With some inevitability, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has become the fastest selling entry in Naughty Dog's popular action adventure series to date in the UK, with sales of the PlayStation 4 exclusive bettering those of PlayStation 3 predecessor Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception by 66 per cent. That puts the game in a very handsome position, so don't be surprised if Sony releases an official statement soon.
The game beat out DOOM, which was no slouch either. id Software's gruesome reboot outsold DOOM 3 by 67 per cent, so positive news all around really. Elsewhere, Call of Duty: Black Ops III hung around in third, while Ratchet & Clank continued its good form, clinging on to fourth position. Tom Clancy's The Division rounded out the top five.
UK Sales Charts: Week ending 14th May, 2016
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III
- Ratchet & Clank
- Tom Clancy's The Division
- Far Cry Primal
- Grand Theft Auto V
- FIFA 16
- LEGO Marvel's The Avengers
- Star Wars Battlefront
[source chart-track.co.uk]
Comments 26
Well done!
n.I.c.e congratulations naughty dog .and doom is a legendary franchise.now bring dishonored 2.my most hype game this year
I thought Doom released in the UK on May 13th, so wouldnt this be week ending in May 15th?
All around great news though, kind of impressive for Doom to hit #2 with three less days on the market.
And completely deserved to be in top spot. A console masterpiece with the cool modifiers to play around with as well.Naughty dog just absolutely nailed it with this one, my fav game so far this gen.
Well deserved. Let's hope it keeps that position for a number of weeks. It even beat GTA! lol
Surprise to no one, interestingly last week's No 1 Battleborn dropped out of the top ten completely.
I hope naughty dog do even better because they deserve it way more than others and because I'm feeling guilty i didn't support them yet by buying their game q_q I'm such a hypocrite forgive me naughty dog
@BertoFlyingFox Typo, good spot. Fixed now!
Just wish my copy would work? There seems to be a growing amount of us that are having major graphical glitches making the game unplayable. As soon as the game is in the drive my PS4 sounds like a jet engine, game loads and everything is happening, voice acting story etc. but the screen is full of glitching polygons and melting textures.
NG are looking into it http://feedback.naughtydog.com/forums/363840-uncharted-4/suggestions/13814427-graphical-corruption-occurs-game-wide, some are suggesting it’s a hardware issue that this game is flagging, but I find it hard to believe only this games causes it? Any ideas anyone? Running latest version of the game, and have reinstalled on system a few times as well. Ta
Is this a list of total sales or just those on PS4. If its the former, then even bigger Kudos to Naughty Dog. I know Doom may have had a few days less in sales and no reviews but it is available on more platforms. Xbox and PC gamers had very little else to buy this week.
I must admit that Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece. here are a few minor things I would have 'preferred' and one that the other Uncharteds have that this doesn't BUT despite that, the overall game is, in my opinion, Naughty Dogs finest work. It 'borrows' elements from the Last of Us and the 'wide-linearity' gives more of a sense of freedom. Madagascar is probably the biggest open area (or at least 1 part of that chapter).
Visually the game is stunning. The level of detail in 'everything' is astounding. Its not just reserved either for the areas the majority will see but also areas off the beaten path. Areas that don't have collectibles or 'story' have the same attention to detail. I can and did spend hours just roaming, exploring and just looking in awe at everything. Technically its the most impressive game I have ever seen on console - the way the lighting works, facial animations, smoke/particle effects its incredible. Maybe it does use 'tricks' to render things in a specific order - those we see get rendered first and things that are 'hidden' from our view get rendered afterwards but that still doesn't effect the sheer quality and technical mastery of this game.
The game itself doesn't really bring anything new to gaming. Its not revolutionary but that's hardly surprising for a 4th game with defined parameters and expectations. It does bring new elements to the franchise but these are things we have seen in other games. The story itself is more 'grown' up as Drake has too. There is a greater emphasis on the characters and their relationships. I certainly won't spoil it, but I also think that Naughty Dog handled Drakes final Uncharted adventure and in particular, that ending very well - dare I say perfectly? I know they said it would be divisive but, unless they were referring to the last part of the 'hunt' and boss battle, the post-battle conclusion and epilogue was a perfect send off for Drake.
Yes I will miss him but what a game to go out on!! I really do think it will scoop Game of the Year and make it 5 in a row for Naughty Dog!!
Good results for both. I'm more so happy for Doom, as good sales will hopefully mean a continuation of the franchise! I finished the single player last night and it was an absolute blast, now.... back to Uncharted!
Anybody industrious enough to find the PS3 install base at the time of U3s release? I'd guess twice that of PS3 now, though it's possible by that point there were a lot of reasons to own a PS3, and many people who own a PS4 had U4 in mind.
U4 I'd suspect has a pretty percentage. If I had a PS4 I'd own it. A demo of Doom would probably be enough for me, 5 minutes of mindless carnage is all I need. I'm not a big multilayer person, though I've read the editor is a nice addition. Maybe I'd play it on PS+.
Fantastic game, does fantastic sales.
I'm not even done yet with the main campaign, but I can already safely say that this is the best game I've played this gen. I reckon UC4 will outsell Halo 5 across its lifetime, which if I'm not mistaken would be a first (UC>Halo).
Also say what you will about the numbers of ports/remasters, but I don't think the PS3 had as many great games as the PS4 over the same period. Greatness has arrived!
@BAMozzy Former, all platforms
@Neolit I have an upgraded hard drive 2tb - spec'ed at the same speed as the original drive, cheers
@Fight_Teza_Fight Personally I think saying that Uncharted is better than Halo is even more ridiculous than saying Gears of War is better than Killzone. Both are very different games, different genres and different target audience. I am sure that for some Halo is much better than Uncharted where the MP is concerned and maybe those that want or prefer a co-op experience too. Sales is also not always the best indicator either. U4 for example has double the potential market to Halo 5. If U4 sells 10m (for example) that's 1 in 4 PS4 owners that own it (25%) If Halo5 sells 6.6m, its behind in sales but would represent a 33% popularity on its console. I believe that Nathan Drake collection sold more too though and Halo 5 (I believe) has the lowest sales of all Halo FPS games including the spin offs. Point is though that you can't always say that 'overall' sales are definitive proof that 1 game is better - especially with different genres. Halo probably has greater competition from other FPS games too - like BO3. Uncharted doesn't have as much competition. I do think its better than the latest Tomb Raider although that offers a different experience - more RPG and Survival elements, more of an open world too.
Myself personally though think that U4 is much better than Halo 5 - even though I consider myself a fan of the FPS. Visually I think U4 is the best looking console game to date. I prefer the campaign too and if I had to pick a 'top 5' games for this generation, U4 would easily make that list but Halo 5 wouldn't be in my top 10.
@Sanquine As I expected which makes it even more impressive. I wonder how long it can stay at the top with Doom reviews starting to appear (its looking quite average by reviewers - so far around 74 on metacritic). I wonder if people were holding off for those and as I said, it has a much bigger user base to target. As word of mouth spreads, people could take a chance on Doom this week and maybe most have bought Uncharted already.
As I said to @Fight_Teza_Fight Uncharted 4 would easily make my top 5 games of this generation - quite possibly even my top game!
Nice! Also glad to see R&C still doing well...
Yh I completely agree. I was just referring to lifetime sales, probably should've made that clearer. Completely different games, but I believe that Halo has a much better attach rate than UC has to their respective platforms. This gen with PS outselling X1 2:1 (practically) I think UC4 will be the first to buck the trend. Hence the UC>Halo
Naughty Dog deserves this!
@Fight_Teza_Fight Again does it matter? I really don't understand why you had to bring Halo into it as its a very different game - unless you are looking for validation and acceptance from a PS based website. Why not go the whole way and say U4>Zelda as no doubt it could sell more than the WiiU Zelda too?
There is no denying what Halo achieved for MS and console gaming when it first came on the scene. BUT like I said it is avery different game and targets a different audience. It also has more competition as the FPS genre is very well represented and released at a much busier time of the year. I wouldn't go on an Xbox site and say Sunset Overdrive>Infamous, Killzone or Until Dawn.
As someone with both an XB1 and PS4, I do find it unnecessary - especially as the games are so different. It would make more sense to say Killzone>Halo but like I said sales themselves don't always tell the whole story. Sales figures don't take digital into consideration. There is a big chance that Killzone sold more because it was bundled with the launch console. Metacritic says that Halo is better though. Not many games are better than U4 according to the reviews too but again for some, they may prefer other games.
I'm sorry but it annoys me when people bring other consoles 'exclusives' into statements - even more when they have nothing in common. And yes I would say the same if someone on an Xbox site said something like Gears4>Killzone, Bloodbourne or any other PS4 exclusive that doesn't have anything in common.
Naughty Dig have been one of the most consistently great developers for a very long time and this is the culmination of all that work. As @Neolit suggests there is an element of smoke and mirrors to the visuals in the game which ND have become masters of but also ghis is easily the most visually stunning game I have ever played. The game engine is phenomenal and there have been so many times I've stopped and just looked at it, not to mention the times where you get to destroy large parts of the decorations and get to see how well the physics hold up as everything bumps and crashes into each other, seriously that chase scene is unbelievable and all without causing so much as a hiccup to the frame rate. I can't wait to finish and have a go with the modifiers and watch all the chaos in slow motion.
Oh and kudos to Ratchet and Clank for showing some good staying power and I may have to give Doom a go sometime soon
@Fight_Teza_Fight where is the halo comparison coming from?
But anyway, glad to see the UK still has some taste in amongst the FIFA and COD.
@Fight_Teza_Fight @BAMozzy @Neurotic_Biotic
I believe the Halo - Uncharted comparison to be fair In as much as the 2 premier consoles major game franchise outside of racing. Halo was excellent, Halo 1,2,3, Reach - all outstanding with a major drop off with 4 and 5. Uncharted on the other hand has improved this gen it seems. Just throwing my two pence in.
I bought my son Lego Avengers for his biffday and to be honest, its okay. Iron man turns into Resogun in the first level. Sweet!
The comparison simply stems from both games being the primary system seller to their respective platforms.
I don't mean to compare both games as games, but as to what they mean to sony/ms. Which is better is irrelevant, but they both reach out to the casual gamer like no other.
I firmly believe that UC4 is THE game to own if you own a PS4 and that's down to Sony's marketing and ND. I think you will find it being a staple in a lot of PS4 homes, whether they like UC or not and that may not have been the case in the PS3 era.
Not surprising but certainly deserved for Uncharted 4. Also happy to see Ratchet & Clank stick around.
@themcnoisy Halo 'was' but has, in mine and many others opinions, become far less significant and like you say, really dropped off since 343 took over development. In terms of MP though, I would argue that its probably more popular but again has much more competition from the multitude of other very popular FPS games available. Halo 5 also followed on from the MP mess of the Halo MCC. Naughty Dog have remained at the helm of Uncharted and as it was their franchise from the start have a much better and more vested interest in it. If ND for example, were to go independent and Sony created a studio purely to make 'Uncharted' games, do you think they could match what ND managed? Do you think they would take it to the 'next' level? I do wonder what Halo 5 could have been had Bungie remained as developers. I would love to ask them what they honestly think of 343's Halo games and how they would have approached them.
From my PoV, its one thing that I think MS has done wrong. I really don't think they should have formed a 'studio' specifically for the creation of game franchises it owns. I would have preferred a 'super studio' (so to speak) that works collectively on its franchises so that they have a bit more license to work on other projects and maybe even create new projects too. We know that ND are free to develop a new game - even a new franchise. U4 certainly benefits from the Last of Us and the things ND 'experimented successfully with in that. Guerilla are branching out with Horizon:ZD and that could help them if/when they return to Killzone.
I know that Halo is still regarded as one of MS's big franchises and so is Uncharted but that's really the only similarity. I could understand more if Uncharted was compared with Gears of War - both 3rd person cover shooters, both a similar age (although again Gears has a new developer), I could understand if Halo was compared with Killzone too - both FPS with similar 3rd Party competition. U4 has more in common with Rise of the Tomb Raider in my opinion.
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