We've been to Hell and back – and all you're getting is this lousy DOOMvideo review. While reviewer Joey Thurmond is still busy thoroughly investigating every last crevice of the underworld, yours truly has returned from Hades with a tale to tell. Watch on as we walk you through id Software's unashamedly old-school FPS – and come to a conclusion about whether it's for you or not.
Have you been playing DOOM on your PlayStation 4? Are you a fan of the fast-paced foray, or has the demon slayer left you disappointed? Take out your chainsaw and go to town in the comments section below. Oh, and be sure to check back in a matter of days for our full written review if that's more your thing. Don't worry, we won't be offended!
[source youtube.com]
Comments 38
I enjoy the game in short bursts. I know this is not a game that will hold your attention for hours on end, but I am enjoying it. I will play it from time to time, to just enjoy some quick romps of blowing demons up.
Luckily a friend of mine is picking this up as I got uncharted then we'll loan them to each other once we're finished. I'm sure I'll enjoy it for what it is and looking forward to a change of pass that comes with doom
I enjoy doom on ps4. It was surprise how easy it can be handled on dualshock. Fast action, curiosity what else can I unlock and certainity I will go through maps again for collecting all secrets. I only hope there will be some secret e1m1 level
I've only played it twice but I'm over half way through, it's very morish. Really takes me back to some of the shooters I played on PS1. There is definitely a place for shooters like Doom, I hope they keep making them.
I rented it from the redbox, I figure I can plow through the campaign in about 3 nights, return only owing about ten bucks and then pick up uncharted this weekend. I like some Doom, but it's definitely a rental type game for me.
"Freakin' rad". I've no idea why I end up saying that about four times in this video - I don't think I've ever said it before in my life.
If your in your mid 30's and you've used the phrase "back in my day"....
Those are some goddamn fighting words Sammy! You little limey twenty something year old hipster! Granted I'm only 30, but I feel like I have to defend the old farts on this site.
Good review though!, although I don't agree with all of your opinions,..............if you guys plan on doing more video reviews to help build your YouTube following, I would almost recommend just going entirely to a splash screen and gameplay only, just looks more professional, and I'm sure it would be easier for you.
@sub12 Thanks for the feedback! How do you mean "splash screen"?
Just begin (and end?) the video with a little introductory sequence with the push square logo or something.
Welp ima jump into it tonight. Personally i hope the mp is as bad as u say , i enjoyed the beta , so hopefully there will be somthing there for me ,woth snap map and coop
@sub12 All that effort on the on camera bits, too!
I hear you - I just wonder if all voiceover will get a bit bland. May as well read the text that way.
But yeah, there's definitely a balance to be found. Still experimenting really.
I've only seen one other review for the game so far, where they counted boss fights among the positives, but I agree with you on this one, Sammy. I'll admit that so far I've only faced the one boss but it just seemed a little at odds with the frenetic fights the rest of the game has offered. Maybe if the boss had his own little demon posse to fight alongside him, it might have seemed more interesting but as it is, it just felt boring and by the book.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, platinumed this over the weekend and it's hands down the most fun I've had in a long while. The multiplayer might be lacking a bit, but the campaign is a pure gem, shooters like this do not exist anymore, period. And I'm already seeing some incredible stuff on SnapMap, less than a week from release. A truly special game.
I plan on getting it after a price drop. I don't care about playing online so I'm in no rush.
It was Uncharted 4 or Doom and that was an easy decision.
so far loving this game the campaign is fun graphics are nice the only real downside is the multiplayer which is ok just not great can see this being played alot though
Honestly after how boring the multiplayer beta was I was a little worried, glad to be proven wrong.
I do think it's good for a website to have one or multiple familiar faces that do video reviews and other bits, but you could consider showing a bit of gameplay on one half of the screen, with you on the other half, at times too. That way you never have to look at the same "sequence" for too long. With some snappy editing you'll maintain to hold people's attention. That'll be freakin' rad!
I've gotta be honest with you: the first few videos you did felt a bit awkward and I figured that this would end up the same as your music career, but you're really getting the hang of it. You're definitely a funny guy, but on screen it felt a bit forced at first, the last few vids though it feels more natural. You're freakin' rad!
The only thing we are missing now is more video contributions from Ben Potter. Judging from his profile picture he's not completely hideous and he has this incredible voice for voice overs and short bits and the typical British sense of humor that fits this site. There could even be a little back and forth between the two of you for the younger audience: if you do it in a playful way the old farts that say "back in my day" like myself won't mind, and you can address the YouTube generation in a way they like. That would be... FREAKIN' RAD!
@DrClayman I'm with you. I bloody loved it. It's at least a solid 8 or 9 just for the SP campaign.
Couldn't care less about mp anyway, my concern is the use of locked rooms as it does sound like they are overused and I've never been a fan of them. Other then that it sounds like a welcome return to the golden generation of fps games before COD ruined them, so I'll be picking this up when I've finished with Uncharted
Are you stopping written reviews?
@carlos82 The locked rooms isn't really a problem. I like it actually, music steps up and the carnage begins!
@Boerewors Thanks for the feedback.
@dryrain No, not at all. @DrJoeystein will have a written review of DOOM up imminently.
Thanks much prefer the written articles.
I haven't played it but I have read some reviews. Basically, it's a good game that has disappointed some (or many) Doom fans.
Love it. More fps throwbacks please
Should the title be: Doom Video Review? I was looking for doom review on pushsquare since saturday
@kyleforrester87 sounds more exciting wen you put it like that
@Kidfried Thank you! I've basically started from zero with this stuff so it's been a bit scary putting it out to an established audience that's used to a certain bar of quality, but you have to start somewhere. I'm glad that the hard work is starting to pay off.
I'll keep playing with it and faffing around. Hopefully I can continue progressing with it.
Cheers for the feedback on the links, too - that's helpful!
Twitch shooter on a controller? No way. Especially when there's multiple sites selling it for $30 on PC.
@Napples It actually plays really nicely with the controller, you'd be surprised.
Game looks freakin rad!
@get2sammyb I'm pretty rubbish on FPS games on PS4, love me some TPS games though. PVZ2 and UC4 have been my jams this week.
Doom is a 8 out of 10 all day long, very good game
@PeachSpike Why a Steam Machine when you can purchase a gaming PC cheaper, hook it up to a 4k TV and plug in a DS4 or XB1 controller?
ID have done an amazing job in bringing back DOOM. It's modern enough to not feel outdated, but it retains the feel of the originals. The graphics are awesome on all platforms (I have it on PS4) the multiplay is definitely fun and doesn't feel bolted on. People keep calling it an arena MP shooter, which it it, but its obviously had to be modernized slightly, though it could do with some slight balancing of weapons and powerups.
The Snapmap feature is absolutely amazing! You can make levels, co-op survival missions, Parkor levels and PvP match arena in such a way that would usually only be possible on a PC.
It also has some really nice surprises for longtime DOOM fans too. This DOOM is one "HELL" of an adrenaline fuelled ride which looks and plays fantastic. Call of Duty this isn't.
I would give it a 9/10 because of everything that is included alongside the campaign.
Oh and any true fan shouldn't play it on any difficulty lower than Ultra Violence.
@kyleforrester87 picked up Doom a couple of days ago and you're right about the locked rooms, I actually look forward to them now. It's almost like the last 15 years of fps "innovations" never happened and the game is all the better for it. The most fun I've had with a shooter since, well Doom actually 😃
@carlos82 good shout! I'm gunna play through it again soon
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