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Predictable Friday polls are one of our specialities at this point, so here we are once again, asking you lot to share your opinion on the latest happenings from the PlayStation Nation [We really need to stop writing that - Ed].

Of course, there's no bigger happening right now than the release of the PS4 Pro, which launched yesterday. It's fair to say that opinion has been somewhat split when it comes to Sony's supercharged system; the device's initial reveal was a little lukewarm following on from months of leaks and speculation, but the general reaction to the world's most powerful console seems to have been pretty positive – even if its arrival hasn't quite set the world alight.

As always, though, we're penning this very article to find out what you think. Did you nab your Pro yesterday? What are your initial impressions? Vote in our polls, and feel free to spill your thoughts – positive or negative – in the comments section below.

Have you bought a PS4 Pro? (254 votes)

  1. Yep, I grabbed one yesterday%
  2. Not yet, but I'll buy one sooner or later%
  3. Nope, and I don't really want one%

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Do you own a 4K TV? (253 votes)

  1. Yes, I've had one for a while%
  2. Yep, I just bought one alongside my PS4 Pro%
  3. No, but I plan on buying one at some point%
  4. Nope, and I don't want one%

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What do you think of your PS4 Pro so far? (242 votes)

  1. I'm loving it, it's a big improvement%
  2. I like it, it's nice to have around%
  3. I regret buying it already  0.4%
  4. I told you, I haven't bought one yet%

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