The more that we see of Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, the more we just want to combo pretty enemy designs into oblivion. We already know that the upcoming remaster looks great, but we're always jumping at another excuse to gawk at it. Fortunately for us, a new English trailer has come along.
Detailing the action role-playing title's combat system, this latest video is actually quite informative if you're looking to learn the basics of battle. Leifthrasir combines hectic, combo-based hack and slashing with a flexible skill system spread across multiple playable characters - and it looks like a ton of fun.
Take a look for yourself and let us know if your fingers will be fast enough in the comments section below.
Comments 8
If it is anything like their last game, Dragons Crown, I am sold.
@SonyInfinity It is in a lot of ways. I'd argue Odin Sphere's combat is a touch more in-depth, though, especially with combos and stuff like that.
@SonyInfinity This came before that title you know. And it's frickin' hard too.
@Riririn Oh I know it did, Odin Sphere is a ps2 game if memory serves. Was just curious if it was sitar to vanillas last gsme, Dragons crown. It certainly LOOKS similar.
@SonyInfinity Yea, its an awesome game but unlike Dragon's Crown it has no co-op.
@WanderingBullet Ouch, the no co-op actually hurts pretty bad in this case. My son and I spent A LOT OF time co-oping Dragons crown and I was hoping to do the same with this game. Big bummer that one and may be a no go at this point. I hate that because it looks absolutely fantastoc.
@SonyInfinity I see… maybe they'll release an English demo (they already released a Japanese demo). That way you can try it first before deciding.
Both classic and new gameplay are EPIC!!!
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