PlayStation VR is out now around the world, which means that we're able to stop telling you how amazing it is, while you experience it for yourself. We've reviewed the hardware, given our verdict on a half-dozen or so games, and even discussed stuff such as Cinematic Mode – but now it's your turn. How are you enjoying your headset so far?
If you've bought one of the devices, we want to know where you got it from, and if there were many other people at the store if you picked it up in person. What was the first game that you played, and which titles have you bought so far? Are you having any technical issues, or is the experience exactly what you expected?

And if you haven't purchased a headset yet, feel free to share why. Have you managed to get a go on the device yet? Have any of your friends picked one up? Which games are you eyeing enviously, or are you waiting for an upcoming release? We've been chatting virtual reality for weeks now, but this is your stage to share your own impressions.
Have you purchased PlayStation VR yet? (223 votes)
- Yes, I’ve got my headset now
- I’ve got a pre-order, just not picked it up yet
- I’m planning to get it over the next six months
- I have no interest in PlayStation VR
- I’m undecided about whether to get it
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Comments 76
I'm loving it so far. Only done Ocean Descent (no shark one yet), and a few minutes on Eve Gunjack. No motion sickness and headbutted my steering wheel looking at a stingray.
Loving it
@Drawfull Ocean Descent's pretty cool. Can't wait for you to check out The London Heist. (Assuming you've got VR Worlds, of course.)
I've only got the demo (I think it's either in the download or on the blu-ray?). I'm waiting for the sun to go round the house rather than being even more of a hermit during the daytime, but about half an hour and I should have a shaded lounge.
I can't believe i forgot that I had a table and wheel in front of me after only two minutes. Mad.
I had one on pre-order then cancelled. Sad because I have been looking forward to this since the late 80's.The main reason is the current games situation. The games I thought would be good have not been reviewing well. Also the lack of places to try the device. Its fine people saying this is a great product but until I try it then its still an unknown. Do I think the product is good? Yes. Do I think sony have done a good job of getting the product out there for people to try, no not really I can not name a store within 50 miles of where I live that will have a demo of this product.
Still in the mall, just pick up my ps vr. Battlezone demo is good, ps vr lenses is just okay though, ps vr 2 must have 4k lenses I think, I'll try it again when I'm back home. The battlezone tank is so spacious, the chair look comfy in vr
It's pretty jarring to see suddenly there's many people in the store when I'm finished playing battlezone demo (when I wear ps vr there's only 2-3 people in the store). I think playing ps vr will be very immersive if I play it in my room with headphone.
My store just receive 30 ps vr and it's all sold out, other store ps vr is delayed for 1 week.
Also had to cancel my VR pre-order, mainly due to financial restraints. I have a trial booked on the "Future of Play" tour next Thursday though which I'm looking forward to.
If I enjoy that experience, I'll probably be looking to pick one up any time after next month.
I played Robinson at the VR roadshow in Sheffield last week. Resolution was awful and hated having the right stick switching the camera between different planes. I don't fully understand it, but it was like myst, switching between 90 degree fields of view. Plus, the games don't look inspiring at all. If this was a box you put under the tv for the same price, I don't think it would sell at all. A lot of the hype is just around wearing the tv on your face. Hate to be a negative nancy, but I'm kind of annoyed with the release line up and forthcoming "experiences".
I picked mine up and have played a little bit of the London Heist. Ducking and shooting behind the desk/armoire/thing was pretty immersive, and I occasionally tried to set the (physical) controllers down on the (virtual) desk because I was tricked into thinking it was actually there.
$500 on a set of goggles in it's early adopter tech phase, first gen, limited games, or a new cpu, motherboard, and RAM for my 5 year old PC? Gee, i wonder which i'm going with?
As I haven't bought one yet, my launch experience has been downright envious. Can't afford VR yet but looking forward to making the jump next year.
The graphics in DriveClub are a disappointment (apart from the car interiors which are incredible). But crashing into a wall is fecking realistic and even after a few occasions I was still recoiling as the car came towards it.
The force feedback seems a bit weak, and the volume seems a bit low, but it's still great despite the crap resolution. Hope Pro can upgrade it a little for me next month.
Headset + camera + two Move controllers + more chargers for the Move things...
Oh, and some smaller glasses.
To play a few arcade games and some tech demos.
Ooor I could buy a PS3 and library of games for it.
...I'd probably have enough left over for some more PS4 games.
It was get a new TV/PS4 Pro or get VR. I'm getting TV/Pro. I think VR can wait.
Got mine through from amazon this morning. Hooked up nice and easy and straight into Driveclub.
It's a game I love anyway so playing in vr it had to be first up! I knew to expect a hit to the visuals, and you really notice it at first, but once I was in the action it was all good. Loving it so far.
Tried battlezone, a lot of fun but I came away from the demo a bit queasy. Then tried stardust - more queasy! Going to take a while to get my vr legs!
Having a quick break, then looking forward to playroom when the kids get in... That looks a lot of fun, then tonight it's all about until dawn when the kids go to bed
Undecided, but from what I read I think I will pass on this first generation of PSVR. I looks like the VR needs more powerful hw and better resolution, not going to buy PS Pro because of that - not sure it would change anything.
I love it so far. It has some shortcomings mainly with the cameratracking, some jitter and the low resolution. But confronted to my GearVR it has a way higher FOV. Must depend on the distance to the lenses, since I'm very close to both Headsets.
I tried so many games as of now, manage to have a short lunch before I dive into it again. Its great!
My favorites:
Batman, REZ, Thumper (those three are just amazing in VR)
I had less motion sickness as expected in Driveclub and EVE Valkyrie and both are really good games. I didnt mind the downgraded Driveclub graphics so much and had a moment where I parked my Ferrari under a tree where the sunrays hit the dirty windhield and I felt a strong presence and had a really good time....
@TheGZeus I'm glad people are enjoying it but, I'm with you, it seems very expensive for what it is. If I hadn't bought the Pro I may have gotten one. However, 350 + 40 + 70 = £460 plus you'll need some games for it or should I say experiences. That's a lot of money for something that doesn't offer any sort of compelling game yet.
@dryrain Those are both my reasons for not getting it at the moment as well! For me, the price is too high for a system with games that aren't anything amazing, and all rely upon "you need to see it to believe it". I haven't had a single opportunity to try out the device, and yet the only positive factor about the launch games are that the are great experiences, since they are mainly glorified tech demos. There's no game that I know for sure I'm going to enjoy, and therefore I can't justify paying the asking price as it stands
Just got the box. Very excited. Deflated to see Job Simulator is $30. Seriously? I was expecting well under $10. Pass...
I'm pretty envious of the guys that have one but at the same time I'm happy I stuck to my guns and haven't given In and bought one.I'd be pretty interested in how many people turned up in GAME where I bought my copy of Tomb Raider a few days ago for the launch seeing as they didant have any promotion for it what so ever.
I'll keep an eye on this and peoples opinions of it but I still really have no intention of buying one unless I get to try it which seems very unlikely down here.And like @TheGZeous pointed out,its not just the VR headset you end up paying for..besides,I just bought my 4K tv last week,I'd rather play decent full games on that than a bunch of mini games that I'll probably lose interest in within a few hours..
@Furtin I think after a few minutes the DC graphics aren't really an issue - that's not to say they're good of course. I loved my time there so far. Especially the beginning where you're in the single seater and you look to your right and left and there's car(!) for the first time while it loads or whatever. FML it's good
I didn't get Batman or Thumper, but I'm gonna get me some Rez action and Rigs later. Battlezone is awesome fun.
Also, atm eurogamer have a live stream, and it's quite amusing. Tempted to get EVE Valkrie too after watching the stream there and playing Gunjack.
No motion sickness at all too
So these people who have NO interest in PSVR are still clicking onto PSVR articles?
That would indicate some level of interest.
@slimcrowder Yup
So I went in completely blind. I was aware that there were a lot of cables, but it still caught me off guard. Add to that my PSTV & dualshock charging station & I spent about 3 hours moving things about & getting it set up.
After setting it up I only had an hour before work so I jumped into Thumper. I like what I played & as I went back to the start screen I realised that under 'Play' there was 'VR mode'. That's right I spent an hour playing a regular PS4 game with my shiny new headset.
I then proceeded to jump in for 1 run in VR mode before setting off for work...
WOW. Thumper VR is mind blowing. The sense of speed & presence backed up with the 3D audio & simple gameplay was just incredible. Only played 1 game & I'm here at work grinning & just itching to get back to it.
Just had a short go on DC and agree with you on the graphics, wonderful sense of immersion, looked over the side of the first car, the road speeding past was an amazing feeling!
No motion sickness either, cant wait to get back on it!!
Absolutely love Arkham vr. The sense of scale when looking around Gotham is fantastic. And yes i still feel vertigo in vr.
Had a quick couple of goes on battlezone and again was blown away at how great it felt to be in my own tank.
Got so much content to get through over the next few days it's unreal. Might have to try Kitchen later.
@SkanetWasTaken Wow, thanks for sharing — that's interesting.
I've been playing the demo disc and it's been pretty cool. I really liked Tumblr and Eve Valkyrie but Driveclub VR made me a little sick to my stomach so I had to quit. I'm taking a break to let my stomach calm down.
But I have to admit the low resolution caught me off guard. The sense of depth is incredible, but I was expecting better resolution.
@EnragedGibbon Me too, I'm sat here waiting for a work call so don't want to be strapped in right now.
Sod it, going back for more!
Just watched some Back to the Future (the end of 1, the start of 2) via Netflix. The resolution is adequate. You know when you spent ages trying to get scanlines to look good in MAME? Yeah, no problem. It's very cool and feels like a very large screen.
The 3D audio is different. I think I'd prefer real surround sound but turning away from the picture and the audio doing the right thing is pretty special.
@Fight_Teza_Fight haha! Yes! Its THAT good, isn't it?! In my eyes Thumper is a real masterpiece and an instant classic. Just like REZ.
I don't know what people are talking about but those two games alone would make me want to purchase the PSVR!
Still going to wait and see. If the games are good and the support is there, then I'll get it eventually, but for now I'm going to bide my time. Plus I've got a wedding to pay for, something I'm actually more excited about than playstation.
I was really hyped for the tech but there aren't any games that I really want yet. Plus I want a PS4Pro and there are enough non-VR games coming out to keep me busy for the next half year easy...
@thrillhou do not let your playstation hear that she could get offended.
Played Battlezone at EGX and that was fun. Spent roughly an hour at Game today with the staff playing through the shark one (genuinely, genuinely terrifying, the 3D audio at one point made my legs almost slightly buckle when the front cage was ripped off and I couldn't see the shark), RIGS (Good fun but a huge example of a £20 game being sold for £50 and thus putting people off), and the space shooting one (probably really good for that audience but I was a bit bored by it, maybe because I'd been playing for ages). While I was there they let me try the Oculus and the Vive, the Vive is clearly a far superior experience but when they explained the cost of being able to play it my jaw hit the floor, you're looking at close to £2000 for a decent set up plus games apparently! One interesting thing was they said they were physically out of stock, but if a customer left a number, there was a small chance they'd get a phonecall in the next couple of days.
All in all I can't wait to get one, but I'll not be paying full price for games when the £15 experiences/demos offer almost the same level of short experiences!
Still in the box at the moment, bit chicken to be honest, my 2.0 headset and move controllers are charging and my games/demos/playroom are all installed with updates. I have Rise of the Tomb raider loaded up and have even been stalling playing that. My games are Rigs, Until Dawn, Hustle Kings, and VR Worlds. I have a physical copy of Arkham VR on the way from the US, and disappointingly Loading Human was delayed despite my badgering Amazon and getting to change it to release day delivery a week ago. Plus Red Dwarf and that new Zapped show are on Dave TV ("Right here! Right now! We know what you need..." )and Celebrity Juice on ITV2....Too many distractions!
@dryrain bravo
So far I'm 4 hours into it and my experience is great . I tried almost all demos and full versions of driveclub and tumble. The games are both great! I remember tumble on PS3 on 3D , I loved it! Driveclub is good old driveclub but I already know that I will go through whole tour .
What's surprise is that playroom vr is very funny even if I played only one game as a single player so far. Can't wait to play with my girlfriend
And there is really massive wave of games. I'm surprised , really
And yes , that little processing is really loud even if I'm only in system menu with psvr turned on.
Sony, good job!
Language -Tasuki-
It's amazing. I've been playing various bits and bobs all day as I'm spoiled for choice, but zero tech issues and tons of fun to be had. Thumper in VR is hypnotically terrifying; I absolutely love it!
I'm planning getting the PSVR but I've to wait until it arrives to my country or import one.
One thing... It's just me or plain old "aventure games" in 3d aren't a perfect fit for VR? I mean... what can be better than looking around, picking stuff and exploring in VR !!
@MattSilverado I'd play some old-school adventure games in VR. Perfect fit.
Got two more hours of work left. I keep impatiently checking the status of my delivery but it hasn't arrived at home yet. I doubt I'll actually have time to play this weekend but I just want to have it in my hands.
@Furtin Yh I felt the same way with Thumper! Instant gratification. That would be the perfect game to use in demo booths.
I'm waiting on the pushsquare review for Rez. Bit pricey for my liking, but it looks like it might be worth the money.
@THRILLHOU your priorities are wrong 😝😝
Enjoying very much so far! Took the day off work to get fully acclimated. Bought the $499 Bundle. Traded in my old PS Camera for credit toward Here They Lie and also picked up; Batman Arkham VR, Eve Valkyrie, VR Worlds with the bundle, Demo Disc and downloaded Playroom VR and the VR Video applications.
Most Comfortable And Mind Blowing Experiences So Far: Playroom VR, Batman Arkham VR, London Heist, Invasion
Most Nauseating: Here They Lie [Disappointed Greatly. Love The Premise But It Was Borderline Unplayable And Visually More Blurry Than All The Titles I've Played So Far]
Score: 8/10
Early adopters always take a risk, but after demoing the tech with A Sony Rep and now having it my own home, I'm a believer! 1st generation is the proving ground and this tech is only going to get better with time. Heres to Sony and heres to the players taking their first steps in the Virtual World. Let it be a success and then WE ALL WIN! #Beyond
@Grish78 what's Eve Valkyrie like? I played the demo which is criminally short and was really impressed, but I haven't found a single review online.
@feral1975 bugger, missed Red Dwarf :/
@Furtin they are literally the two games I've been playing the most all day! I haven't even touched Battlezone or Batman yet. Thumper is an absolutely blinder.
Got mine set up this evening, all worked. Took a bit of time to work out the vision etc but was on my way. Only bought Battlezone and playing demos. Loved the VR worlds Sea experience. Rigs made me feel ill. Eve valkyrie demo was too short but I loved it. Battlezone is just ace. Waiting on more of Sammy's reviews before choosing my next VR buy.
One complaint would be that I am worried about breaking it. Probably paranoia. I love the experience.
Just took mine off and I love it so far. My only issue is that it is much more grainy than I expected. Looking online this seems to be called screen door effect but hardly anyone has mentioned it on the psvr. Starting to worry there's something wrong with mine - is anyone having issues with this?
It was a good ep, you should be able to stream it on their website, plus I think it's aired again at 0:00
@AhabSpampurse The demo I got to try with the Sony Rep was insane good man. When you looked down and saw your legs and hands you instantly felt like you were in the cockpit. Then BOOM shot out into space! The immersion is great and I only got a little queasy doing a barrel roll in game. I bought the full version and am working my way to it.
One thing I will say, is don't play VR when you are tired. It's seems to enhance any motion sickness you might get or vertigo.
Mine was delivered earlier today, just waiting to get off of work so I can go home and spend half an hour setting it up / plugging everything in. Hahaha
@Napples The goggles?
Lot of negativity toward PSVR in this thread and others online, as if people feel insulted by its existence on a deeply personal level. It's an optional peripheral/extension of the PS4 platform. If it's not for you, that's fine! No one's holding you down, strapping a headset on you. Don't understand the appeal? Also fine! But I don't see why so many people are trying to crap on the rest of us.
@glassmusic I'm looking forward to some of the people vehemently against VR actually trying it.
Yeah, that's part of the experience I'm def hoping to see in the future.
I just played London Heist. It was my first experience.
Oh.... my goodness..... it's utterly amazing beyond my wildest expectations!
I kept screaming out and laughing, "this is amazing!" over and over and over again. And that was while I was still in the main menu!!!
I haven't been awed like this since... well, ever. My entire life. This is the most awesome thing I've ever experienced. Words simply can't describe it. At the end during that climax... I thought I was really there. Got a tad dizzy with all those explosions and fast speed but it wasn't too bad, and quickly subsided. I'll tough it out til I'm used to it,
"occasionally tried to set the (physical) controllers down on the (virtual) desk because I was tricked into thinking it was actually there"
Lol I almost did the same thing! Kept having to tell my brain, "no, do not set down the gun, just push the button. Toward the end there though I was gunning like James Bond, always keeping a clip ready in my left hand
I had an incredible first night with it. Batman is certainly the best thing I bought for showing off the technology's potential. But holy smokes I LOVED watching Allumette. The head tracking and leaning in to get get a closer look is just amazing. I can't wait to watch more movies this way I am blown away.
Trying ps vr demo for 2 hour before I finally sleep on 3 a.m, my impression from the demo is:
In my opinion ps4 is like ps vita for vr, good if you like indies, but not enough if you want to play big AAA vr game, most of the resolution problem I have come from big games like driveclub and resident evil, although some game like rigs doesn't have that problem, it seems ps4 pro is needed to reallly enjoy vr.
I think ps vr is a good product but it really need improvement in some key area like resolutions and cable management. I don't think it can survive if sony only update it every 3 year, with vr on smartphone (google daydreams) and on pc (oculus and valve) updating every year, I think at least sony has to update ps vr every 2 year.
My tendency to sometimes get motion sickness still has me hesitant to try PSVR. When GT Sport arrives though, I may be a bit more intrigued. If there's one genre that should work well with this it's racing games and GT could be a spectacular showcase for it.
@Deljo What I see in dark scenes is some film over screen. If I focus on that I realize it's screen effect like if you watching tv too close. In brighter areas it's still visible but if I focus on environment, I don't perceive it.
Anyway this "grid" I see is much more finer than actual perceived resolution maybe thanks to rgb pentile matrix. I think it's normal. For me it looks like if I wear helmet with plastic view zone in vr world
@Gamer83 Hey man, definitely try driveclub! With vr it's pleasure to view replay as passenger only, but it's also totally different experience to watch cars outside while racing .
@Grish78 I totally agree with your final comment. At 12pm when I started everything was gravy, but by 9pm I was struggling a bit with eye fatigue and feeling a bit flat. Like being at sea, I reckon the more I use it the easier it'll be. Here's to growing my "VR legs"!
@glassmusic As above, I recognised in my comment that I was being negative. This article is about how our PS VR launch experience went. Buying it wasn't a prerequisite to comment. I tried it at the Sony Roadshow and it wasn't for me. My expectations were higher. The majority of the people on here I imagine don't intend to sully your own positive experience. In fact, I am happy that so many seem to be enjoying the experience. However, potential customers giving feedback as to why they have not yet bought in can only be a valuable resource. Sony would surely kill to have that insight!
I love to see positive comments, VR is my gamer dream since early 90's . Many many times I'm enjoying a game (like when you're really inmersed) I end saying to myself "yes... all good, but you are watching a monitor/tv and the real world is all around you. We (gamers) need VR." . Ok, 20+ years later we might start to see a mainstream adoption. Of couse as 1st gen (for this hardware wave, because there previous efforts like VFx1) there will be faults and missing parts. Without doubt PSVR2 will blow things apart, BUT I WILL NOT WAIT that long. In fact if I had the money to get on a plane and fly somewhere to buy a PSVR right now, I would do it. I want to experience that sense I feel it's missing from gaming. And of course VR is much more than gaming, ie educational apps have huge potential.
I'm so glad people are having a good time with VR (being PSVR, Vive, Oculus)... it might mean VR is here to stay and grow up for good.
@dryrain genuinely laughed at that one. Well played
@bman2112 honestly, I'm still concerned that I might be blowing 400 quid on what is essentially Sony Kinect. Yeah there's a few games out now, but how many are slated which seem genuinely exciting? I'd probably play most of these games maybe once or twice, and don't really care for multiplayer (destiny aside), so I'm happy to wait and see.
Plus, weddings.
@JaxonH So glad to see these positive reactions. I knew it would happen, but when people got it; it's still awesome, though!
Thank god its not just me 😃 once I notice something like this it drives me crazy but still lovin the headset.
Cant wait for Resi 7 but imagine outlast on this..... Maybe not 😈
@Deljo Resi7 and similar are games, which Im trying to avoid I like horrors with good atmosphere (S.king) but dont like that surprise out of the dark type horrors
But still kitchen demo from resident evil is temtping
I'll be putting up some gameplay footage of Here They Lie later which made me jump a few times.
Very immersive, Battlezone looked way better than in the demo (readable text on displays in cockpit) - rush of blood is brilliant, danger ball was a big surprise and a lot of fun, thumper is okey - tumble vr had some trouble with tracking which wasn't solveable through holding the options button for recentering and driveclub is a waste of money. The london heist is cool, but i had some trouble shooting bad guys sitting behind a a virtual desk, since i'm in a chair that doesn't alow me to go left or right, and you definitely get the impression that you need to do that. Had a wtf moment when ik hit a lamp with a move controller in rush of blood, you really need everything out of the way for that game, 0,5 meter space behind you is recommended too. Definitely no regrets of buying the headset, it's worth it's money. Many more games to try the coming days.
Very impressive tech but its very clear that this is a first gen product.
It'll not go down very well here I would imagine but the graphics from anything more than a few virtual feet away are really quite bad in nearly all circumstances. Id hold most of the blame to the screen rather than the ps4 if im being honest the pixel density just isnt enough as is. Which is a shame.
That said, headset tracking is spot on. Move controllers are doing very well too in spite of some strong criticism in the press.
I've surprisingly enjoyed the most, games which I wouldn't otherwise look at before. Job Simulator is great fun, headmaster is fun too and the Playroom VR single player game is worthy of a full fleshed out release imo. Very reminiscent of Mario 64 in its own way.
I would like to hope that PSVR goes from strength to strength but for it to work.. as it is means that devs need to completely abandon traditional forms to have it picked up without people feeling sick and clocking out. Battlezone, RIGS and Driveclub really didn't go down well with me for feeling sick.
I think people hoping for AAA titles porting over are in for a real bad surprise and we'll see more innovative, shorter games at the fore for the long haul.
I expected a bit more in terms of graphic fidelity but overall its a very impressive experience. So long as the world you are transported in is small.
I am curious to see if I will be as enthusiastic for it in its current form in 6 months time though or will it be sitting in a drawer. I didn't think I would be thinking like this a few weeks ago.
@MadAussieBloke - my thoughts exactly
@solocapers Yes, I do think that PSVR2 will check all boxes that were left behind with this iteration. Anyway I'm not going to wait 2 years or more to experience VR. In any case you can always sell what you don't use ; )
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