Remember the hullaballoo revolving around NieR Automata protagonist 2B's botty? Turns out the dev team quite literally doesn't give a fudge. There's an option in the game which enables you to self-destruct, removing the character's skirt and revealing her bubble butt in all of its curvaceous glory.
Don't believe us? Watch the video above – though we guess this one could be deemed unsafe for work. Dem hips, though, eh?
Comments 95
Well then.
Oh my.
They knew what they were doing when they made this game
those cheeky fellas
@BubbleButt Did you literally just register to post that?
The Feminists will shut this down as soon as they get wind of it, so make the most of it guys.
I love this, and I love free speech. Edited
No spoilers. Ended up getting the JP/EN version here today. I enjoyed the opening of the game so much it made me feel a bit old. Gotta give this self destruct a try asap when things get desperate.
That Ned Flanders ass
I missed all the drama about this. So it's all news to me. The only thing I'm confused about is why self-destructing removes her skirt? Is that just there so we can get a look at her rump or is there a legit reason for it?
@Constable_What @Raeven Can you guys cut this out, please?
Sigh - this kinda thing really needs to stop in games.
I remember one day spending ages explaining to my wife that gaming is a true artistic medium and valid artform worthy and not some sort of school boy wish fulfillment. Then the next day I had to explain why Quiet in MGSV wears no clothes. I imagine I'll end up having a similar conversation with her if I get this game on why you can remove a ladies outer garments as a gameplay feature.
End of the day, you just can't explain or justify it.
EDIT - this was supposed to be humorous!
@get2sammyb Sure.
@Constable_What Legend! Thank you.
@get2sammyb No problem. You asked nicely; I'm happy to oblige!
So that's why Type S always stays behind her.
This is hilarious. I personally won't be running around like this, but I think it's funny that they acknowledged the joke.
@Rudy_Manchego so if your girlfriend doesn't like something in a game "it needs to stop"? Bring the burkas guys, a female ass is not art
Why not just skip the game if you have a problem with it? No, you feel you have to ruin it for everyone that enjoys it.
I hate people like you
Ha! I remember the day my wife saw me playing bayonetta....
Luckily, I am aware that bayonetta was designed by a woman 😀
I had the same Quiet conversation. My wife asked why the male characters were wearing suitable clothing for war , and Quiet was running round like a stripper and waving her buttocks at me in the chopper.
I channelled my inner Kojima and told her to not be hasty and judgemental, it's actually a tragic condition because she is like a human plant and via photosynthesis, she needs sunlight to live, hence the lack of clothes. Infact she has this condition because I horribly burned her, and although the physical scars of the third degree burns recovered perfectly so she looked like a Dutch model again, the skin underneath the skin was irrevocably damaged, or something.
She was suitably sorry,
@CountFunkula78 Lol - don't worry, my Mum once overheard me playing the original Tomb Raider game and burst in thinking I was watching something rude (she was just climbing a ladder). It begs the question what she was going to do if I had been watching something rude...
Well, might as well try it out. Lol
@RPE83 Ha brilliant - I explained the same thing but she showed NO remorse and took back non of her original derision. Typical.
@Barnacle Please don't lash out at people for having differing opinions.
At least they didn't make excuses, like a certain developer...
"Why is she wearing revealing things?"
Should be a preorder bonus, as this will move a sale or 2(B).
I love that they embraced this from everyone talking about it when the demo came out. Also, I just had a conversation with my wife about yakuza. I was playing the "phone" side quests and she was taken back by it lol.
@sinalefa Very good.
Wow! If only she was real...
I've been meaning to listen to Sir Mix-a-Lot recently.
Welcome to 2017.
Where cyborgs have self-destructing skirts.
What a time to be alive.
Well no, to be fair, the follow up question was "So you horribly injured her, that led to a life changing ilness and subsequently losing her ability to talk, so rather than revenge she sought you out to flirt with you?"
And then I channelled my inner Alec Baldwin from Team America and started going "Legendary Big Boss! Love on the Battlefield! Hideo is an Auteur! Corporations!"
I think your mum may have been on to something actually....Just sitting there watching Lara go up and down the ladder, eh? Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more 😉
If anyone thinks that Quiet = Sexist Kojima, then they obviously never played the latter stages of MGS 2!
@RPE83 Lol - brilliant. You could also have tried the d**ks speech from Team America as well. I just tried throwing my arms up and raging that she didn't understand real art before storming upstairs.
I guess this will be a bum note to all those feminists out there'
@CountFunkula78 A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat eh Nudge nudge.
That's really my problem I think - you can stick your perfectly rendered video game ladies. I need the low res pixelated ladies of the PS1 and PS2 era.
Better than bayonetta 2 confirmed?
Hello, @get2sammyb .
When do you think the review will be up?
@CountFunkula78 @Rudy_Manchego
It wasn't sexist or non sexist, it was the comical justification that Kojima cooked up in advance because he knew it was cheap titilation and wanted to give it some high brow emotional depth.
Raiden was naked because he'd been tortured, made sense, in a "Never change, Japanese sensibilties" kind of way. Imagine if Kojima had said that after failing to save EE, Raiden was burining up with grief and had to run around nude else he'd overheat and catch fire.
The only thing that would make this better is if she had a tramp stamp that said <3 Tracer <3
Stupid sexy Flanders!
@Ebonymace Couple of weeks yet.
Nice! This is the sort of approach I appreciate. If you're going to include cheesecake, be unapologetic about it.
The obvious comment is that games designers are a bunch of horny manchildren who need to grow up and stop including this sort of nonsense in games. That said, perhaps its a piece of social commentary - Cyborgs, designed in the future by manchildren who never really grew up, included this titillating function for their own sexual amusement.
Personally, I've no issue at all with the main character looking as she does and having a nice bum "just because". The exploding dress feature seems completely pointless though and honestly just seems designed to provoke and titillate so why not leave it out? Can't say I'm offended, just seems pointless...if you want to see something like that there's plenty of other more fulfilling sources you can pursue.
Cant wait to get this game though.
The Ovarian Order of the Illuminati have ALL the power over games featuring women.
People are so deeply entrenched in their points of view that you just know the touch paper topics where people have already decided to conjour up some imaginary "liberal" or "conservative" who will be upset and pre-emptive strike them with a funny/inflamatory comment. Ignoring the fact that a video game android bum is neither that offensive, nor is it any great victory for um, "something" i guess? It's just a bum, with pants on. If you are that interested, you can see said bum. Bum.
Mad world we live in where a very small percentage of liberals want everything banned because someone might be upset, and a very small percentage of Conservatives want everything to be on the table so that someone CAN get annoyed.
Stupid Sexy 2B.
Well I know how I want to play the game now.
I hope you don't have to self destruct then heal every time you load the game, every time you die ect
Really it should just be a different costume/outfit option...
Do you get a trophy for it? That's my justification for the wife anyway and she normally goes with it whether it turns out to be true or not.
@Rudy_Manchego I'll be using my VR for all my dress exploding needs, I just have to make sure she doesn't change the channel 😃
question is, does it affect her in game stats?
@carlos82 Being completely oblivious to whether someone else is in the room with you does add an element of danger
What's she going to think when you are on all fours, with your head craning upwards in the middle of the living room?
My only question there a photo mode? 😂
The thing I love about the Japanese is that they are honest and don't pretend they are not perverted.
Whereas we will pretend to be outraged at this whilst loving every moment of it.
Its not the developers that need to grow-up its the "adults" playing them, gods know why people lose there minds over something that has been in every type of media for decades. You better boycott The Whitcher 3 and plenty of other games then, for showing a lot more. The media will never evolve if people cannot handle a bit of flesh, especially considering she is a android.
@JoeBlogs Don't you know? "The feminists" are actually a branch of the Illuminati, and they use their sinister globalist powers to bully Japanese video game developers into submission!
@kyleforrester87 If including mild, optional T&A in a game makes the creator a "horny manchild," what on Earth would you call the creators of games like The Last of Us, Hitman, and GTA? Sociopaths? Serial murder enthusiasts? Misanthropic violence fetishists?
@Ralizah The depravity within those games is its key focus. The inclusion of an option to blow 2B's clothes off adds nothing to the games concept and could, to someone less perfectly adjusted than myself (!), come across as immature or worse, but at the very least I do find it needless. Now do I really care personally? No, not really, I'll take it or leave it, I don't care. But in the event I was looking to be gratified in "that" way, I'd get my kicks from something more fulfilling. Similarly, if I want to play an open world carjacking murder sim I'll play GTA5 over something less inspired.
@Ralizah "what on Earth would you call the creators of games like The Last of Us, Hitman, and GTA? Sociopaths? Serial murder enthusiasts? Misanthropic violence fetishists?"
No, but alot of the publishers acknowledge the nature of these games as a risk in business terms due to the content. Its well documented especially with the more forthcoming and larger publishers with quarterly and annual reports available online.
BTW, in 1981 ms. Pac-Man was fully naked in her game...

@andreoni79 So was Pacman, so it's okay. I wonder if you can blow 9S's clothes off too haha.
@themcnoisy My point is that including fanservice in a game like Nier doesn't make the dev a "horny manchild," just like including torture and violence in a Western AAA game doesn't make the developer of one of those games a depraved serial murder enthusiast. It's fantasy.
@kyleforrester87 I don't think it's meant to get people off. It's a cute extra for people who like some T&A in their games. I wouldn't call it "needless," any more than being able to visit strip clubs in GTA V was "needless." It's just not for you, which is perfectly fine. Speaking on a personal level, though, I'd MUCH rather look at tame cheesecake than full on pornography, which tends to be pretty gross.
Regarding 9S, you do actually see a portion of his clothing get destroyed in the blast in that video.
Kind of aimed at young boys or very very sad grown up men. Women characters really don't need to show their body to be interesting characters, when will developers learn? Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider? Guerrila's Horizon? Kind of embarrasing to see this on games in 2017... That's my opinion, though, I'm aware just reading previous comments that some guys enjoy it, unfortunately.
@Ralizah It's certainly needless from my perspective as it adds nothing to the game for me, of course that's just my opinion based on my own preferences. It takes all sorts and if you like this stuff then fair enough. I have to say I was glad they censored some of the costumes in Bravely Default in the West, given the characters look like children and are actually meant to be around 13 in the Japanese version. I appreciate its a cultural difference and I suppose that doesn't make either opinion right or wrong at the end of the day. Just depends what makes you uncomfortable I guess.
Just to clarify I do appreciate certain sexier aspects of 2Bs design, I just don't need her clothes to blow off haha.
@Ralizah To be fair I dont know enough about Nier to make a judgement on the exploding clothes. I like Japanese games, but the cultural difference in relation to sex really gets close to being downright vulgar at times. I remember watching an anime at my mates when I was say 13 and a million willies shot out from this character and destroyed a city. Legend of the overbeast or something. Anyway his mum and dad walked in right at that time. Obviously they thought I was a bit weird from then on. It was funny though.
@themcnoisy lmao
@renankj People that play The Whitcher 3 must be full on perverts then, seeing as there is full on sex in it. And again that didn't need to be there, just like it doesn't need to be there in any other media. But since adults play these games i would imagine they don't sit there pointing at the screen, with a red face laughing like a little school girl. They see it and move on with the game as its "not" a big deal like others make it out to be, that don't think thay have a human body or thay have the brain of a child.
This is about objectification of women in video games, not about being offended by some cheeky tushy exposed in the game. It's the stereotyping of women as sex objects and things like this add to this culture.
I'm a woman and I'm not offended by the sexy display of their outfits but I am saddened that women are still sex objects in video games when you can blow their clothes off (more of less). Or have cartoonish huge bosoms like some characters in SMITE.
Granted, it's getting much better, but as @kyleforrester87 put it, this is rather pointless in the game.
@banacheck Let me quote @starhops since she said what I think much better than me:
"This is about objectification of women in video games, not about being offended by some cheeky tushy exposed in the games. It's the stereotyping of women as sex objects and things like this add to this culture."
When it makes sense - as in a sex scene - it's perfectly fine, or when the character is someone like Poison Ivy who seduces guys and then kills them; it's not ok when you have a girl showing her body in the middle of a fight scene for the sake of a man's enjoyment.
The only thing that made me change my one purchase now LMAO
@kyleforrester87 What's funny to me is that once this game releases on PC the whole issue will be moot anyway. I'll eat my hat if this doesn't get a nude mod in the first few months.
@themcnoisy Urotsukidoji (the anime you mentioned) is horror-themed erotica, so the vulgarity makes sense.
@Ralizah I bet it's a horny manchild who builds the mod though, thus the prophecy is fulfilled
@kyleforrester87 Can't argue that. Although at least said horny manchild is bringing joy to anonymous neckbeards across the internet.
@renankj "it's not ok when you have a girl showing her body in the middle of a fight scene for the sake of a man's enjoyment."
Sure it's OK. Sexual objectification is a healthy and natural aspect of the human condition, despite what your literature teachers might tell you. What we have to do, with real people at least (I'm not concerned about the feelings of nonexistent people), is to balance that with a respect for their subjectivity as thinking and feeling individuals who are deserving of respect. Which is an achievable feat for people who aren't monks, I assure you.
Its the true Pervstation experience? Gotta love Japan.
This comment section is Self-Destructive
@SKC_Diamond It's pretty maturely discussed, in fairness lol
In Japan there's a trophy for looking up 2B's skirt 10 times.
It's like I'm wearing nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
Nothing at all!!
@renankj woman who likes women's butts right here.
Everything I've seen about this game is so early 2000s anime it fits right in.
Thanks. I'll have to remember that when I get the game.
I think that in the interests of equality, this feature should be in every game. That way, it's a real incentive not to fail at any point, lest you endure an unskippable, 30 second shot of jiggling, dying, protagonist's-behind. Would make Dark Souls a lot more difficult, and just imagine what it could do for Gears of War.
Mr Plow thumbnail, seriously lol
@Rudy_Manchego Why can't they be both?
@ShogunRok Don't worry, I won't disturb your censorship apologist safe space again
@Barnacle Censorship? No, I'm just trying to keep the comments friendly. "I hate people like you" isn't a nice thing to say even in text form, and if you don't agree with that then you don't have to stay.
Man 2B or not 2B that is the question
@JoeBlogs Shh! Don't invoke the name of the she-beast in public. It has powers. She uses her Illuminati-SJW mind control abilities to provoke men to post nasty comments about her online so that they'll look bad and she can use their behavior to extend the reach of her shadowy cabal.
I like the sway. Clearly she exercises a lot.
That's cool, but I'll probably get bored of it after trying it out for the 10th time.
That's the strangest thing I've seen in a game in a long time.
Probably since Bayonetta 2. Welcome back, Platinum
@get2sammyb maybe
The fapanese have struck again.
@themcnoisy That would be Urotsukidōji. Err...I've heard...
@Rudy_Manchego "humorous", sure, but what's frustrating is that this kind of thing actually happens, but it's such a pathetically weak argument, because there are absolute dumpster-tier, purely fan-service works in ALL mediums, including movies, books, whatever. The saying "it's only as good as its weakest link" can't be applied to only gaming, and then disregarded in other mediums.
Nonetheless, whatever, all mediums will have their fan-pleasing and more shameful moments. If you want somebody to get into gaming as an art form, you don't jump into it with an art critic's perspective; you first get them hooked on something more casual, built on the fun of the gameplay, and THEN, when you've reeled them in, you deepen their appreciation of the medium by giving them better stories and better characters.
Sweet, but I'm getting this game for PC anyway, ... for obvious reasons .
Maybe I'll buy it twice ... pc and ps4. You know, just to reward them for not caring about Anita & Co. etc.
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