Guerrilla Cambridge's somewhat forgotten PlayStation 2 action title Primal will flash its pointed teeth at the PlayStation 4 next week, as the 2003 action title is set to join the platform holder's selection of ported classics. You can expect full Trophy support and 1080p presentation in this re-visited release, which is due out as part of the PlayStation Store update on Tuesday.
For those unfamiliar with the original, it puts you in the shoes of a 21-year-old woman, who searches for her boyfriend through a series of demonic realms. It's no Medievil we're afraid, but it does feature the vocal talents of British actor Sean Pertwee, who's perhaps best known for narrating MasterChef: The Professionals. Yeah.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 23
I hope next time sony and capcom port okami and onimusha 1-3.
I remember buying this when it first was released but apart from remembering that I bought it I can't remember what it was like or if I enjoyed it or finished it..
Have yet to even buy any Ps2 games on the ps4.The only ones I'm interested in so far are Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy,but there are so many games available for the ps4 itself I can't see ever having time for the past generations...
Love this game, hope it has a platinum.
Made me imagine how a good soul reaver would've been on PS2
@viciousarcanum I'm guessing Soul Reaver 2 on the PS2 slipped by you then?
@Wazeddie22 Parappa the Rapper 2 is good for a few quid.
I really enjoyed Primal, thought it was a great game
@viciousarcanum it doesn't
Primal will bring back so many memories for me. I can't wait to play it again and at 1080p.
I want ff12 and star ocean 3 on ps4. I really want a hd collection of the star ocean games on ps4 that alone would be worth $60 because you are getting 4 games on one disc and tons of content.
Hoping for more PS2 classics. Just 14 this far!
These PS2 Classics are taking AGES to come to the PS4 Just think of how many millions SONY could make having all the PS2 Classics and PS1 Classics on PSN for the PS4(and Future PS consoles) Oh well.
@themcnoisy yeah I never did play this one or the original but I remember my mate bought it and it was the only game he played for the whole two weeks he had his console before it broke lol
@Carl-G @Utena-mobile To be fair, though, it's not like they're straight ports. They need to re-program them to add the Trophies, create all of the artwork, and re-test them. I'm glad they're going to the extra effort, but it will always be a trickle.
I wish they would add smugglers run (I know they will never). It was a blast with 2 people. Aw those where the days
@VanillaLake there are actually 25 PS2 games already available on PS4, that Store list that you shared is incomplete, games like Wild Arms 3, Max Payne, Bully, etc aren't listed there. Here is a link that list all 29 PS2 games that are already available on PS4 or going to be available soon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_2_games_for_PlayStation_4
@Utena-mobile why bad? they are releasing most games that were published by them originally and rockstar, to release more games that were originally published by other companies they need to make deals with those companies, which takes time and effort and the approval of those companies to port their games. and since this is a ps2 emulation program they are just porting ps2 games, unless sony does a similar thing and starts a ps1 emulation program in the future.
@Carl-G adding trophies, testing them and also testing all the other things like remote play, share play, streaming capabilities, etc takes time, according to some sony employee it takes nearly 1 to 2 months to add and test trophies, so of course it takes a little time for them to release them.
I already have two I wished for, Dark Chronicle and Rogue Galaxy. Now just my most wanted to wait for, FFXII.
@Finozzi1696 Thank you. I wonder why the PS store is not updated...
@Utena-mobile You have a point though. At this point, PS3 had lots of classics on the store. On the other hand, classics are taking forever to appear on PS4. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate 1080p upscaling (which is an automatic process, anyway) or trophies implementation, but sometimes I think Sony is being overconfident because of PS4's success and they are not working as hard as they did last generation. Moreover, they made deals with third parties last generation so it cannot be an excuse.
Of course, Nintendo is doing even worse because those are direct ports and I don't think adding a Miiverse community presents any difficulty at all.
This is the list of PS2 classics on the PS3 store. Obviously, PS3 was older when the list was completed, but it still is a good reference to see how many deals they made and how companies were willing to re-release their games for a platform that was less popular than PS4 is:
@Utena-mobile there were more PS2 games on PS3 because they were straight ports, they didn't had to add trophies, remote play, share play or streaming capabilities, the PS3 versions didn't had any of that so it was very easy and quick to make them, meanwhile this PS4 versions does have all of that so it takes way longer to make them, adding trophies and testing them takes 1 to 2 months per game according to some Sony's employee, that's why they are taking longer to be released than the PS3 ones which were lazy ports with no actual effort.
They were able to make more deals on the PS3 because those companies didn't had to invest nearly any money into those ports, as opposed of now that they have to invest something so Sony can add those trophies and test the other functions which also takes money to do so.
Also another theory of mine is that MS's Xbox One BC announcement took Sony by surprise so they had to announce their PS2 emulation in the same year at the PS Experience event, so since they were in a rush they were only able to make a deal with Rockstar giving their success and some other minor companies, we'll be seeing more deals soon but like I said this PS4 ports have more actual effort put into them as opposed to the PS3 versions which were lazy ports, the only difference being the 720p resolution and that was it, so obviously it was much more easy and quicker to make those PS3 ports.
@VanillaLake see my reply to Utena-mobile above, the PS3 versions didn't had any trophies, remote play, share play and streaming capabilities so it was easy and quicker to make them, meanwhile this PS4 versions does have all of that so it takes way more time to make them this time (it takes 1 to 2 months per game to add trophies according to a Sony's employee, and yes remote play, share play and streaming needs to be manually tested to ensure they work properly, is not just an automatic process made by the console, they need to test those things first)
They were able to make more deals on the PS3 because those companies didn't had to invest nearly any money into those ports, as opposed of now that they have to invest something so Sony can add those trophies and test the other functions which also takes money to do so.
Also another theory of mine is that MS's Xbox One BC announcement took Sony by surprise so they had to announce their PS2 emulation in the same year at the PS Experience event, so since they were in a rush they were only able to make a deal with Rockstar giving their success and some other minor companies, we'll be seeing more deals soon but like I said this PS4 ports have more actual effort put into them as opposed to the PS3 versions which were lazy ports, the only difference being the 720p resolution and that was it, so obviously it was much more easy and quicker to make those PS3 ports.
@Finozzi1696 Yes, I read all your messages. I only hope that they add many more PS2 games to the PS4 store. A lot of people jumped to PS this generation, I'm happy to see remasters of last generation but there are many PS2 games that I want. I even sent an email to Sony before they announced the PS2 classics requesting them (in 2013).
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