Sony revealed the Glacier White PlayStation 4 for Europe this week, and in the trailer included a subtle reminder that the console has been top dog globally three years in a row now. According to the platform holder, the system sold the most units worldwide in 2014, 2015, and 2016. We could kinda already infer this information, but y'know, there it is in black and white. (Or blue and white to be precise.)
Of course, it's no secret that the PS4 is far outpacing the competition: it's practically been on fire since it launched in late 2013. While the format will face stronger competition this year, it also looks to have its best selection of software. Sure, there's a chance it could fall behind one of its rivals, but in reality, would you bet against the system taking a fourth consecutive year on top? You'd be a brave man if you did.
Comments 21
If they want to cement that for future years then they would be smart and release Ape Escape 4.
@Xaessya Agreed.
Its obviously been the best selling console year on year since release. Its taken the top selling console on the majority of months that its been out and I can't see this year being any different. Its closest rival, the Xbox One S, only has a better media option but the games are still 1080p or less so can't match the quality of the screen that the Bluray Player is designed to compliment. In terms of raw power, both the PS4 and Pro are the best and until Scorpio comes out, will remain the most powerful consoles. Of course power isn't 'everything' but it does help make multi-platform releases look better and can actually make them play better too. It may not change the content, the story etc but it can enhance the experience and if you had to pick between paying the same for a game at 720-900p or 900-1080p or 1440-2160p with exactly the same content and frame rate, chances are you would opt for the highest.
I can't see Nintendo eating into PS4's sales and taking the top spot - not unless they change their marketing and also aim at the casual/mobile/non-gaming market - similar to the Wii. I read that it was likely to be £180 at launch which makes it cheap by comparison but statistically a lot weaker than Xbox but does have mobility to throw in the mix.
Games though can help any console shift bucketloads. PS4 has a strong line-up and a lot of games in development too so its hard to see them toppled this year - not only that, they also offer VR which so far hasn't really taken off but could in 2017 if we get some 'must-have' releases..
I hope with that much sales that they are investing in some new IP again or as i said earlier a reboot or a new resistance
Or better as an avid fan of C&C Sony should buy it from EA and re do C&C 4.
Have we been getting any type of X1 numbers in the wild? I know this is a Sony site so I don't expect regular coverage, but if MS announced 40 or 50 million X1 sold since launch I'd expect somebody to mention it here in a comment.
I think Switch could give 4 a run for its money in 2017 if Nintendo makes enough consoles and markets it. Too big ifs based on recent history. At some point PS4 sales are due to slow down just due to saturation of the market. Just hard to guess that number. 80m? 100m? 120m? 160m?
@Xaessya @get2sammyb Psp has ape escape: sold 80 million, psvita doesn't have ape escape: sold 13 million. Ps2 has ape escape: sold 155 million, ps4 doesn't have ape escape: sold only 53 million.
The proof is in the pudding
@rjejr Microsoft haven't announced numbers in years, which tells you all you need to know.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Microsoft's console to take a sales hit while consumers wait for Scorpio.
@get2sammyb Even Nintendo announces Wii U numbers and those suck. Guess I just don't understand how a publicly traded company selling a $300 piece of equipment the past 3 years manages somehow to keep obscured how many it is selling.
And it will continue to be so until the PS5.
@Sanquine Please (C&C).
@wiiware The PS4 is selling about as fast as the PS2, three and a half years saw 60 million PS2 worldwide, we are at three years on the PS4 and 53 million.
@rjejr Last numbers had Xbox One (estimated?) at 25 million when PS4 was at 49 million (so before the holiday season). The problem with the numbers that Microsoft released when they did is that it was not "Sold Through" numbers so it was always padded by a million or two. I don't really know how important these numbers are, "number of consoles sold" doesn't amount to "number of households with the console". For example if you bought 4 PS4's, you won't likely buy 4 copies of each game you buy, so the actual profit for developers and Sony is no greater than had you just bought 1 console. On the same note, in the Xbox 360 era, everyone I knew that owned an Xbox had bought 3 to 6 of them (outside of warranty) because of the RRoD. So if a household buys 6 Xbox 360's but only actually has 1 at any point in time, does that actually matter? Console household density is the metric that is important and we can't really infer that from any info we have.
@BAMozzy Thats not always the case. Most recent case in point, most cross platform titles run at a better frame rate and resolution on the PS4 than the Xbox One, yet they still sell quite a bit on the Xbox One. The PS2 and Xbox (original) had many shared games (like SSX Tricky!) and those looked and played better on the Xbox, yet that system tanked and the PS2 became the best selling console in history (a title that it still holds!). All things being equal, yes you are correct, but things are rarely equal. Ones attitude toward the platform holder, towards the physical hardware, controllers, the type of games that generally show up on that particular platform, the types of people that generally play those games (i.e. the maturity of the online communities), and many other details can go into what platform someone chooses, long before they look at resolution.
@wiiware That Ape Escape is a system seller? Haha please.
With the PlayStation being top dog, it's like seeing Call of Duty on top year after year, it gets boring so here's hoping Scorpio will knock it off it's perch.
Xbox One is probably around 25-28 million. You can kinda infer that from the last time they announced sales forever ago, combined with the info EA dropped, and then a bit of guesswork. PS4 has been outselling it, globally, at just under 2:1 since launch so that would be about right.
Scorpio will do absolutely nothing to help Xbox One catch up. Switch won't outsell PS4. Nothing will. This generation is over.
But it's not all about sales, unless you've got shares in one of the companies.
@thedevilsjester It's just a joke man
@Sanquine I think strategy game is better on pc using keyboard and mouse.
@johncalmc It is about sales though. The most sales your chosen console gets, the more likely developers will target that console. The move value you will get out of the console. The WiiU is a great example of this in its extreme. The poor sales of the WiiU caused not only many developers to jump ship and abandon the platform, but it caused one major developer that completely finished one of their big titles, to postpone release until the install base was larger. On the non-extreme end of things, it means that your console will get the best version of the titles, and often get them first. This feeds itself, since now the platform holder is making more money, so they have a larger budget to advertise, to have sales, and bundles.
@wiiware "I think strategy game is better on pc using keyboard and mouse."
First, those are two separate ideas "on the pc" and "using keyboard and mouse". There is nothing about "on the pc" that makes it inherently better at strategy games, hook up a controller to the PC and try and play a strategy game, its no better than playing it on the console (in fact, it tends to be much worse). This leads me to believe that you only actually meant "using keyboard and mouse" which is not PC exclusive, many games that "work well" with keyboard and mouse, like MMORPGs and some FPS's, have (optional) full KB/M support on the PS3/PS4. No reason that a new C&C couldn't also support this. I say please bring a (BETTER) C&C to the consoles!
@thedevilsjester And the Wii is a prime example of it not just being about sales. That attracted lots of third party support but it was nearly all shovelware. Sales matter, of course, but primarily what matters is the games. As long as a console sells enough to attract developers to make games, it doesn't really matter who "wins" a generation to anyone other than shareholders.
@johncalmc I guess I should clarify, wheb I talk about sales that to people that will generally buy games regularly. The Wii was sold, overwhelmingly to small kids, old folk, and women. For Better or Worse Developers do not see that as a gaming demographic and so exclude them from probable customers. This means the effective number of units out there as far as major developers are concerned was very very small for the Wii.
@thedevilsjester I can't imagined playing starcraft 2 on console, its not only about the controller but some games just play better on pc, and some on console. Lean-in experience like starcraft is better on pc, lean-back experience like uncharted 4/final fantasy 15 is better on console.
That's just my opinion though
@wiiware lean-in/lean-back is a good point that does counter some of my other points, but only given the status quo (if we change nothing and port 1:1). Final Fantasy XIV showed the world that if you go back to the drawing board, you can make a full MMORPG UI thats not watered down in any way thats just as good (arguably better depending on who you talk to) than the keyboard and mouse interface. Prior to FFXIV, MMORPG's on the console either tried to mimic the PC UI (just like FFXIV did before its reboot), or limited the game to only have a few abilities at any one time. Neither one of these are enjoyable. FFXIV showed that if we stop trying to think about how we can wrap a controller around an existing UI we could actually have a good MMORPG interface with a controller.
With RTS's, some UI elements that the console versions of C&C have are actually quite nice (like being able to...'paint' a selection) but they are still trying to just map the Keyboard/Mouse UI to a controller and have the same lean-in/lean-back scenario you speak of. However this doesn't have to be the case, if a good company took control of C&C on the consoles and had free reign, I would imagine that they could get a nice UI going. As is plenty of strategy games, Xcom, Divinity, etc..., work pretty decently on a console, these are turn based though and do not require the same reflexes.
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