Good lord, it's about time isn't it? BioWare has finally released a proper trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda. Not a video full of concept art, not a CG teaser, not a vertical slice of alpha footage, but an actual trailer. And what do you know, it's actually pretty good - aside from the horribly cliched blackouts. Can we stop with them, please?
Fans will be happy to see that the current-gen title doesn't seem to be shying away from the series' trademark feel, with a slick art style and a real sense of intergalactic adventure. The game's currently slated for an early 2017 release on PlayStation 4.
What do you make of the trailer? Is it everything that you'd hoped for? Hop aboard the hype shuttle in the comments section below.
Comments 37
Aside from the cuts to black and the super predictable music, I think it looks pretty good.
Well that was a bit....meh.
Not that I was expecting it to blow me away, but that's done nothing for me at all. Felt the same about the RDR2 trailer to be fair. The trailer won't impact whether I end up getting the game though.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Should say Holiday 2017.
They could've made it better really, still no solid release date and no proper gameplay. This game will get delayed.
As bland as the box art. I feel like something is wrong with me. This really had no effect.
Cannot wait! Looks unreal!
No doubt I'll buy this because I loved the other three but the video?yeah,nothing special.
Looks good to me
Hmmm, more or less what I expected after seeing that alpha footage before. I wish I could lighten up and enjoy it more....I'm mainly distracted by the fact that it supposedly takes place 400 years after the original trilogy, yet it looks exactly the same as the original trilogy. The way people are dressed, the way ships look, the level of technology, the N7 program and logo....I mean, I would think in a space-facing society that they'd change the N7 logo AT SOME POINT over 400 years!!
@kupo I don't really know anything about Mass Effect, but haven't they been asleep for 400 years traveling to the new solar system? So the stuff they took with them was technology from their own time?
Is that all? Really? The N7 day? C'mon! 1:30 video? Really?
@Bliquid My thoughts exactly. N7 day, baby! Woo!
pre-ordered months ago... Its Mass Effect!!
As a PlayStation owner N7 day has been a let down. First a cinematic that doesn't tell us much. Then saying gameplay shown at the Game Awards (Not PSX despite Sony having marketing)
Second, no trilogy remaster announcement. And third putting M2 and M3 on X1 but not at least put it on PS Now? Just comes across as bad form.
@ShogunRok I dunno..i feel like he was being
edit: Heck maybe you were too. I don't know whats real anymore.
@kyleforrester87 Somehow I missed that...suddenly I'm a lot more excited for this game!
@kupo Haha, don't hold me to that - I just think that's whats supposed to have happened? As I say, never really played a ME game
I can see it now, they stumble on some ancient space evil and need to recruit a crew to defeat it.
Not much gameplay in there so hard to say really? Trailer looks good though.
@get2sammyb that's exactly what I thought tbh
So much negativity here as usual.
There's tons of details from different source. It's a lovely day, can't wait for this game.
Still not hyped, even after that trailer. To be fair, I'm not expecting the game to release until September 2017 at the earliest, so still plenty of time for them to make me change my mind.
To add to your correctly formed opinions about our motley crew of snarly residents, I thought the trailer was pretty grim apart from the reaper. Woo hoo, that looked bad ass!
What are you guys on? Looks lovely even if I would have liked to see more gameplay...but for what it is, I am loving it.
The fact they are not showing gameplay yet though make me believe it will get delayed, unless fro Spring they don't mean June or something...
@N711 I am a fan of the series and excited for Andromeda, but this trailer didn't check the box for me. Bioware is a great developer. Finally will get the gameplay at the game awards.
Man this looks amazing.
I don't need to see gameplay because I already know what the games play like. This is pure hype!
@kyleforrester87 I was indeed being sarcastic. I love BioWare but they really need to stop teasing things for months at a time and then showing next to nothing. Getting a biiiiit long in the tooth now.
Look's freaking awesome. That said I thought they were planing on giving the female lead more of a focus this time around? This trailer and the leaked cover say other wise.
For the first time this console generation I'm actually envious of Xbox One owners, I'd love to be playing 2 or 3 on my PS4 right now
'I'm sorry we urged you to post your disappointment in us despite this being a lovely day for you.'
How dare I express myself, right?
Just three pics posted by Rockstar had more impact & kicked up more discussion than a full trailer by Bioware..
Well the trailers are story trailer and give an insight into the back story, setting and such . I'm actually very happy about what they go for the story. You should check the second trailer it gives a few answers many fans were wondering about and also bit of information given from GI mag
I already said what I wanted. Not interested nor have time to 'open cans of maggots' haha
Sorry if I ruffled some feathers somehow but you deriding my comment as in 'we urged you to post your disappointment' wasn't really approving my freedom of speech.
I wish you good luck in your duties man. I did my part many years ago.
Spring 2017, yeah right!
@ShadowofSparta and it should have been mass effect
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