Oh dear, we can't see this selection going down especially well with everyone. Your PlayStation Plus games in April include indie space shooter Dead Star and ported Wii U game Zombi on PlayStation 4. The former's inclusion was announced a few weeks ago.
Elsewhere, PlayStation 3 owners can look forward to sort-of-decent survive-'em-up I Am Alive and Savage Moon, a sci-fi tower defence title. Meanwhile, Vita enthusiasts will have to endure another relatively lacklustre month, with 2D shooter Shutshimi arriving alongside A Virus Named Tom.
So, what do you make of April's selection? Try not to get stabby with your pitchforks in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 83
Dead Star is a terrible choice (I heard somewhere that the community is already dead on PC, with less than 800 players worldwide), but I'm happy enough with Zombi.
The Vita and PS3 offerings are placeholders now, until they finally ditch support for both.
Not a bad month for PS4, but it could be better.
No comment.
Firstly A Virus called Tom is also coming to Vita and secondly isn't Zombi what a supposed large group of people were crying out for? A boxed game by a major publisher?
People apparently didn't want pixelated platformers anymore but voted one in last month anyway and now a retail game by Ubisoft goes up. Let's see if people are happy then.
@Grawlog The Gamepad features were terrible. The PS4 version is probably better due to that alone.
@adf86 yes it was but just watch they will still moan
some people are never happy are they?
So happy with these games I was going to pre-order Dead Star and then it vanished now I know why. Zombi U again I was going to buy it so saved myself some money there. On the PS3 never played I Am Alive so another winner. If Sony had a hand I would shake it.
@FullbringIchigo I've been saying this for what seems likes years now, honestly some wouldn't notice value if Trump's toupee flew in their faces.
I'm happy with Zombi, it was a good game on Wii U and it won't be much different without the gamepad so I'll be downloading that. No interest in the other game though
Are you kidding? This is great! I was planning on buying Shutshimi, and I already beat ZombiU. However, I still highly reccommend it to anybody looking for a truly terrifying zombie game.
I found myself excited by Zombie. Best thing announced as free for ps4 since First Light.
I really enjoyed zombiu but some of that was the gamepad. Still beating a zombie to death with a cricket bat never gets old.
I was gona buy zombi wooo. Its not expensive but a savings a saving
It's not that bad.
Nothing that interests but I'm happy they've added some more variety rather than another pixel shooter
Zombi ps4 must've done pretty bad in sales.
Meh, IDC anymore
I actually think this is a marked improvement. It's a 3D game that came in a box - that's what everyone wanted, right?
I've been interested in I AmAlive for a long time and have been hoping it will turn up on Plus at some point. It's kind of Last of Us-like before that was even a thing. Or at least partly that, partly climbing simulator.
Everything else is a bit leave or take, but it's not bad.
Its good that Ubisoft are still willing to give up the goods for Plus. We might get some of their big open world games on Plus after all.
THANK YOU PSN Well happy with that list!!
Oh well, nothing for me.
It's good to get something else like Zombi besides twin-stick shooters that we've been getting every month. Not going to bother downloading Death star.
Zombi is a good one. Those ps3/vita games though... YIKES
Wanted to play zombi for a while but never got round to getting it so BONUS. I am alive was pretty good too from what I played so better freebies at last
ZombiU was fun. It will be interesting without the game pad since that'l was on feature that was unique.
Sorry but I am hard to please. Poor.
@Johnnycide The problem with your statement is that the Vita is a great system. Everyone I know that owns one loves it, and I've even seen several facebook groups with thousands of members in them, each. The only mistake with the Vita is, besides bad marketing, that they decided with the first version of the system, to release it with a proprietary memory card and charger. Yes, they changed the charger on the 2nd system, but that still doesn't fix the major issue, that being that PSV memory cards cost upwards of 4 times the cost of their micro-SD companions.
I'm quite happy with these games! I've already played zombi(U) on my wiiU but a second play through couldn't hurt. Dead star seems like a fun and good game. I don't care about the ps3 and psvita + games anymore, everything I want on them I get through sales.
It looks like Zombi is a first-person game and I hate first-person games. The Vita games are terrible. Probably nothing for me in this months crop so I might buy either Volume or The Swindle.
On the plus side I am finally getting used to using my shield on DS2. Charging in like you can successfully do in Bloodborne gets your arse kicked in Dark Souls I have found.
free zombie game im in.
well I guess Zombi is an improvement over what we've been getting the problem is the rest of the selection is generic indies and Zombi is still not really a AAA game... is a budget rerelease of a Wii U game..
@john_c light armour, a high adaptability stat, and two handing your weapon can do wonders in DS. I only found that out about 20 hours in, but it's a lot more flexible than it seems at first.
@Atrimis I owned one and sold it over a year ago. Unless you're a fan of afterthought indie conversions, JRPGs, or a library of games in the double digits which take advantage of the hardware, the system is dead. The right thing for sony to do is just let the damn thing die with dignity.
@Neolit Haha I'm serious though. I had fun with the Vita for about 6 weeks, but it's just not worth having one now. For me anyway.
Oh, and I could murder a pint!
Zombi U is magnificent fun, but would rather play it again on Wii U. Meh to the rest.
Wasn't all that impressed when I heard about Dead Star, but haven't played Zombi, so am pleased with that; it's certainly better than the usual pedestrian offerings from PS+. Well done Sony.
Still waiting for ps+ to become a 4/5 or 5/5 value. right now I would have to say it's a 2/5 only because a handful of decent games cam out of it.
@adf86 I can only speak for myself, but last month was the first time I didn't renew my subscription and thanks to Zombi I'm subscribing again.
I think I might give Dead Star a go, but that'll be about it for me this month. Got loads to play though, so it's no big issue
I'd looked at Zombii U in the sales but held off buying due to mixed reviews. I, therefore, am very happy this is part of the free games this month. I get to try it for myself, for free, and come to my own conclusions as to whether it's good or not. Thanks Sony the other game doesn't interest me though
Oh dear....
Zombi looks pretty good. Can't complain.
When I bought my kids a WiiU a little over 2 years ago I bought a bundle deal from Wal-Mart . It came with Super Mario Bros U , Super Luigi Bros U a pro controller and Zombie U . I love zombie games. , but for whatever reason none of us have played Zombie U yet . I will download it for ps4 . Why not . Maybe I will actually play it AND we won't have to walk 3 feet to put in a disc with it on the hard drive . HAHA . Haven't looked up the ps4 version . Can you use the ps vita as your second screen like the Wii U uses the game pad ?
There's nothing better than giving out free viruses!
Playstation gets dead star and xbox gets dead space in april how you want your dead?
Yes! A side scrolling shoot em up at last! its Shutshimi? What the hell is that?
Seriously it looks like it was made on a spectrum.
I'm hyped for Zombi! I never got to play it on Wii u so I guess I'll scoop it up on ps4!
I'm hyped for Zombi! I never got to play it on Wii u so I guess I'll scoop it up on ps4!
Happy with zombie
I have never judged PlayStation Plus month to month. Plus will never replace BUYING games. I cant help but to think, some expect it to. Discount saves me money when I buy games.That alone can get my $4 back for the month. IGC give gives me a few welcomed games, and I get online service. Its not really about could it be better. Hell yeah it could be all AAA game. But in reality it about what can you get for freaking four dollars. Now for the reality check nothing much, if anything at all!
@Grawlog I agree, at least its not another pixel indie game. There's nothing wrong with those, but they get old if thats all we see and they arent your cup of tea.
Pretty upbeat selection of comments which is nice. Can't say anything really appeals to me this month but no biggy.
Happy with Zombi. A boxed game I probably would never have played if it was not on plus.
I can't believe people still cry about PS+. Before Sony's initiative, there were no free games from any console manufacturer. Sony took the lead, Microsoft followed, and all they get for it is grief. We're talking $5 a month! That money isn't for free games, it's to maintain and improve their online infrastructure. If you want to cry about that, fine. The free games and discounts are bonuses. I swear, Sony could give away Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and Uncharted 4 all in the same month. And people would STILL cry Gaming isn't a cheap hobby. If you expect ANY console maker to fund your AAA gaming needs, you're just going to be sour period. There's a market specifically for your income level and mentality: mobile.
Language -Tasuki-
I was mildly interested in Zombi when the PS4 port was announced and planned on picking it up in a flash sale. Seeing how it free, it's a win for me. Happy as a rat this month.
I ain't even mad. I use my PS+ for playing online. Getting games is gravy.
I guess I will finally give Zombi a try.
I remember being hyped for I Am Alive so many years ago before it almost got cancelled and became a small budget game, may take the PS3 out of its retirement to try it out! And Zombi looks like a good game for my horror-loving girlfriend watch me play. Not a bad month at all
Not bad, no idea what the Vita games are though. Any chance of a quick summary article of what to expect from these games and if they're worth downloading, Pushsquare? Pretty please.
The EU blog is its usual troll laden hell hole self this month. I wonder if Sony read it and just think "well we can never please them, so we'll just release any old guff. PSP version of Invizimals? Yeah that'll do."
Shutshimi actually looks like some balls out nutty fun! Reminds me of Parodius. A fish with biceps? Mind blown!
Sweet. Wanted to give zombi a try but not ready to purchase it.
@Johnnycide I like how you mentioned JRPG's casually, as they're doing wonders for the system. There are also tons of visual novels. I guess the system isn't for you, but it's far from dying. Sony's just sad that they don't know how to market it, and make it accessible to more people.
I swear to god, if I hear an ounce of complaints after FINALLY getting a AAA title, I will lose my mind. Everyone whines every month about No AAA titles and then we get one and they still whine. This crowd.....wow
Zombi is nice I suppose, though everything else looks a bit lackluster.
Zombi works for me!
Pants. Already got Zombi (On U and PS4)! Don't care for the rest! Zombi is a great game, criminally underrated!
Happy with Zombi - not everyone's cup of tea but I think a good balance for PS4.
It's kind of the IGC equivalent of dad dancing. I appreciate that Sony has tried to be with it, but doesn't quite pull it off. Happy with Zombi even if again this falls short of games with gold. Just relieved that it isn't more pixel side scrolling. Still got the old twin stick shooter, but cant win em all! Overall, I am happy with this months selection, although the bar wasn't set high at all to begin with.
@slampog Before Sony's initiative we didn't have to pay to play online. The games are justification - not bonuses. As consumers, blindly protecting brand names is a marketer's wet dream. Keep pushing, reward good activity with praise, but never tread on others because their perception of value is different to yours.
Another month I can wait XD 6 in a row.
zombi aint bad for free, no complaint's here the other game look's a bit bobbin's though.
Almost bought Zombi a few times in sales so am pleased with that. Vita games don't look bad either. Both have decent steam reviews. Having been going through some of my IGC vita back catalogue on trips recently and have really been enjoying some I overlooked at the time.
@Atrimis oh come on... visual novels? They're not exactly blockbusters. Same with JRPGS, they're a niche market with a very vocal fan base. Vita had potential, Sony squandered that potential.
@Johnnycide Dead Star isn't out on PC yet. It's release date is 5th April. The 800 or so players you speak of will be Early Access players.
@Smash41 more fool them. It's another Secret Ponchos.
@Johnnycide Dead Star is made by ex Rare Studios staff (they made the Metroid Prime games on the Gamecube). I'll least give it a try before writing it off.
@Smash41 why? It's a multiplayer only top down shooter. Why does this deserve my time more than say, Nuclear Throne, Binding of Issac, Helldivers, Dead Nation, Galak-Z, Strike Suit Zero, etc? We've got enough of these games already. If it had a decent campaign I might consider it, but I won't bother with games where I'm at the mercy of other players being around to play the damn thing.
zombie looks ok
@JoeBlogs it's more that I resent having to put the time in to get to a competitive level when I find the concept redundant.
Sony's problem with PS+ is they didn't charge £5 a month from day 1, then people would have nothing to complain about I didn't realise Zombi had a soul's aspect to it, if you die you can go back and kill your old character (which is zombiefied) to get your stuff back. I just read the review and even though I rarely agree with them 8/10 isn't bad.
I already own Zombi unfortunately but its nice to see something different on plus.
A welcome change from the usual we see on there.
@Johnnycide Because everybody loves Uncharted? Or Call of Duty? Yea, okay. I won't deny that Sony screwed up, but their issue is not the library, instead the big Sony screw up is their greed, and the effing memory card.
Terrible compared to what Games with Gold is offering but not like it matters in regards to either service. All that matters in April are Ratchet & Clank and Quantum Break.
Zombi is cool, had it on Wii U but never really got into it, as my daughter always wanted her Wii U back.
Sony this is crap compared to gwg on Xbox and has been for months.
Honestly I'm fine with indie but for god sake you started with outlast and never got that bar again imo.
Thank god I have a Xbox as well as ps4
@get2sammyb I got I am alive last month through PS plus though already...?
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