
Also Known As
Mass Effect 4
Number of Players
1 (Single Player) (4 Player Online)
Release Date

PlayStation 4

  • US 21st Mar 2017
  • EU 23rd Mar 2017
Also Available On
Feature Support
Official Site


  • Review Mass Effect: Andromeda (PS4)

    In space, no one can hear you meme

    About half an hour into our Mass Effect: Andromeda playthrough, squadmate and cocky Londoner Liam snapped into a t-pose – arms in the air as if he was being crucified – and refused to come out of it until we reloaded our game. We had heard that BioWare's latest was buggy, but we couldn't have imagined just how...

Screenshots 9

Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshot

Mass Effect: Andromeda Guides

Mass Effect: Andromeda News


About The Game

Fourth entry in BioWare's epic space opera series, Mass Effect.

Mass Effect: Andromeda gives players the chance to be the Pathfinder, charting a course in a dangerous new galaxy in search of a new home. Meet and recruit all-new and interesting characters in an epic space saga, and pit your team against terrifying enemies and creatures singularly-focused on your destruction. Utilize verticality and boosted jumps to even the playing field, as well as destructible cover and brand-new weapons and Biotics to make combat more thrilling than ever. Utilize the most flexible progression system ever in the Mass Effect franchise to build the Pathfinder exactly how you want, focused on the abilities and skills that will make you virtually unstoppable.