had many games for the Dreamcast, as that system and the N64 were my favorites (didn't get into playstation until playstation 2). The game was fascinating, and at the time, one of the biggest games that I've played (before picking up Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time). It was great graphics, a great story and very good for a game, but it took a long time to get into it for me.
@hYdeks I agree, and I really hope they do re-release the original 2 on PS4. I'd still love to see sega release some of their other Dreamcast titles on PS4...Skies Of Arcadia, Time Stalkers, Tee Off, Sonic Shuffle, Evolution, Evolution 2, Dragon Chronicles, Crazy Taxi, Crazy Taxi 2, Seaman, Illbleed, D2 and Speed Devils. I loved the Dreamcast and thought it ended too fast, and now, since my system doesn't work too well anymore, I'd love to be able to replay my favorites!
This was a nice article. I unfortunately never had a Dreamcast or Xbox, so I never had a chance to play the games. After hearing and reading so much about the series for years, it sounded like something I would love to play. It actually made me kinda sad that the series was a bust. Which is why I'm happy to see it's getting a second chance. However, I either have to hold out for a possible remaster of the originals or shell the paper for the games and consoles before I take an interest in the upcoming game, as I feel I won't be able to appreciate it without experiencing the originals.
It was nice to read this. Reading sentimental articles like this always get me to choke up.
Also, nice shirt Sammy.
Fantastic article!
I too hold a special place for Shenmue. Without a doubt, Yu Suzuki's adventures made the Dreamcast an essential purchase for me. I'd play the first game hours at a time - usually through the night. I'd often blink with surprise at the sunlight that would waft through my windows, as I wondered where the time went. Fortunately, I never encountered the game-ruining glitch - but my Dreamcast DID suffer from the dreaded random reset problem.
As such, I decided to play the sequel on Xbox. To this day, I'm amazed at how such a huge and detailed game could run on Sega's machine (and I did eventually play part 2 on another Dreamcast). To me, Shenmue's sandbox worlds are still more convincing than anything seen in GTA. The worlds had heart; each individual (non-enemy) NPC was unique, and the interactive items made everything seem so tangible.
Call me pessimistic, but I'm legit worried about Shenmue 3. A game of its scope simply cannot be made on such a shoestring budget (especially considering the $70 million cost of the first two - and that's in 1990's money), so I'm really hoping Sony will step up and offer all the resources it can. Maybe raise a bit of cash with an HD remaster of 1 & 2? Eh Sega?
Wow, back when I got shenmue I was the only person I knew that had a dreamcast. When I tried to explain "open world" to my friends they could never understand until I showed them the game. One of my biggest gaming regrets to date is never actually finishing this game (I loved, but this little game called phantasy star online dropped and I was hooked for about a thousand hours lol), even though I really wanted to. What a classic. Anyone who is interested I have a copy of shenmue for sale with all the discs and booklets in mint condition. Also have panzer dragoon saga, dragon force, skies of arcadia, astal, shining force 3 trilogy (some of it is japanese), and record of lodoss war. If anyone is interested in purchasing just comment back and we could work out a price. Would rather someone enjoy these masterpieces then have them sit on my shelf and not get played.
@get2sammyb I didn't like the Dreamcast - other than Shenmue, jsr and soul calibur the games were rubbish or short arcade games.
Can you do a similar article on Sonic adventure please - I absolutely hated it. (although the first stage music is in my head right now arrrghh)
@SonyInfinity Hey, what region are the games? Would be interested in prices for Panzer Dragoon Saga, Skies of Arcadia and possibly Astal. Thanks!
Loved this post - Shenmue was very dear to my heart and the Dreamcast is still one of my fave consoles of all time. So many good games and I'm glad to say I still own most of them!
Will be watching the Kickstarter with interest today - I've already pledged for a PS4 physical copy but that's as much as I can afford for the moment. Hope to see some records broken by the end of the day!
@themcnoisy You'd have loved Skies of Arcadia. Sonic Adventure wasn't great but I really enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2. Virtua Tennis was another good one.
@kyleforrester87 I actually thought SA2 was worse than one.
@kyleforrester87 I had a skies of arcadia on GameCube
@Jazzer94 Not sure why I enjoyed SA2 more, just felt more enjoyable and actually didn't mind the Shadow sections at all
@themcnoisy Nice! I'm led to believe it's a somewhat inferior version but no idea what the differences are really as I never played the GC one.
great feature article , some nice sentiments in there . like other posts here , shenmue was more than just a game to me . hope shenmue lll stays true to the previous two installments graphics-wise ( i'd love to play the saturn version too ! )
A brilliant article Sammy. It seems we were influenced by quite similar games. I remember rooting for the Dreamcast when no one else was (and this was before the days of multiple gaming forums with hundreds of members) and received a day or so after launch. But it was my brother who brought him Shenmue soon after its release.
It's a game that changed my life and opened my mind up to different cultures, eastern martial arts, philosophy, art styles and aesthetics, and it even helped me focus and calm my mind growing up with mental illness. It truly is a great game. Add on top that it made me want to create and the reasons as to why I love it only get longer.
Fortunately, I didn't run into that glitch. And I will agree that technically number two is the better game, and visitng the walled city of Kowloon is incredible, especially as that place no longer exists. But both Shenmue games together from one of the most magical and life affirming experiences I've ever had.
Of course, I still have my original copies, and my Dreamcast collection. Shenmue is saved.
Lovely, personal article, @get2sammyb. I always love reading about the history gamers have with the first titles that influenced them the most and showed them what the gaming medium is capable of. Spyro and Crash were the games I'd point to that helped make me the gamer I am today, so since I've never understood what made Shenmue special (since - at a first glance - it's got bad voice acting, a seemingly boring open world, etc.), seeing the series from your perspective has helped me see why people love them so much and regard them as groundbreaking for their time. Timely article as well! lol Anyway, nice work.
Never got chance to play on the dreamcast or shenmue but can see there is a lot of love out there for the game.
Question to anyone who kickstartered it, did we already choose what version we want and can we change it?
@themcnoisy "I didn't like the Dreamcast - other than Shenmue, jsr and soul calibur the games were rubbish or short arcade games."
You don't deserve that Metal Slug Avatar!
Never played it - is it that good?
@meppi that was Neo Geo
I quite like older games, I'm actually setting up the Atari flashback in a couple of hours to bring in the new year.
I know, I've got an AES myself.
I'm actually quite a bit retro gamer myself. Even ordered a Framemeister a week or two ago to replace my XRGB2+ so I can hook up all my old systems to the main tv instead of just some old CRTs.
It just baffles me that someone who loves retrogames wouldn't like the Dreamcast as it's kinda the last system of it's kind. So for someone who literally grew up on arcade games from the age of 3 (my mom owned a pub ) Starting with Space invaders with the cellophane overlay around 1980, the DC is one of my favourite systems ever, just like the Saturn for instance.
The Shenmue series is literally one of the greatest games ever made and in my personal all format top ten and will be forever. It ranks up there with other legendary titles such as the Ocaina of Time for N64.
I sincerely hope I and II see a port onto PS4 prior to 3 being released. I backed Shenmue III to the tune of £100 I have so much faith in Yu Suzuki and respect for the Shenmue franchise. I cannot wait for this game.
this is why I don't hate the today sega, because of its legacy, shenmue, what a days I had back in the days with my dreamcast.
Great article, shenmue 3 is my most anticipated game ever. I've been waiting to give Lan Di a spanking for far to long....
BTW great haircut @sammy barker.
seriously hope they do not update the graphics and voice acting for III .
A bit late to the party here, but I picked up a DC for this game like ten days ago. Unfortunately it stops loading 20 min into the game so I have to limit myself to short sessions. Currently on disc 3.
Funny thing is I am actually continuing the save file I could never beat back on 2000, when my original DC failed. If I beat it I will be very tempted to pick up an Xbox for the sequel.
Republished this. There's some outdated information regarding the Kickstarter, but I wanted to keep it intact.
Just when I decided I need to wait before I buy these games, now you make me question my resolve.
These 2 games were so ahead of their time. Havent played the 1st since it was 1st out. This games graphics were so demanding that 2 years later after it came out,the ps2 couldn't handle it. That blows my mind,2 years after in 2001 the ps2 couldn't handle it!Got my copy today,everyone you will not be disappointed. Now how do I time finishing part 2 to being close to release of the 3rd game?
These two games are easily in my to 5 of all time.
The first is the only game I've been able to play on an almost annual basis since release.
I like the second but I feel the faster pace loses a lot of what made the first special.
Roll on Shenmue 3!
Im unsure if I will get this because its one of them games that really clicked on the DC so it being pushed onto ps4 worries me a tad
@get2sammyb I see.
Next time you lose a bet and need a new icon for a few days.

I didn't comment on the original probably b/c it was written 4 days before my 50th and I pretty much spent that whole month drinking and discussing beer. @sinalefa will back me up on that.
Nice read. You feeling old yet? You've been 29 for like 5 years now.
Your legendary half century celebration. You got like 20 daily happy bdays from me till I hit the jackpot.
Anyway, thrilled that in a couple of days we will be playing this.
Great article, cheers Sammy!!! Don't know whether to get these at some stage as I've never played them, that nostalgia element won't be there and not sure whether they will have aged well. Hope your enjoying playing them now and look forward to your review.
Oh man I'm with you there. Skies of Arcadia is one of my favorite DC games. While I did finish the Shenmue series, I find them terribly hard to replay today. I won't go as far as to say I find Shenmue overrated, but it definitely isn't my thing. A Skies of Arcadia Remaster though.... yes please! As for GC being inferior, it is in some ways, but otherwise it's the same thing.
EDIT: Oops, didn't realize this was republished and I just responded to a 2-3 year old comment.
Torn about the games being republished. I know their special place in gaming history and want to experience but at the same time, I fear I have missed the boat on these games being something I would enjoy. Great read though
@Onion it's ok, I still love Skies of Arcadia
I've always been intrigued by Shenmue, but I still have a backlog of over 1000h gaming on PS4 and Switch so I won't be playing it any time soon.
Also I wonder why they even bother using the estimated delivery date on Kickscammer. No video game have ever been delivered on time.
I'm more interested in seeing how a modern audience reacts to Shenmue. Like, I loved it on my dreamcast back in the day, but it's aged. Poorly, in some cases. I think a lot of people who have bouhgt into this mythical decade long hype will be disappointed.
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