Predictable Friday polls are one of our specialities at this point, so here we are once again, asking you lot to share your opinion on the latest happenings from the PlayStation Nation [We really need to stop writing that - Ed].
Of course, there's no bigger happening right now than the release of the PS4 Pro, which launched yesterday. It's fair to say that opinion has been somewhat split when it comes to Sony's supercharged system; the device's initial reveal was a little lukewarm following on from months of leaks and speculation, but the general reaction to the world's most powerful console seems to have been pretty positive – even if its arrival hasn't quite set the world alight.
As always, though, we're penning this very article to find out what you think. Did you nab your Pro yesterday? What are your initial impressions? Vote in our polls, and feel free to spill your thoughts – positive or negative – in the comments section below.
Have you bought a PS4 Pro? (254 votes)
- Yep, I grabbed one yesterday
- Not yet, but I'll buy one sooner or later
- Nope, and I don't really want one
Please login to vote in this poll.
Do you own a 4K TV? (253 votes)
- Yes, I've had one for a while
- Yep, I just bought one alongside my PS4 Pro
- No, but I plan on buying one at some point
- Nope, and I don't want one
Please login to vote in this poll.
What do you think of your PS4 Pro so far? (242 votes)
- I'm loving it, it's a big improvement
- I like it, it's nice to have around
- I regret buying it already0.4%
- I told you, I haven't bought one yet
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 105
I'm buying mine come the end of the month. My wife found one for £325 using her online magic. I'm buying that and trading my vanilla PS4 in and hopefully recouping some of the money.
I think it's really good. Like I said in the review, it's not changing the core experience, just adding the bells and whistles. It's excellent in PlayStation VR, and the patched games are greatly improved on either 4K or 1080p screens.
It's great for the price IMO.
I'll buy ps4 pro... on december since ps4 pro not sold here until december
I am on my way to get it later this afternoon, looking forward to it, not so much the transferring of a 2TB HDD though
Overall I'm impressed.
Couple of things annoying:
Having to swap for HDR / PSVR
Games promised launch updates not yet updated (e.g. Driveclub VR)
Couple of things disappointing
Frame rates don't really bother me, but for them to be worse across a range of titles when running on Pro is a bit rubbish.
Display resolution limited to 1920*1080 whilst the PSVR is on, regardless whether a PSVR game is running.
I needed it to replace my launch PS4 and I'm happy with it.
I'll buy a 4k HDR TV in the future when they're a more common thing and cheaper.
i'm still hesitating...i don't have a 4K TV, and i don't think that the difference will be so great that i should switch my old ps4 to the pro.
I didn't look super hard into my 4KTV when I bought it, so now I'm trying to sell it, recoup a bit of my money, and go buy one with HDR that the Pro can actually utilize... so annoying. Despite that, I'm enjoying the Pro. Plopped a 2TB SATA 3 drive in it yesterday before use, so I'm ready to go!
PS4 Pro is probably the most useless hardware change since New 3DS.
Hi i have a 4k tv(no hdr) bought a pspro n played uncharted 4 yesterday but didn't see much of a difference. Do i have to change any type of settings to get 4k? Or is it because uncharted patch doesn't add much?
Greatly improved on 1080p screens?
I can't tell the difference to be honest. Bought mine as I worked a Sunday and spent that overtime money on it. It looks nice and is definitely quieter but I've played disnonored2 and titanfall 2 and they look and run identical to my old eyes!
I've been a home cinema aficionado for years, so I made the ps4pro a good excuse to upgrade my tv. Got the Samsung UE65K8000 (the UN65KS9000) on monday, and the pro yesterday. I feel like a stupid, innocent kid again. I'm a cave man and I just saw fire for the first time. Lol
I got mine to go with a 1080p screen until next year - withholding judgement for a while yet.
@kyleforrester87 Same.
Happy with my 1080p telly & from what ive heard the pro doesnt improve on it noticeably so im good with my slim PS4.
Like I've mentioned before,the only reason I would upgrade is if something goes wrong with my standard Ps4.Recently bought a new tv so would make sense to get the pro but sadly I'm not made of money and I chose the PSVR instead...that I'm still waiting for!
@get2sammyb It's funny, every time I read a comment on the differences between the Pro and PS4 I come away feeling like the first part of the comment is assuring those without the Pro they're not missing anything, but the second part is shouting about how much better the Pro experience is. It is like being talked to by someone who is trying not to hurt anyone's feelings
Yes, got one after not being bothered for a while. Had a bit of a faff with the System Transfer (witnessed up my Activations) but Sony sorted that over the phone. I have a 4K TV without HDR and it's a good improvement. Shadows of Mordor, Infamous First Light and Ratchet and Clank all look great. It's quieter than my Original console and download speeds seem quicker. Aiming to try the improved Remote Play later and very tempted by Rez Infinite. Its not an earth-shattering life changer but it's a very worthwhile upgrade.
My Slim should be arriving at my house any minute now via FedEx, and while a Pro would have been nice, I'm not spending any time or money on a 4k TV for awhile, and I saved myself some money with the Slim. And now I'll have something to look forward to when PS5 releases in a few years.
No game bundle was the deciding factor for me, if I wanted to spend $400 on a PS4 with no game I could have done that 3 years ago. I waited 3 years for a deal, and a deal finally arrived.
@Dichotomy Well, I think what they've done is literally try to put the cherry on top of the existing PS4 experience. The improvements are significant in some cases, but the games are identical at their core.
To me it seems loading times are drastically shorter. I keep seeing people say there are no improvements to unmatched games. That is not true, every game I have tried loads faster and is more stable. No dips in FPS during lots of action and such. So far just to get the load times down its been worth it. Even the system stuff is lightning fast, like the library page. I can scroll down and the icons are already there.
Bought mine yesterday and i'm impressed BF1 (dunno if it's been patched) but as far as we can tell it hold's up at 55-60fps and run's smooth as a baby's bum, not tried campaign yet, look's alot sharper as well, a few of the guy's I game with got one as well and we spent all night on em infact only one person didn't get one because he canny afford one. He's gutted I can tell but I aint buying him one ;P It's definatly brought the freshness I was looking for to online play, with BF1 anyway not tried TF2. That's on 1080p btw, getting a 4k HDR next year.
I don't own a PS4 yet, so I'm really thinking about going straight to the Pro.
However, the price gap between the base model and the Pro is a lot larger over here, so I'm keeping my options open.
In the end, I'm going to wait until black friday before making any decisions.
@Jairo_MC I definitely think it's worth paying the extra for the Pro myself.
@get2sammyb have you played FIFA on the Pro yet? Is there much difference, I hope they sorted out the menu lag in it as well.
Haven't had much of chance to use it yet but playing tomb raider on 60fps is night and day compared to before. Never been one to care too much about fps- until now that is.
@get2sammyb From what I've seen so far it seems to be.
However, over here, the vanilla PS4 costs R$1.500 (around U$450) and the Pro costs between R$2.500-R$3.000 (around US750-900).
So, considering I don't own a 4K tv and that I bought one 55'' this year, I'm really on the fence.
Hopefully, black friday will have some good deals.
@rjejr Hope you enjoy it mate!
So I decided to buy a ps4 pro yesterday. I am selling my base ps4 to a friend and I have a 4k TV. The graphical improvements are pretty decent (I was pleasantly surprised to find out my TV supported HDR) and there is a crispness and smoothness that I didn't notice before. Plus the bigger hard drive(old one was a 500gb) and better wifi (5ghz) really helps a lot and pushed me towards the purchase. And yes it is a lot quieter than my base ps4 which is nice.
P.S Thanks push square for the transfer video. It took my just over an hour and all my content was carried across easy peazy!
Also I would like to add that if you don't have 4k TV or if your ps4 is a 1TB model I don't think this upgrade is necessary unless you have money to spare or you just want to have the best as soon as it comes out (having final fantasy 15 with better frame rate or resolutions was a must for me)
@Drawfull Well I hope so too, but I have to wait until after Christmas, it's a family gift, and I'm finishing up the last of my Wii U games in the meantime - Bayonetta 2, Paper Mario Color Splash and Lego City Undercover. I'm trying to get the timing right. Then U4 in the box, R&C and FFXV. That'll give me some enjoyment for awhile.
I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of people buying cheaper 4K non HDR TV's because they don't know any better.
To be fair it can be pretty overwhelming with so many options out there.
Picking my 4KTV was the hardest TV purchase I have made.
no, and i don't plan on it anytime soon.
the fact that in base mode the console clocks back to original PS4 specs and disables half the GPU is just dumb. the improved CPU speed or faster compute units alone would improve framerates on old games for free. sure, resolutions would still be fixed as before, but better stability in games like the division would be a big bonus.
the piecemeal approach to game improvements on the pro at the minute is actually a bit of a turn off for me to be honest.
I have had a 4k TV for a while (around 2 years now) but upgraded to a full HDR10 before HDR gaming was announced. I admit I was pleasantly surprised to hear both MS and Sony are and have brought HDR to gaming.
Games are, in general, much sharper than film. Therefore with higher resolution, the difference the increased resolution is much more apparent than it is with movies in my opinion. HDR though is on another level. Whilst 1080p HDR is impressive, (up to) 4k HDR is stunning in games. The extra pixels really help with the details in both dark and bright areas - something that HDR really excels with.
The PS4 Pro isn't a 'big' improvement. To me a 'big' improvement is a 'new' generational leap above the current level we were used to but the Pro isn't that 'big' of a jump. The UI may well be in 4k but its still the same look and feel - not complaining of course. Games certainly look impressive and are a definite and significant improvement visually. A few offer the opportunity to play at significantly higher frame rates and will end up with more games at 60fps than the standard PS4.
The visuals, as I said, are impressive and to me do look like a native 4k at the distance I sit. Whilst this is very impressive for a console that cost a little bit more than a Standard PS4, its still a little lacking in some areas. Some Textures are a little on the 'soft' side and appear to be at the standard needed for 1080p - not a major issue and doesn't really detract from the experience.
I am also a bit disappointed at Sony's decision to downclock the GPU and presumably the CPU too when playing non-patched games. Just shutting down half the GPU in my opinion is a logical way to ensure complete compatibility but then to reduce the clock speed to ensure that games run identically seems a crazy decision. It would make more sense to keep the clock speed to boost performance in non-patched, unlocked frame rate/dynamically scaled games. It wouldn't affect the way they run (in terms of compatibility) but would prevent or reduce significantly the amount of bottlenecking that causes these to drop. Its not like they can go above 1080/60 as these games are capped at a certain level. If (for example) it was capped at 900/30, the game would still only run at 900/30 (unless patched) but unlikely to drop.
Its still early days for the Pro and of course for developers too. I get the impression that some developers didn't have much time to spend on 'Pro' modes - maybe because they were busy making the games in the first place or maybe didn't get a Pro SDK until late on. Games like RotTR were finished a while ago and therefore Crystal Dynamix maybe gad more time to create and offer gamers a choice of modes. Those that offer just a 4k option and downsample that for 1080p seem 'rushed' at the moment - not in quality per se just in terms of operation and options.
I have no doubt that over time, we may well see more choice in more games. More polish and more consideration of gamers but right now its impressive but limited and in some cases feels a bit rushed.
I don't regret buying at all and think it will go from strength to strength. I would certainly recommend it for all 4k and/or HDR TV owners. Whether 1080p TV owners can justify it as much will depend on them. Is the opportunity to play a few games at 60fps enough? Will we see more 'dedicated' 1080p enhanced modes that can match a PC's 1080p max settings? Yes downsampled 4k is better than native 1080p but if Shadows, lighting etc are no better, is that enough for them now? If in 6months+ the PS4 is mostly offering 900p gaming or the standards of the 1080p settings are a lot lower, then I can see it benefiting 1080p owners significantly but right now, I don't know. I don't have mine connected to a 1080p to compare anyway but it seems that most settings are the same level as the standard PS4 option - just higher resolution.
"I am also a bit disappointed at Sony's decision to downclock the GPU and presumably the CPU too when playing non-patched games"
Same here. Seems an odd decision to me. Why not give punters the choice, a simple Setting to run PS4 games using Original or Pro settings, with a disclaimer that it may not enhance the gameplay experience (similar to the options and warning they gave users playing PS1 games on PS3). Trust your customers.
@Mahe So is Xbox one S, iPhone 7, a new pair of jeans, a bigger TV, next year's car model, new printer, smartphones, smartphones, PC gfx cards, new boots, new better whiter Persil, Starbucks seasonal coffee... but it creates jobs. There's always positive in everything if you pause and think about it 😀
@get2sammyb I finally got to play on mine this afternoon and I was initially disappointed, the first games I tested were TLOU and Uncharted and I didn't feel there was much difference. So I had a quick go of Infamous which had a bigger jump in quality but still not quite as much as I'd hope but we were on the right tracks, Skyrim then showed quite a bit more promise with a huge clarity difference.
Finally I played Tomb Raider and I was running round in the snow wondering why it still looked a little fuzzy until I realised I was playing in the higher framerate mode, so I switched to 4K and OMG I finally saw a glimpse of what PRO can truly offer. This is the by far the best demonstration of what the console is capable of so far and you can really see the difference between all 3 modes whilst they all have viable reasons for playing in them as the extra details mode does look very good indeed. Not only that it was the only game, perhaps with Infamous that gave you any indication that you were using the Pro and what it was going to do with the extra power, most of the others don't give you a clue and that is something that needs looking at going forward. Overall I'm now very excited as to what can be achieved with the hardware
@rjejr I love UC4, I'm sure you will too - it's simply a great game. I have R&C but it's not really my cha, so to speak. I've high hopes and massive worries about FFXV, but we're both in that boat!
@drawfull i had my psvr on with no game running and it was 2160 but proubally cuz pro wasnt recognizing my tv is 4k so i had to boot to safe mode and force 4k rez
I already have a 1TB PS4 and I have little interest in specs so the pro doesn't interest me at all. If I am to spend money for an upgrade in specs, I'd like it to be a massive jump instead of a mid console lifecycle boost. Plus the longer you wait, the more impressive the upgrade is.
I bought my ps4 pro and vr and played this morning (took a day off). Man its an amazing experience 😃😃 though I must say since afternoon little nasty 😡😡
I'll buy one after I buy: PSVR, 4K TV and my current PS4 gets in bad shape!
So it will take quite a while!
Picked mine up last night and have been steadily reinstalling games to play on it. It runs so quite that I was downloand all the DLC for Lego Stars Force Awakens and forgot to turn it off cause I didn't hear it.
No PS4Pro here, I'll be waiting Sony out until holiday 2017.
@PapaShuffler then yours is super special. Mine doesn't load any faster, no icons already loaded in library & can't see any difference in graphics either & I'm sat 5ft away from a 50inch 4K tv :/
@vegeta11 Vegeta rules! I've heard a lot of people say how quiet the Pro is, and it is. But my original PS4 never made any noise either other than the boot up/shut down sound. Is the PS4 considered noisy then?
@Tenacious-P You don't notice any difference to the image quality playing games that have been patched to upscale to 4k on a 4k screen on a PS Pro? Not sure how that's possible..
@kyleforrester87 me either. So I figure I'm doing something wrong. The only game I have so far that uses the 4K upscaling is Skyrim but not sure if that's been patched. If it has then the differences are minuscule. Checked my resolution is at 3840X2160 & HDR is on. But I've not had any better performance out of the Pro's dashboard speeds either. Is there a setting I'm unaware of?
@Tenacious-P Skyrim shipped with the update and runs at native 4K. Frame rate issues aside, you should notice a definite increase in picture quality with those settings. Sounds like you have it set up properly so.. dunno. Bit baffling though lol.
Did you ever download Infamous First Light when it was on PS+? Thats worth trying. Has toggles in the options.
@kyleforrester87 yeah I did actually. I'll re-download it & give it a try. Perhaps I was just expecting more from it ha! Thanks for the tip
Since my PS4 is only eleven months old the thought of buying the PRO doesn't sit well with me, and the next gaming hardware purchase will be the Switch.
Perhaps in eighteen months time when it's reduced to around the £200 mark I'll get it.
Its hard to be in love with the Pro, since she isnt placing special emphasis on being a Pro, really. At least she's much quiter than my old lady.
Driveclub VR is better, although not by a mile. But I couldnt be bothered since racing with a wheel in VR is just all I need to be happy. And Rez. And Thumper.
Although I must admit that its a huge bummer, why she can not turn old games into better ones (with a little help of the develoers and Sony of course). There she is, powerful and grand. But she refuses to use that power somehow. Thats odd. Really.
And Microsoft are knocking out consoles for 180 nicker that play the same games as Playstation 4 Pro.
With backwards compatibility and external hard-drive support no wonder old gen consumers are buying the deal of the year....
Sony are losing the console war yep there are mutterings of people are waiting for the pro......what people are looking at is price .........
No I did not buy a Plaaystion 4.5 Commander Shepard Imma put my money towards Nintendo switch....
In the meantime I will stick with my quiet fat Playstation 4.2 1tb and chuckle at the ones that bought pro .
No disrespect to you Robert your good man.
"Sony are losing the console war .."
What? - wake up! Yes! Its 2016! Must be lonely under that stone...😂
@Tenacious-P @kyleforrester87 I thought Skyrim looked quite a lot sharper but TLOU and Uncharted only looked slightly better. Infamous is a bigger difference over standard PS4 but so far for me Tomb Raider is easily the star of the show, with a huge difference in clarity at 4K or scenery detail at 1080p and finally a significant framerate boost if that's what you prefer. Only this and Infamous give you any clue as to what the Pro if anything is even trying to do at the moment, (TR even shows you the difference as you toggle the modes) so hopefully developers will follow their lead
@Furtin its a comment is that ok here.
Being lonely aint so bad hate the pretense and hypocrisy.makes one lonely ........
Just ordered Tomb Raider and Titanfall2 now. Wanted to wait till the beauty sits at home....
Battlefield 1 though: gorgeous mother of beautiful pixels! Its mindblowing.
@carlos82 Yeah, Infamous is very nice with the unlocked framerate. Shame I'm not a big fan of the game, but it makes me hopeful for FF15.
@electrolite77 wonder if Sony could release a firmware patch to allow that setting at a system level. I don't see how a slightly higher clock speed would break existing games if that is what they are worried about but at least give people the choice.
Na, I'm perfectly happy with my original at the mo.
Y'all must be minted!
Quite surprised by the stats actually. 45% of you is a lot!
@Bhattiboy "Sony are losing the console war."
I got my 4K TV couple of weeks ago (LG 49UH620V - 4K UHD, HDR10 Compatible, £479 Currys).
Hooked up the PS4 Pro yesterday (had to boot it in safe mode and set HDCP to 1.4 just to get a video output displayed instead of just sound from the PS4 Pro, got there in the end).
The Last of Us Remastered is a great game to try first because it'll tell you straight away if your TV is set up right with HDR (TLOU detects it and will then offer some nice options like 4K or Framerate Cap Off).
To me it looks and plays ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGLY. I guess the caveat here is that two weeks ago I just had a standard HDTV outputting in 1080p and this new 4K TV, whilst still being at the low end of the price range, makes everything look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Even the Naughty Dog logo or a 21st Century Fox logo at the start of a standard Blu-Ray look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. No, I'm not paid by Sony, just delighted with my recent overdraft-enabled purchases.
One happy hardcore gamer here.
@FantasyMeister Glad you're liking it, man.
Yeah I'm really enjoying my PS4 Pro it loads quicker and Graphics are Sharper on my 4K TV so I'm enjoying all the games i play .The transfer it was easy to do from my old PS4 and it looks cool now, my old PS4 Catches dust.
Did yesterday. Took me about an hour to transfer everything from the old ps4 to the new Pro. Disnt play any games yet,but I swear even the menu looks and moves prettier and smother.
I bought the pro on launch, I was gonna wait to buy the 4k tv, but lo and behold there was a sale for a 4k tv and I knew it was destiny. It's late now, I'll mount it on the wall in the morning. lol
@whoisbdub I turned everything off and on again this morning and it's in 4k now, but I haven't played any VR yet.
Too many small issues made me wait on purchasing a PS4 Pro. It doesn't sound like too many games are all that improved with the Pro right now (with the exception of Tomb Raider and a couple others that don't really sell me on the system when I already own a PS4). I think I will wait at least until a game like Horizon Zero Dawn or Days Gone comes out and shows what PS4 Pro can really do for a new game. Hopefully they will have a bundle that includes one of those games then too.
Also, I didn't really hear much about VR being improved and the issue with the breakout box not supporting HDR. So if I want 4K HDR gaming I would have to unplug VR is annoying. Hopefully they can solve that soon.
Lastly, since there is such limited 4K content right now (granted it is getting better) I still feel it was a mistake not including UHD disc support. I understand why they did it from a pricing standpoint but feel that it sadly doesn't make this the all around 4K device I was hoping it would be. That's why I'm holding off for now.
@Splat exactly and didn't mention that even hdr tvs are not exactly same. There's several hdr implementations on 8bit panels with wider gamut and there's only few true hdr with less then astronomical price
Latest Digital Foundry article suggests if you don't have a 4k tv, some games actually run noticeably worse on the pro. So I'm not so keen.
@Star-Lord my opinion is that pro with psvr is better bundle than pro with 4ktv. But it depends on if you have family and wants to play together on tv a lot. I think next year 4k tvs with good hdr will be much more affordable - because premium uhd will go to lower tier tvs. But any way you go you will experience ton of fun!
After reading all the problems people are having with it on the ps4 forums no way will I be laying out that amount till the probs are sorted
@BAMozzy @electrolite77 Its not as simple as leaving the higher clock speed for non patched games and everything works fine with better frame rates. Some games and I emphasise the point some! are very much hard configured to the specific hardware which means if the clock speed was higher the game may glitch as the cpu/gpu timings would be out.
Most games would probably work ok but some may become unstable. Which would mean the dev needs to issue a patch. Or in the case of a dev going bust or being closed the game loses compatibility. Which then leaves angry gamers. So I think Sony has felt that its safer to keep things as they are as far as unpatched pro games go.
I understand the logic I just think it's unnecessarily restrictive. Put a warning up that the game may not run properly and loading it up is at users risk, and ask if the user wants to run it using Original or Pro settings. If it doesn't work the user knows to use Original settings next time. Word of unstable games will quickly spread online.
This is supposed to be a Pro system for the high end PS4 user. Trust them to decide, it's better than the current situation where (like on a few other things) Sony users are looking across at Microsoft and thinking 'if they can do it....'
@electrolite77 I agree with you tbf in that it should be a choice however the problem is a lot of noisy people wouldn't accept the fact that a game doesn't work properly with a pro and with that it would create more problems than it would solve.
It creates headaches for devs that have long finished patching their games and for Sony to possibly find a fix too.
You see the ridiculous state some people get in about fairly meaningless things. Can you imagine the state people would get in about their game not working?!
@electrolite77 see the post below for a taster on what I mean
No i goddamn didn't.
I resent that I had to buy a PS4 at all.
It is the WORST excuse for a console ever made by anyone ever.
The PsOne, Dreamcast and GameCube were better
I pre-ordered one from Amazon and it didn't arrive Thursday because of a delay in shipping. They didn't say this is why I got it but Amazon gave me $20 of credit towards Call of Duty : Infinite Warfare.
Hahaha superb. Fair point, beautifully illustrated.
@solocapers Overclocking does not affect the way a game 'runs'. Everything is still the same architecture and therefore all the instructions are still handled in exactly the same way. All overclocking does is essentially speed up the amount of instructions the CPU/GPU can handle per second. If a game (for example) was built to give the CPU up to 1.6ghz of instruction, the 2.1ghz will still only process 1.6ghz per second. The benefit of having 2.1ghz though is for the time when processing exceeds 1.6ghz. When this happens, you get a bottleneck - a slowdown in performance until the CPU can clear that blockage - this is also true for the GPU too.
Its like a Pipe in essence. The amount of Data that a CPU/GPU can cope with per second is determined by the clockspeed. Anything that exceeds that begins to back up. The more that gets backed up, the longer it takes to clear. This is best illustrated with a funnel - if you pour water into the funnel at higher rate than it can clear, the top fills up. Having a wider funnel only allows more fluid to pass through and if the fluid in is at the same rate as the smaller funnel can cope with, the fluid out is the same too. More demanding scenes for example need more 'data' to be processed than less intensive scenes. On a PS4, the less demanding scenes are NOT pushing the CPU/GPU to the maximum in terms of the processing speed - its not reaching 1.6Ghz or 800mhz.
Both GPU and CPU in the PS4 Pro receives and handles data/instruction in exactly the same way. Programmes that may work within and upto the limitations of the PS4 will still tun just like before but those that have 'bottlenecks' and drops in performance because the CPU and/or GPU can't process the data fast enough will benefit from the extra speed.
Some games are 'capped' at 30fps and run at a locked 30fps. If this lock was removed for example, the game would run at higher but inconsistent frame rates on the PS4. Capping is a way to ensure that the amount of processes demanded on the hardware does not exceed the capability (clock speed). It stops them from reaching 1.6ghz or 800mhz. It will still be capped at 30fps regardless of whether on the Pro's configuration or PS4.
To me it seems more like Sony didn't want PS4 owners to complain about their games, to demand that the PS4 is 'overclocked' a bit more to bring performance more in line or be faced with questions of why they went with the clock speeds the did - of course most intelligent people would understand that these speeds were determined to be the 'best' for the form factor, power drain and cooling needs. The point is though, the Pro is built to handle these higher clockspeeds and be better at dealing with the heat the extra power, speeds would generate.
Historically, after 20 years of overclocking, has it ever negatively impacted on a games ability to run - changing to a different architecture that may have higher clock speeds though is different. Overclocking always has a direct benefit on gaming (assuming you overclock the component where the bottleneck exists). I do understand that 'overclocking' isn't without some drawback on PC - such as powerdrain and extra heat generation but I assume that Sony have accounted for this with the PS4 Pro otherwise they wouldn't have clocked the CPU and GPU to the level they have.
I fully understand Sony's decision to stick with the same architecture for the sake of compatability. I fully understand their decision to split the GPU in 2 essentially and run half to keep the exact same core architecture and number of shaders too. I don't agree though with 'nerfing' that half to ensure games run at exactly the same performance when just shutting down half the GPU would see immediate benefits in a number of games. Those that run consistently at locked frame rates/resolution would still run at that level regardless. Those that are capped at say 1080p or 30/60fps would never exceed that - unless patched!
This is supposed to the PS4 PRO not a PS4 with some improvements to games that the developer decides will be improved. The XB1s is upclocked (albeit by 7%) and that delivers a 7% boost across ALL games. NO game has any issue running on it because architectutally it is identical!!
@BAMozzy No offence,I am well aware how overclocking works and I appreciate your big long post but here it is straight from the horses mouth.
Mark Cerny: "I've done a number of experiments looking for issues when frequencies vary and... well... [laughs] I think first and foremost, we need everything to work flawlessly. We don't want people to be conscious of any issues that may arise when they move from the standard model to the PS4 Pro."
Overlocking is different because devs need to make allowances for different hardware especially in the PC world which is why overclocking doesnt have an adverse effect unless you push the GPU too far.
Games developed in say.. Unreal engine will more than likely work fine making the jump as they are multiplatform engines that are built to work with varying hardware but a dev thats created an engine to specifically work with original PS4 hardware on its own may code it so that its locked in with the hardware and use the hardwares quircks to the benefit of the game... at that time.
Changes to that hardware MAY bring unforeseen problems along with it.
Move over bus w***ers i'm coming through on my PS4 PRO I'm loving the Pro it's the best thing Sony have made all year, and that include's game's. Hat's off to you Sony your not my favourite company but this time you delivered, thankyou. Now to hope MS do the same next year with Scorpio, i'll be keeping both console's. And I dont even have a HDR tv yet, that's another upgrade next year I can look forward to!
@solocapers Frequencies vary between different CPU's even within the same architectural family. That is why the Pro opted to stick with the Jaguar rather than opt for the more efficient but architecturally similar Puma.
I like it.
Got everything set up, transferred, 4K TV set up... everything is a go. They still need to patch HDR compatibility and pass through for VR box, but aside from that it's great.
@BAMozzy Your missing the point completely though and looking at it from a simplistic view that overclocking works fine for PC. Game engines on a PC are meant to work with varying hardware. Windows does a great job as does the game engines that allow for this to happen.
This though creates an overhead which is why console gaming looks better than it really should as the software is built specifically for the one set of hardware and allows devs to really push the hardware to the limit.
Some console games are specifically setup for the base PS4 hardware.
If the processor is able to work faster than the game expects and the game has been coded in such a way that it relies on the specific CPU timings of the original PS4 then the game may glitch/crash if the timings change as it throws the code out of sync.
Your point is totally fine and valid for PC's as they are dynamic in terms of hardware configs so the software has to account for this but consoles are set in stone and some devs work with that in mind to get outstanding results out of the hardware.
No offence but im sure Mark Cerny knows who this works better than you and I. Its in black and white why they've decided not to do it.
@gmxs I didn't bother doing the transfer. I just swapped. The drives and downloaded what I was playing and I've been popping the odd thing on here and there and popping discs in to install and downloaded patches whilst watching Bing with the little one.
I've got everything done since getting it on the 10th.
Doing it this way I got to play here and there and get over things done too.
@JaxonH Do you think it can be patched out? I've read rumours that it may be possible, but nothing remotely official. Would be great if it could.
@solocapers I get what you are saying, but for simple slow down as a result of (say) too many characters being on screen, surely the game isn't coded to drop frames in this scenario? No, it's told to maintain a specific frame rate. So why doesn't the extra power of the PS Pro get put toward maintaining the performance that game is designed to run at? I'm not suggesting games should go beyond a 30fps cap on something like Bloodborne, but if it's been designed to run at 30fps why can't the Pro go toward maintaining that framerate? Bit odd.
I'm no expert, but if they can patch HDR support into the OG PS4 model, I see no reason they can't do the same for VR box. And on PS support forums word is Sony is looking into doing exactly that
@kyleforrester87 in that case, yes.. It can help improve the frame rate and thats the obvious benefit but it can still bring in unforeseen problems as discussed.. depending on how the specific game was coded in the first place and thats basically why its just not being done.
Its a shame as most games would probably work without too much fuss but Sony clearly dont feel that the potential hassle is worth it and so leaves games as is.
In fairness the devs in the first place should have ensured a stable frame rate when the game was released and no one would really care.
@JaxonH Excellent thanks. That's the rationale I'd heard too, but I also read that when OG PS4 launched whilst it was rated at HDMI 1.4, it could already technically handle the as of then unannounced spec, but I guess that bodes well for whatever's in the PSVR if I put my glass half-full hat on.
@Splat It's a veritable minefield trying to figure out which TV is best equipped and I'm struggling to make a choice. Admittedly my budget limits my options, and every time I think I've found the right one I read another review that changes my mind.
Torn between a Philips 6401 or a Panasonic DX700, neither of which are top end but probably sufficient for my eyes.
If my PS4 broke down, I'd replace it with a Pro. At the moment though, I'm quite happy with the standard model.
No 4k bluray, i think i wait for the scorpio ,if i spend the money i will do it for the complete package
I'm actually really surprised by the results of the poll. I would've thought people would be happy with their standard model.
A couple of my mates picked up the Pro & I'm quite envious, would've picked one up as well if it wasn't for my UC4 PS4.
Going forward I'm just going to start buying the base model Playstations & upgrade when I feel like. It seems like the market has spoken, mid-gen upgrades will be the norm & I'm OK with that.
Happy gaming everyone!
I somehow managed to keep my urge to get it in order to experience 60 fps FFXV and I'll get it for sure as soon as a "cool" model comes my way.
Nope, still waiting for a price drop on a good 4K TV as well as reviews of games that I'm interested in running on the Pro first.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I feel Sony needs to be careful how they manage this now that they've set a precedent. It's one thing doing a mid-way upgrade when no one was expecting one when PS4 launched, and another when PS5 launches and people may be holding onto their PS4s (and Pros) for longer waiting for a mid-way upgrade. I, for one, can easily see myself catching up on all those games I will miss for years to come, patiently waiting for a PS5 Pro to come out. I think this may draw out the overlap of generations to a greater degree.
I was at GameStop, so I asked if there was a Pro sales promotion...
Nothing, you get $150 for a PS4 same as usual...I'll wait till they want to sell them.
If they offer $250 for a PS4 (when traded in on a Pro), I'd think about it.
But I understand, right now it's selling well and they want to make the most money.
Eventually I will have a 4k HDR tv. Then I will get a second PS4 and it will be a Pro. I already have 2 PS3s because they are too useful a media device not to. So that second PS4 is just inevitable.
@rjejr R&C is an amazing amazing game. The most fun I had this gen
@Feena I might have bought a PS4 earlier for that one if it was a new game and not a remake thing. Really looking forward to it though, that or FFXV first is going to be a tough decision. First world problems.
I can't see me getting a 4K TV for perhaps 3 years (not long since had the one I've got now) so its feasible that PS5 will release or be on its way by that stage so I'll probably end up getting that then. I love the PS4 in its current incarnation , I think the graphics and games are amazing already . Never once have I thought about frame rates or screen tear ( don't even know what that is !)
@finalstan I agree. Gamers will be less eager to be there at launch knowing that there will be a more powerful revision coming. Its up to Sony to make us buy their product, which is why I'm excited about the PS5.
I don't really think they are all too worried about adoption rates for a new system though. As long as they can keep the PS+ subscriptions growing they'll be happy.
I like mine, but the support is kind of hit or miss. In a few games I play some textures go missing for a bit, and performance is a huge issue. Sony needs to do more to make sure devs have things running smoothly. They tried to give the devs more freedom to have their artistic vision, but they obviously cannot be trusted to deliver a quality Pro patch. Time to reel it in and give the consumer more options. Artistic freedom be damned. Video games are not just art.
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