Marketing deals appear to have prevented EA Games from shouting too loudly about the PlayStation 4 Pro patches for its two flagship games, but Digital Foundry has determined that both FIFA 17 and Battlefield 1 are at their gob-stopping best on Sony's new system. The former soccer sim runs at an uncompromised native 4K resolution, while its World War 1 outing comes with a whole heap of improvements.
Where a handful of other titles have actually seen their framerate drop slightly on the PS4 Pro, both of these games run better than their original PS4 counterparts. Battlefield 1 doesn't hit native 4K, opting for dynamic resolution up to 1656p – a massive improvement over the 1000p employed on Sony's bog-standard box. More to the point, as mentioned, it hugs the all-important 60 frames-per-second line with much more regularity on PS4 Pro.
Great improvements, then – even if EA Games is contractually bound to hide them from you. You can read Digital Foundry's full report for all of the nitty-gritty through here.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 23
Fifa is also locked 60 don't think I saw that in the article.
A great showing from both games is a shame that business deals are somewhat hiding this fact from potential buyers.
Fifa 17, a modern release (not a remastered PS3 game) runs at 4k/60! Not bad for a console that costs £350 and all those that said 4k was impossible for all recent AAA releases....
This show you the other games not hitting the mark on the PS4 Pro is the fault of the developers and not the PS4 Pro itself, they have the same time as both FIFA 17 & Battlefield One.
Nice, 4k and 60 fps on modern games at $400, ps4 pro is really a good value. I hope I can afford an oled 4k tv next year, playing ps4 pro on oled will be glorious
@banacheck True, I think the key is having a really good scalable and optimized game engine like frostbite.
@BAMozzy As they did with PlayStation VR, all the pre-release sceptics will slowly begin crawling into the woodwork now...
@get2sammyb And it will be the same story for ps5 and playstation vr 2
Even though I haven't played that many Battlefield games the Frostbite is definitely one of my favorite game engines.
@WanderingBullet Yeah, it's stunning. Really promising to hear that it's playing nice with PS4 Pro. Battlefront 2 is going to be RIDICULOUS.
I don't get it, Respawn Entertainment talked about Pro enhancements of TF2 before the game even came out and we know that series is practically an Xbox franchise at heart so why can't DICE or the Fifa team do the same!
Now B1 ps4 version look like half baked underperforming product... most of the people having regular ps4 are not happy with this situation....dice will see impact on future games sales numbers for sure, heaving in mind that the people doesn't wont to spend the money on lower quality products
I haven't noticed too much difference in the multiplayer maybe a little crisper and smoother. Hear the single player has a bigger improvement
BF1's mp on Pro shine's like the article say's, run's smooth as a baby's bum and look's twice as sharp and that's on my 1080p tv (it's a really good 1080p but 1080p none the less) well worth my money, now to get the Razor 3rd party elite controler (have you seen that beast!!!!) on release and i'm set HDR 4k can wait until well into next year, no rush for that.
@99miki how? People that will care about the ps4 version being worse will already have a pro or are planning to buy one it wont affect sales at all
@SKC_Diamond ps4 install base is more than 40m units. Ps4 pro will have maximum 4m in next few months. Up to date B1 sold cca 2m units for Ps4, and lots of existing game owners will buy PS4 pro, heaving in mind that they are fans of battlefield franchise. So Dice will have more than 38m Ps4 owners potential buyers (compared to 4m ps4 pro).
Do you think that original Ps4 owners will be so stupid to buy underperforming game? Certainly no. During livespawn Gta v was sold in more than 70m copies for example, and B1 further sales will fail hard on original Ps4.
@99miki going by your logic everyone should just quit consoles because in most cases PC always has the better version so are you saying all of us that own the game on ps4 are stupid due to it underperforming to the PC version. Let me say this people will still buy bf1 on ps4 because its not underperforming its really solid on it but if you do want those extra bells and whistles they will get a pro most people are going to stick to the normal ps4 and will still enjoy games on that
I don't get it...FIFA 17 hasn't gotten a patch for a long time...is there a PS4 Pro patch out in the wild that I haven't received yet?
@SKC_Diamond hope that you are right. I'm still of the opinion that Ps4 pro will split ps4 community. There is more "bad blood" these days between ps4 and ps4 pro owners, than between sony and xbox owners. This is bad for Ps4 and future Sony console business
Looking forward to trying Battlefield 1 out on my Pro/
@BAMozzy Well its not exactly hard to render an almost entirely green screen at 4k.
Its literally the easiest least intensive graphical game on the console.
@mantralux @99miki I dont either. The last patch was like 2 months ago.
@99miki The sales will go up not down.
Nobody with a brain is crying over the PS4 being weaker. The game still ran perfectly fine on it.
Pro gives an enhanced version, thats all.
@99miki The sale's will go up I reckon, as more people's reg PS4's deteriorate they will buy the Pro to replace them, eventualy more people will own the Pro than reg PS4's if this gen's lifespan is long enough.
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