Holy moly, there's a headline that we never expected to write again. Despite being announced back when this author was a teenager (!!!), the long-awaited Final Fantasy XV finally appeared to be on track for its 30th September launch. But according to one website, Square Enix may be about to throw a massive spanner in the works, by delaying the title until later in the year.
Gamnesia claims that the title will now deploy on 29th November, and it's citing a conversation with a high-level GameStop exec as its source. That's not exactly watertight, so there's no point in panicking just yet – but we have contacted the publisher, as a rumour like this seriously needs clearing up. Can your heart take one last delay? Wait impatiently for more news in the comments section below.
[source gamnesia.com]
Comments 45
This was going to be part of my anniversary present next month. I'm really hoping this is false.
Please do! The game in the demo was boring AF
@AFCC I felt it was boring too. I'm hoping if they don't change anything, combat and stuff may be more fun when you have the other characters with you
Colin Moriarty has released 2 tweets about this...IT'S HAPPENING! D:
I said I would play through the 12 non-MMO main-series Final Fantasy games before XV came out... So far I've finished the first one. So yeah, this delay sounds great!
But in all seriousness I'm always for delays if it will help improve the quality of the game.
Aww man, I sure hope its not true. Comes out the day before my birthday, would love to get it then.
Not a problem for me, I'm more interested in world of final fantasy.
Edit: Wait, I take that back! Maybe square delay it so it can support neo, if yes hell yeah, I'm interested in 60 fps open world final fantasy. The demo is not fun because it's sluggish.
I feel like I should feel disappointment, but the game has been delayed so much that I feel nothing reading this.
It better bloody not be. We can't be so close only to have it pushed back again. 10 YEARS! TEN BLOODY YEARS!
Nothing on the inside. Nothing on the outside.
I'd be really REALLY disappointed, but its better than the game launching with bugs and performance issues.
@ShogunRok This article would have been so much funnier had you written it.
1 Gamestop manager, who probably gave his 2 weeks notice 13 days ago.
Nov 29th is the Tues AFTER BF, so that's not good, unless Neo releases that day and it's bundled.
I don't doubt it, what dons't get delayed these days?, but I'm not believing it either. 1 Gamestop manager? What did he do, hack Hillary's email?
I don't mind if it means it will be better when it comes out. I have plenty of backlog to wait another two months.
@CloudNine combat was so simple it was bad! Hope they do make some changes, it was a simple button mashing demo with nothing fun :/
I would laugh if it got delayed 10 years LOL
Im cool with a delay. Especially since world of final fantasy comes out then. Along with bf1 less than amonth apart , that hurts da wallet.
I'd prefer this to be released alongside the PS4 Neo actually. The videos of the game running I've seen so far all look like they could do with a bit more power behind them...
Getting it either way dont care. A delay will suck but screw it, we waited this long, no point half assin it now.
Noooooo, not after I preordered the 90 euro limited edition yesterday!
not bothered, i have waited for over 10 years for this game so a small delay like this is no issue
(plus it would give me more time to play Rise of the Tomb Raider and Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2)
Can't say I'm all that excited about it anyway so November will be fine, nearer Christmas afterall
Edit: and as mentioned above, it may well be to do with Neo..would love to play this on better hardware.
Better not be! I have a game planned for every month, and this was my september one dammit!!
Based on the performance of the Platinum demo, I always thought getting the game ready by the end of September was a stretch; it wouldn't surprise me if this were true. To be honest, if the game plays like the aforementioned demo, I'd rather they delayed it a couple more months to get it running nicely.
One word: Neo.
@get2sammyb "and it's citing a conversation with a GameStop manager"
Your way of phrasing it makes it sound like a guy who works part time in 1 retial store.
The article you linked to says - "A source within GameStop management" - which make sit sound like a head honcho at HQ.
Not saying you are right or wrong, just that their way makes it sound a lot more official. And makes me wish I had read it last night before posting.
Guess well no for sure by tomorrow or Monday.
"Promotional materials with the new date have arrived at some GameStop stores with instructions that they are not to be put up until after Sunday, August 14th, so an official announcement could be coming then."
Also - from Gematsu - who I think is a real website and not just some ranitng kid in his parents basement - added an update today:
Update 08/13/16: One of the sources who told us of the game’s September 30 release date ahead of its announcement has told us that Gamnesia’s report is accurate.
Guess Paper Mario will be Day 1 then.
@rjejr Yep, it's looking like it's delayed. I'll tweak the GameStop manager bit, as you're right.
@get2sammyb Maybe they delayed it just to give The Last Guardian some breathing room. Unless that's going to be delayed now too.
Worst part of the story, they've been collecting $25 from people for Season Pass DLC for a game that won't even be out for another 3 1/2 months. All those people should be eligible for refunds. But of course they won't.
Another working weekend for you it seems. Oh, and thanks.
Yeah, why haven't they announced FF XVII yet?
Or maybe they did
@WebHead Get out of here. Common sense and intelligence have no place on the internet.
This is your second warning please watch the language -Tasuki-
I would be more upset if they had decided to delay it till `some time next year` but just before Christmas is fine.And to be honest I was thinking of holding off on FFXV until after I'd played World Of Final Fantasy anyway,a game I am much more excited about
Keep saying it and saying it...i'll believe this title is released when it's sat in my disk tray and only then. I still don't think this will be out in 2016. In fact, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was 2018.
I knew you would be the only one mentioning that it hits after BF if true. If they do that it will be beyond stupid, missing BF by 3 days.
Still skipping this one but sounds odd.
That's pretty funny when you consider how big of a deal they made about the announcement of that initial release date in the first place.
They should have announced a release date for the announcement of the new, delayed release date. Make it a big event and call it "DELAYED: FINAL FANTASY XV."
And at the end of the year, the ball drops. FFXV never really existed as a full game in the first place, but was merely a publicity stunt to promote the release of Release Date Delay Simulator 2016.
No big deal. I'll just play something else. With my backlog, I'm set for life.
Oh no! Please don't delay this mediocre kingdom hearts knock off! After playing both demos, that's the impression I got from it.
Nothing they're going to do with 2 more months couldn't have been done in the TEN years they've been working on this game
If they break this release date, I am going to despair because I won't be able to believe any release date that they give us for Kingdom Hearts 3.
@sinalefa You know me, always have a calendar ready.
The only reason I could think of for after BF is they know everythi g goes on sale BF and they don't want their game on sale for $45. Or as I said earlier, Neo launches on that new date, and So y is using BF to sell off the ild models.
But it's now 2:30PM on Saturday and no official information nor denial, so I'm not sure it's real anymore. But I keep checking back to see.
If it is a real new date, it will be under the tree with the console.
Yessss, that means a whopping EIGHT more weeks of Carbuncle Surpirse awards for me (c'moooon new car)! And now I actually have time to play TITANFALL 2 (single player really has me intrigued)...
TBA for ps5 (kidding!)
In all honesty I am not surprised it has been put back a couple of months Japanese developers do not care because they know we will buy it anyway.
To Quote Tom Jones "It's not unusual"
For Japan games to be delayed.
The BBC initially refused to play the song because of Jones’ sexy image, but it was played by UK pirate radio.
@JaxonH I never called this one, so if it happens, it's not my fault.
No six paragraph rant? No "Well I may as well wait to buy a PS4 now"?
Come on man I already grabbed the snacks and coffee.
@JaxonH I'm at a family bbq, I only replied cause its you. Did you see the NX article, iceclimbers and thanos are going at it but I'm eating and drinking.
And besides, I already told Sinalefa if this is true no PS4 until Christmas. Burgers ready, gotta go.
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