Update (17:00): The standard PS4 Pro appears to be back in stock over on Amazon UK. We assume that the online retailer made a mistake with the listing earlier today. Still, a rather big error to make!
Original story: If you're on the market for a PS4 Pro before Christmas and you love Amazon to bits, we hope that you've already got your order in, because the UK arm of the online retailer says that it's out of stock until after the holidays. The Pro listing reads: "We have sold through our allocation of PS4 Pro and will not have any more stock before Christmas. Orders will be fulfilled in the order they are placed as soon as we receive further stock. This is likely to be early 2017."
All hope is not lost, however. For whatever reason, Amazon UK still has the Dishonored 2 PS4 Pro bundle ready to go, which you can grab by clicking through here.
In any case, this is good news for Sony, as the PlayStation maker will be hoping that the updated console remains in high demand moving forward.
Do you have a Pro pre-ordered? Let us know if you're looking forward to your supercharged device in the comments section below.
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[source amazon.co.uk, via videogamer.com]
Comments 34
Oh yeah? Hm! Just ordered one off Very - yeah I'm taking a punt but they have a buy now pay later for 12 months interest free so I'll pay it off over a year and I really want one for FF15.
Probably sell a few bits including the old PS4 to go toward it also.
It's definitely a luxury purchase as I really don't need it ya know!
@kyleforrester87 So jealous, I want the extra power for superb hair in FFXV! No seriously, it's a luxury, as you say but I really would like to play FFXV the best possible way...I almost caved in but I think I'll wait for a special edition or bundle (Horizon?) and then replay FFXV if it is deserving such honour
Speaking of sold out, PSVR, which I didn't see in any stores for awhile, had 2 boxes each in the 2 Targets I was in the past two days, so I'm guessing after the intital sell out stores are being restocked. And Target customers probably aren't the intended $399 audience either as they push the Slim for $218 with coupons and such.
@Feena Fair play to you for waiting, honestly I think you're doing the smart thing!
I have had my Pro pre-ordered since the first hour it was listed on Amazon. I just hope that Amazon operate a 'first come, first served' basis and not how they have been operating on Amazon.com - where the first to see an email regardless of when you pre-order - gets the first shipments.
It seems as though they are not operating this way though as they would no doubt still be taking orders and not listing it as 'Sold Out'.
Selling out of the allocated stock tells is nothing and can be misleading. It sounds impressive of course but if they only had 100 units for the whole of the UK, that's not as impressive as not selling out but have sold over a 1000 of their 1500 quota for example.
For me this is good - less temptation because I chose PSVR over PS Pro and, I believe, I would be literally castrated by my wife if I blew more money on big gaming purchases.
Working Thursday was going to order Friday for Saturday (Prime customer) Just ordered from Simplygames instead!
@kyleforrester87 so glad I read your comment. Just ordered one myself! 12 months free credit, fantastic. Cheers dude!
@kyleforrester87 good for you. Pro does seem like the way to go for getting the best out of FF15. I'll think of you when I'm stuck playing it on my PS4 Amatuer.
Already preordered it on game store, can't wait to play battlefield 1 and titanfall 2 on it.
I plan to pick mine up in person rather than order from Amazon, but part of me is still worried they'll be out of stock.... Considering the mountain of PSVR that were still available on launch day, I probably don't have anything to worry about, but I worry nonetheless.
@Mergatro1d No problem, be careful on Very - I've built up a pot of £3000 credit over the years as I use it for the occasional big purchase and they keep slowly increasing my balance to tempt me into spending. It's pretty handy if you're not an idiot and good for your credit rating!
@Wesker Yeah, those FF15 demos were pretty damn creaky on the standard PS4..
Just looked on amazon uk and its still for sale. Only the cod bundle is unavailable. Ive got mine order with shopto and cant wait for mine.
@kyleforrester87 haha I'll be fine, thankfully I'm pretty sensible with money. My wife on the other hand, well let's just say I shouldn't have told her of my new Very account
its not sold out, you can pre order one without any problem.
This news is false.
I'm waiting, waiting, waiting. Damn you on the bleeding edge!
Will treat myself next year
It is back available again on Amazon.
Yeah, it's back in stock now. I've updated the article.
I'm seriously hoping for a Persona 5 red limited edtion Pro. Just thinking about it ... ! Joygasm !
Just had an email from Amazon offering me the opportunity to get CoD:IW (not the MW:r version - not that I need it as I have the Legacy Pro version) for £32 or Dishonoured 2 for £20 as I have ordered the PS4 Pro. Hopefully this means that I will be certain to receive my order.
Not sure about Dishonoured 2 - looks visually OK but wasn't overly keen on the first. No point getting a 2nd CoD:IW but not sure if I should take a gamble on D2
@BAMozzy I just had the same email - although it also says '
You'll need an Amazon.co.uk account to redeem your discount code and claim your free 'The Last of Us'.
Guessing this is an Amazon cock up rather than a genuine free copy of The Last of Us!
Purchased the dishonored bundle today and it's giving a date of 14th Nov so presumably they're prioritising by date ordered
@PapaGlitch I noticed that as well but already own the Last of Us. I also wondered if this was an error as the email doesn't mention this anywhere else. I think its an amended email where the author forgot to amend that part.
Pick mine up in the 10th assuming no issues. But that photo it kinda looks like a skilled mum baked a cake for a kiddy party, I hope it looks better in you flesh.
@gingerfrog let's face it, it looks crap! But it's what's inside that counts.
I'll finally have 4 controllers too, so that's cool
@kyleforrester87 What do you do with 4 controllers on a PS4? My son wants DragonBall Xenoverse 2 so thats two but Sony is all about single player for me, even with games that have multiplayer like Uncharted I only play single player. Same will go for FFXV. R&C, Horizon, Tomb Raider, God of War. 2 player I can see the need for w/ fighting games, just not 4.
@rjejr one word my friend, Towerfall!
Okay, two words, kinda.
Oh, and Diablo!
@kyleforrester87 Never heard of Towerfall, and honestly I thought Diablo was only online multiplayer. I do miss Gauntlet - the last one wasnt' very good though. The Godzilla games on Gamecube Xbx and PS2 wer the best though. The Wii version kind of sucked, and the PS3 version was single player, and I think PS4 is online only. We have PSASBR but I'm nt sure we ever did 4 player w/ that one, not when SSB does 8 player, though I think the most we ever did was 7 player.
Thanks though, I'l look into them when the time comes.
@rjejr I strongly recommend Towerfall. Might not be much to look at but its so much fun.
@kyleforrester87 so after reading your comment I thought I'd check out very lol, I ended up buying the PS4 pro got a £25 discount too so only cost 325 😛, it's a luxury purchase but tbf I'll pay it off in 2-3 months so might aswell get it now
@Fizzyy haha Sony will have to start paying me at this rate!! Enjoy mate - my logic was I'm gunna get one anyway, might as well do it in time for some games I am looking forward to and while my PS4 is still worth what it is. Already pre sold that anyway, getting picked up next week
@kyleforrester87 I think it'll be worth it, I'll look into selling the PS4 once I've got the pro, just need avoid looking into a 4K tv for now lol maybe I can get a good deal on black friday
@kyleforrester87 Also grabbed mine of Very you have to love that Buy now pay later. Just hope I don't regret it if they release a slim next year going to go mental lol. ALSO got a feeling either Horizon or Red dead will come with a custom console. Why oh why couldn't I wait it was the tomb raider video that pushed me over the edge.
@Fizzyy Make sure you get HDR10 also mate.
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