You get more than you may be bargaining for in this Kinda Funny playthrough of Sonic Mania. First up, the video includes all-new footage of a brand new zone – Mirage Saloon – as well as the first gameplay of both Knuckles and Tails, who appear to function the same as their Mega Drive counterparts. It continues to look like top-notch stuff.
The real highlight, though, is the chemistry between host Tim Gettys and producer Lola Shiraishi. Seriously, the sexual tension is so thick here that Sonic could probably cut it with a razor sharp spin-dash. It makes for slightly cringe-inducing viewing, but the kind that you simply can't keep your eyes off. Enjoy!
Comments 14
This video is like...
Caught this earlier and thought the same thing to be honest!
Seriously though, I'm super excited for Sonic Mania. The new zone shown here looks just as creative and sprawling as Studiopolis. Can't wait!
Kinda Flirty?
I remember Tim Gettys face when the Crash remaster was announced, shame it's going to be held up by the voice actors strike.
That subtitle made me think of bad Sonic fanfic. Thank goodness there's no tension in the game.
In the words of Spongebob...."I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I stayed for the sexual tension & I liked it.
Wanna hear more about Sonic Project 2017. Give me Generations 2, even better finally give us Sonic Adventure 3!
Guy says he's a big Sonic fan, then acts surprised when she tells him Tails can fly...
Still looks awesome, Day one!
I think the Sonic Cycle may have been broken.
Wow the parallax scrolling at the beginning of Mirage Saloon! And the animations! This is seriously becoming one of my most anticipated games for 2017. Hope we really do see a remixed version of Chemical Plant zone and ...maybe Angel Sanctuary to Marble Zone + a ton of new stuff!
also: they were so cute aaaww!
@get2sammyb me to I've waited 23 years (will be 23 when it lands next year) for a proper mega drive style sonic really can't wait
If this is what people think sexual tension looks like, then I have made some pretty dumb choices in my life. Lol
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