Another Friday, another poll. With Mass Effect: Andromeda now sitting comfortably inside many a PlayStation 4, it's time for us to ask what you think of the game so far. From what we can tell, opinions seem to be very split on BioWare's latest release; some veteran fans love it, others think it's a huge disappointment, and we've seen plenty of people say that it's just okay - nothing more, nothing less.
Sadly, we tend to lean towards the disappointed camp - our 6/10 review points out that the title definitely has its bright spots, but it's difficult to look past its numerous flaws. Still, though, we want to know what you lot think. As always, vote in our polls, and then let your opinions flow in the comments section below.
Are you enjoying Mass Effect: Andromeda so far? (154 votes)
- Yes, I'm having a great time
- Yeah, it's quite good
- Meh, I'm not sure what to think yet
- Nah, I'm disappointed so far
- No, I'm really not enjoying it
- Nope, I haven't played it
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Are you a fan of past Mass Effect games? (150 votes)
- Yes, I'm a fan
- I've played them but I wouldn't call myself a fan
- No, Andromeda is my first Mass Effect game
- Nope, I never played them and I don't own Andromeda
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Comments 37
It seems okay so far. Even though I didn't think I'd notice the animations, they've stuck out like a sore thumb. Haven't played much but the controls seem a bit... Unresponsive.
Clearly it's not the worst game ever made, though. It seems interesting enough so far and I'll be playing more for sure.
Still too early on to make a fair assessment one way or the other. The animations do stick out, however, especially after having spent significant time with Horizon: Zero Dawn.
@get2sammyb I second this. I'm using the nacon pro controller and at first I thought that was my problem, having a custom profile active. Changing to an official controller it still felt very unresponsive.
I'm tired of defending it. I'm just going to keep enjoying it and let haters keep hating.
Having a blast so far, playing on the PS4 Pro, seems to run fairly well. I'm about 15 hours in & the game really opens up. Combat is really fun & fast paced but less strategic than previous games but enemy AI loves to flank!!
@Gamer83 The crazy thing is that the facial animations were one of my biggest criticisms of Horizon, and yet they're so, so, so, so much better than what's in Mass Effect.
Just goes to show how important this aspect is to a game, though.
The facial animations don't bother me at all when compared to other things. I'm sorry, but there's absolutely no excuse for body parts clipping through each other, or my character's chin going fully through a piece of armor when talking, or a turian walking up a ramp with it's feet backwards, or T-poses. Yes, I understand most of this can, and hopefully will be patched out. It just shouldn't have be there at launch. It screams of rushed to meet a deadline. Definitely the last Bioware game I'll ever buy at launch if this is what we have to look forward to. I expected better.
No problem with animations . Gameplay is goof buy seems like ripped out the menus from battlefront . no power wheel and gelpacka is a bit annoying now have health and ammo stations, enimies no longer drop ammo. Guess it's a learning curve. The getting resources seem easier and wraps/armour research/development is cool so it's a nixed bag. Say 7/10 so not bad so far
For some reason, I'm not bothered by Horizon's animations. Maybe it's because I've enjoyed the other aspects of the game so much that I'm not paying attention. I mean, if everything else in Mass Effect: Andromeda was stellar, I wouldn't even care about the wonky animations. The problem is when you have several small problems they all start to add up to be one big annoyance.
@get2sammyb I think it's because of the eyes.
@HungryWolf Yeah, the eyes are definitely the biggest offender for sure. Even with better shaders I think it would be massively improved. They just look so dead.
Anyway, sorry — didn't mean to de-rail the discussion. There's more to talk about than just the animations.
Why oh why did they bring scanning back!?
I blame EA.
Mass Effect Andromeda could have launch in September, allowing Bioware to polish the game, at least at a technical level.
This launch it's purely to fill the financial quarter report.
Really, wanted to ignore the negativity and enjoy for myself, but it's really annoying me, from the Nomad having no weapon and being shot up in two secs, to disappearing enemies, cover not working, the power wheel is so bad compared to previous Mass Effects..., a red health bar.......just feels badly finished....i love and played all the Mass Effects....trying to like it , but it feels poor, the control for exiting the Nomad is different for entering and exiting....lots of odd issues...would honestly get my money back if i could.....
I'll pick it up when it hits the £10 - £15 mark.
I recently watched an American dude rage quit his insanity playthrough stream because of the ridiculous saving system. Enemies kept appearing out of nowhere and turning invisible when I don't think they were meant to.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Don't think it's a bug, it feels like when you stop running Ryder will take a few more steps. There's slight input lag on the aiming too.
Honestly, I don't really get where all the hate is coming from. Ok, so the game doesn't live up to the trilogy by any means and it has flaws, both technically and mechanically, but none of what I've seen in 13 hours has been anywhere near as bad as all the criticism makes it seem.
Ah well, I'll just be over here enjoying the hell out of it.
In my first intervention as I already posted a few days ago that is what i said. Peaple will enjoy it. Technically it will be massively improved as all the games recently.
Not a masterpiece but top notch 😊.
@get2sammyb There's definitely something off, and it's not just on PS4. On PC it's the same thing, where you get to a door, go to press the button to open a door, stays greyed out, Ryder takes a few more steps into the door, and THEN you can open it. Easily fixed issue if they hadn't made every contextual action a 2 second "hold button" action and had just made it instant open like it was in the past 3 games.
@get2sammyb The running is more like 'real' life where it takes a second or two to get to top speed and a second or two to come to complete halt. Whilst its more realistic, not sure it 'works' so well in a game...
Will wait for them to attempt a fix.
Aside from animations I was wildly Impressed great game, almost cancled it too. Sat through character creation with a chip on my sholder, got into the intro "yeah Im probably not gonna like this, wasted my money..grr." 1 n half later wow this game is actually good, two houra later wow this game is great, feel like if it was a show I'd watch it.
@lixei32 what's top notch about it though? What? The games a total disaster. I've been waiting a good few years after playing the trilogy through and both 1+2 at least twice.
It's a cumbersome cluster of stupid ideas with a mass effect skin. Everything about it is second rate.
I'm giving it another hour tonight and if it doesn't improve its being Frisbeed in with the rest of the crap in the bin.
I've been wondering this, without the Mass Effect name would it be getting attention?
@get2sammyb You mean the same thing The Witcher3 did.
The way people went on about the bad facial animation's i was expecting to see something we haven't seen before, just over six hours in and its classic Bioware graphics and that includes facial animation's. Sorry guys but Bioware has never been great at facial animation's, thats why Mass Effect 1,2 & 3 all had almost the same problem. You must remember Shepherd's mad freakish smile? I think people need to rub there eyes & go & play Mass Effect. I've not come across bugs yet apart from a few frame-rate drops here & there thats not happened in combat. I really like the game so far but will have a proper opinion once i've finished the game.
Personally I'm absolutely loving this game but I'm a sucker for mass effect.
@RedMageLanakyn ever since Destiny did it, every game seems to have that long-hold button action now. I really don't like it at all. I wish they would just go back to the standard press.
@banacheck Yeah, and I hated it in The Witcher, too. Fortunately it's not as bad here as in The Witcher.
I am still working through a huge backlog so while it's on my radar I am still enjoying the PS4 exclusives from the last 2 months.
I just got the platinum in Horizon, want to do my NG+ on Nioh, haven't started Gravity Rush 2 or Yakuza and have Persona 5 coming in a week or so.
On top of gagging to play through Darksouls 3 with a dexterity build, starting Dishonoured 2 and putting time into Project Cars with my wheel, Mass Effect is well down the pecking order.
Nope. Not even going to touch this cluster f...cuss,
until its a lot cheaper and all the extortionist DLC garbage has been released in one neat package.
Liking it a lot, but not without its flaws. I'm not too bothered by the animations (the Bioware face), and not seen any real bugs. I'm hoping for a Witcher 3 style crafting / interface overhaul though.
It feels like a bit like ME1 with a lot of good concepts, but none of them polished enough.
I do miss those renegade options though...
I haven't played it yet, but I will once it drops on price.
I loved the original trilogy, so I hope to play this in the future.
@get2sammyb Me too it just didn't feel right like in-put lag or something, i'm sure that got patched in The Witcher3 hopefully thay do the same here too.
I loved playing ME 1-2-3 and I LIVE for scifi (my favorite genre) but there are now way too many amazing games to play instead of playing a mediocre spinoff by a C-list EA DLC studio.
Time is more precious than money.
I'm sure Shepherd would be proud
Well I have to say regardless of the odd bugs and animation woes, I'm actually having a great time at last playing a good game. Yes there is a lot of room for improvement but this game actually has a lot of good things. Gun play is good and weapons feel nice. The story is good and there's plenty to keep you busy. Graphics on the pro 4k HDR TV are fantastic. The sound is the best I've heard in any game for a long time and the light banter from the characters are refreshing. Lastly this game has me wanting to play any time I get not like borefest games I've played recently. 8/10 for me
It definitely has its flaws, but it is a good game overall. I little less strategic with the absence of the power wheel and the ability to control companions more in-depthly, but the combat has more verticality and freedom as well. I love the characters and the story is pretty good so far. Just need the bugs ironed out now.
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