No Man's Sky was recently delayed until August on PlayStation 4, with North America getting the game on the 9th, Europe receiving it on the 10th, and the poor old UK having to wait until the 12th to sample the space sim. Naturally, the two day difference between the EU and UK release dates had a bunch of us Brits asking questions, with many demanding an explanation.
Fortunately, Sony's responded to the complaints, and has been working with retailers in order to get No Man's Sky released on the 10th here in the UK. According to the company's official UK Twitter account, that launch date is now locked in. Hurrah!
Did the two day difference bother you, or were you happy to wait? Climb back aboard your ship and zoom into the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 28
Sony just preparing them for life after Brexit...
Anyone actively complaining about the 2 day delay of a video game should be shipped off to North Korea.
No idea how people have become so impatient these days.
@RawShark It makes me a bit sad that Sony even responded
If anything I just found it amusing that the place it is being developed in would get it last! But it's two days, it ain't going to break us is it?
@kyleforrester87 This. Gamers are such an entitled bunch of whiners these days. Crazy how venomous some people can be over a few days difference between territories.
Aren't they a UK developer though? So it would be bizzare for the UK customers to be one of the last countries to get it. Doesn't bother me that much but it is nice when they put the effort in to have it release worldwide on the same day.
At least now I know when to book time off work. Not bothered about the previous two day wait, but it did seem a little strange how the country of the games origin would be one of the last to play it. A game like this, about discovery, really needs a worldwide simultaneous release.
And they wonder why we want to leave the EU? It seems half the time we aren't even included anyway!ah well it's not a game I'm really interested in anyway but still seems bizarre.
@SegaBlueSky gamers have always been a bunch of whiners and it started with the PC. lol when I was really active on PC gaming, so many PC'ers were always whining about balance and when developers listened, they were the first ones to jump ship right after. Basically whiners whine and when they get their way they either Don't buy the game, whine more about something else, or just stop playing once they get their way. It's really odd.
Erm... yey? Was it that big a deal?
@Neolit I think they do that in the big one called China
Date been pushed up! To to send resurrection threats to the creator!
Good do all of you in the uk, but I find it odd that where the game was made would Get it last. Even if we would no doubt be playing the game right now had the developer studio not get flooded when you all had all that absurd flooding a year or 2 ago 😂
Actually with a title as big as this and the fact that it is a kinda race to be first to discovery of planets, and other things that have been kept under wraps. Well of course it's only fair that it is a global release.
Also I must add, the fact that Europe was getting it 2 days before the UK is bewildering utter nonsense.
There is no reason to have different launch dates for the game. Has it already been decided that the UK is no longer in Europe?
@seanobi loud and clear buddy
I really didn't understand the complaints about the extra couple of days. The UK has always had games release on Fridays, and games are rarely released on the same day everywhere - unless it's a huge global launch.
What difference would two days have made to all these people's lives that they felt the need to make so much noise? The game's been in development for a long time, surely another two days shouldn't have been a big deal?
Ah well. The Internet, I guess! Can't wait for No Man's Sky
It makes a difference if your streaming games and your competitors are getting a head start on you.
@Boerewors To be honest if that happens i wonder what Nisa will do with their online store. I buy a lot of CE there i think that will drop the sales a lot.
I couldn't care if the whole thing got cancelled entirely. It looks and sounds boring as s**t.
@SegaBlueSky If anything it doesn't make sense why they can't release the same product on the same day in different regions. Especially when localization if any is needed can be done well in advance. They could have pushed NA's release date back 2 days or bumped others ahead to make it equal and a non issue.
I wish I had the time to be worried about a 48 hour difference in release date.
@dryrain perhaps if you were competing for the worlds last reserves of food or something but I'm not gunna loose much sleep over a random guy in Atlanta virtually landing on generic planet #100567 a few hours before me.
I guess I see your point if you stream for a living.
I cant personally see this game releasing on the 10th August in the UK. That will be a Wednesday. Games always launch either a Friday or a Tuesday. But who cares really. 9th, 10th, 12th its not gonna make much difference. At least we will find out first hand if the game ends up with loads of bugs and frame rate issues. lol. (im sure it will be fine though)
did seems strange since hello games are a uk company
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