Hmm. Either publisher Bethesda's doing us a brilliant favour, or it's trying to convince more people to buy Fallout 4's Season Pass before reviews for the content spill out. Either way, it's announced that starting from 1st March, the price of the pre-purchase will increase from $29.99 (£24.99) to $49.99 (£39.99). That's a significant hike.
This is because the scope of the company's post-launch plans have increased, with three packs due out over the coming months. Don't worry if you already bought the Season Pass, as you'll still get access to everything, and it'll be available at the lower price through until the aforementioned date. Better buy now, then – or not. After all, we still don't know whether any of this content will be any good.
[source bethesda.net]
Comments 22
call me naïve, or, whatever - but what does a season pass do exactly?
@BodyW-outOrgans It gives you access to all the DLC packs in a better price
@bodyw-outorgans it also only covers for one year of DLC
Might as well stock up on passes and sell them on after the price increase. That's a big increase
I'm glad I all ready got it. I normally wouldn't buy a season pass with so little info but I loved Fallout 4 and looking forward to more content.
Fallout 4 is brilliant - but its a complete bugfest. How can they warrant such a hike for the addons when the base game is so poorly optimized? I've played 26 or so hours and love it. But like an ugly gold digging girlfriend I will be happy when its over.
@Melucine and @dryrain - thanks. So really, the only upside is if you are a die hard for the game and want dlc.
I have no rush, knowing Bethesda they will make a Complete/GOTY Edition later down the road.
ugh I cant decide...30 is an amazing price if the content is good...but we don't know what yet :/
But yeah..Fallout 4 was a disappointment on so many levels...I think I'll just take that chance. I'm ok with just buying the story expansion down the line.
@BodyW-outOrgans it depends.
As an example, I got the sp for Batman, and felt I got value for money with it.
The Witcher pass cost me like 20 quid and I feel they put £20 worth of content into the first DLC alone, so it is definitely well worth it but you dont need to neccessarily be a "die hard" fan.
Then on the flip side you have Destiny, which packed vastly less value into the two covered DLCs than the pass actually cost!
I do want the season pass, and will buy all the DLC but it's really annoying that they have put the price up to what Fallout 4 cost on release... I know their DLC will most likely be worth it if we go on the past DLC's quality they have produced but £40 to me seems way overpriced considering that is how much the game cost. Are we going to get as much content that the game offers for that price? I very much doubt it. I was planning on buying Dying Light this month but I'll have to give it a miss for another month and get the season pass whilst it's still £25 (Fair price). My only problem now is that I'm buying pretty much blind, and can't wait to see the Reviews/ gameplay before actually giving my money.
@themcnoisy we can't have played the same game, there was literally no bugs when I played it.
I'm glad I bought the limited edition Fallout 4 copy, which came with the season pass.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi @NomNom strange that, after playing the smooth as silk mgs pp, coming back to fallout feels cackhanded and awkward. The graphics pop in randomly, npcs get stuck in scenery, enemies get stuck, the menus are sluggish, my games crashed twice, the loading takes forever, the graphics look terrible in places, you fall through the floor, I couldn't access a terminal as a chair stops the camera panning in, my settlement radio tower goes off all the time. Etc etc. How have you not noticed them?
As I've said the game is great and fallout as a series is one of the best of all time. But you have to admit its really bad in places.
A season pass for $30 is now tempting even though i am not a season pass buyer and never ever do pre-orders. However in the end i will probably just stay with my no season pass policy which,with FO4, will help abate my playing the dlc on release and to not wait for the patches to be released.
Got my pass pretty cheap when I originally pre-ordered the game. I think this is going to be pretty good dlc
Bugs are part of the craAaAaziness of the experience. A big 🖕 to every other dev, IMHO, they make games so grand in scope that they can barely run on the standard consoles. Then they fix specific problems, but some stay like the infamous PS3 TES4 GOTY vampire glitch lol. I loved playing knowing that vampirism was incurable, it added a lot. They're not lacking in technical proficiency; it's just inherently glitchy because there is so much off-screen to keep track of at once, even with 8gb of ddr5
@themcnoisy Some of those things, like graphics pop-in, aren't really bugs. They're not intentional, sure, but they don't really count as bugs. It would be like saying it was a bug when TW3 dropped to 20fps. A bug would be something like a quest not working properly, something that Bethesda game frequently have but FO4 seems their best yet in this regard.
I'll wait for a "DLC on disc collection", otherwise I'll pass.
@BodyW-outOrgans it alows you to access any and all DLC content that is introduced after the game, before and after sesonal pass aqusition.
£40 for a season pass? That's a joke right? Having seen what's in it...doesn't seem like good value.
I just imagine the uproar if and EA or Ubisoft game had a £40 season pass...
@mrobinson91 Star Wars has a £40 season pass and that got alot of crap but tbf the core game doesn't have enough content in it. But I agree £40 seems way overpriced but they seem to be getting a pass because the game is very good and it's Bethesda...
Hahaha! Jesus. This is kinda funny. Actually it's awful. It's basically a new game. Or is it? I mean is the content worth it? People don't know yet? And they are still buying it? What has this industry become...
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