The PlayStation Network has been ever so slightly spotty recently, with sign in issues and PlayStation Store problems rearing their ugly heads for a lot of users. Just the other night, for example. we read that the service went down entirely for most people - but only for a couple of hours or so. Fortunately, we were curled up in bed and avoided the outrage.
In any case, it would appear that the network is once again having some trouble. We're currently unable to sign in, and the same issue is being reported across the web. Sony, meanwhile, has acknowledged the problem on Twitter, and, as always, is working to fix it.
These outages certainly haven't been on the scale that we've seen in the past - touch wood - but they're still pretty annoying, especially if you were looking forward to a night of multiplayer gaming with your buds. Hopefully it'll be back in working order soon.
Are you have PSN problems? Let out a sigh in the comments section below.
Comments 17
I couldn't get on the store earlier but had no issues signing in, going to bed now so hopefully it's fixed before I need it again
signed in on ps4 about twenty minutes ago with no issues. a few mins later I remote played with my vita to see if LBP3 had finished updating then all of a sudden I couldn't sign into the store anymore using my vita. also said my ps plus membership was over when it clearly isn't. weird. but as far as I know I'm still signed in on ps4
Yep. Was hoping to get a couple of hours in the Crucible but nope. Down.
times like this my 3DS comes in handy 👍🏽
I had to change my password for some reason at about 11am this morning(in the UK) which was out of the blue. I tried to sign in(I got Signed out for no reason to today) Then had to do a New password then all was o.k. Very strange
@Carl-G thanks for the heads up fella, turns out the password reset had gone to my emails spam folder. Back online now!
Stinks for some people, but in all honesty, is it really a big issue? There's other things to do if it happens, and many other systems (including certain webs on PC's) go down every now and then...even wonderful X-box goes down a lot or has its problems. Not a big concern, it comes back on eventually...as long as we don't have another outtage like we did with the PS3 a long time ago...almost 2 months offline.
Again ?
What else is new ?
You'd think that a more then a decade after rolling out psn, Sony had the kinks worked out.
evidently not.
That was just 23 days .
Is it back on now? We have a tournament tonight!
@KitsuneNight Seemed longer...guess that was because we used it as our Cable box-type system at the time (Netflix, Hulu and MLBTV). Really messed with everything though...I remember the trophies even getting messed up during it, but I'm also glad it woke Sony up to actually paying attention to the servers now.
@KitsuneNight Jezus did Sony nail you or something you are clearly a little mad or a exaggerating litte troll.
Oh perish forbid i' m allowed to have an actual opinion, instead of fawning all over Sony.
You can be a fan of something and still be critical of it
Trotting out the troll accusations is very trollish behavior dontcher know ?
But in case you have a severe affliction of the selective blindsies ( a common affliction in both fanboys and trolls it seems ) PSN often has problems.
Feel free to try and dispute that, though i know you will .
It seemed longer.
I remember it lasting 3 months for some reason .
But I checked and nope its " just" 23 days, which is still way too long.
@KitsuneNight You and me both...it really did feel like 3 months, which I think I also mentioned...23 days seemed short for some reason.
I just checked.
And it really is just 23 days.
@Shogunrok PSN is down yet again, at least in Arizona. All of my local friends can't login at present...
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