Remember when Activision said that this year's Sledgehammer Games developed Call of Duty would take the series back to its roots? Well, hot on the heels of Destiny 2, a slew of posters and even steelbook case covers have leaked apparently revealing that the new entry in the popular first-person franchise will be named Call of Duty: WWII. Terrible name.

There are enough assets here to assume that this is legit, and it certainly corroborates with everything that we've heard thus far. But of course, it's not legit until Activision puts out a press release. Still, are you in or out for some more historical warfare?
[source youtube.com, via charlieintel.com]
Comments 40
Just give me the same timeframe of the COD 4 series. Im not in the mood for WW2 personally.
Depend on the single player story I guess, if it can match battlefield 1 story last year I guess I'll play this year call of duty.
Facepalms Why tho?
@NinjaWaddleDee Because the CoD community has said that they don't want futuristic jet back CoD anymore and due to poor sales of Infinite Warfare.
I only play Call of Duty for the single player campaigns. I've been enjoying them. But if they were going back, I wouldn't want them to go that far back. I had enough of that era 10-15 years ago.
I also think Call of Duty 4 is probably the sweet spot.
With that being said, I trust they will do a good job with whatever they have gone with.
It just might not be for me.
Right now Sniper Elite 4 is all the WWII I need. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but Infinite Warfare was really good (the campaign at least). It really felt like Infinity Ward put their hearts into the single player.
Also, I really hope WWII isn't the best name they could come up with.
So all the FPS franchises realised they have come too far ahead & now have to go back in time & start again.
I'm happy with this, I've been wanting more of WW2 this generation, I'm even hoping the next Battlefield is set in WW2.
It might have the right setting but don't worry the supply drops will kill mp again.
Not really excited about going back to WW2... Can see me sticking with Destiny 2 and not bothering with CoD for the first year since Modern Warfare came out.
Personally, it's probably too late for me. I'm sick of all the annualized franchises and wish they'd die already.
Can't believe people think this is real...really? You really think they would advertise their games using steelbooks? Those things are expensive to make. No way they'd test cover art on them. Plus, what a terrible name. I'm much more akin to believing the Vietnam War rumors we've gotten previously.
Personally I hope that if they do go for Boots on the Ground -traditional warfare - they keep it to the modern or very near future. Activisions worst selling CoD in since MW is World at War - a WW2 game. It was MW that took the series to the heights it now sits and MW2 is still the best selling game in the series. More people bought Infinite Warfare than World at War!
The space setting seems to be more of an issue than the movement as BO3 sold well. Personally I am quite enjoying IW but then I enjoyed BO3 and the movement helps with the pace, helps to beat campers etc too. I find MWr very frustrating, very 'slow' paced and so many people sat in corners with claymores etc.
Poor sales could also be attributed to the way they have handled micro-transactions, weapons and variants, etc. Look at the backlash they got for MWr over supply drops, over adding weapons, selling the 'old' DLC Maps again - even though they were 'free' on the game of the year edition. Its this that I think is the 'breaking' point for CoD more than the setting/movement but that is taking the brunt of that.
Unless CoD follows the pattern of many other FPS games, in that all meaningful content is free and Supply Drops or other micro-transactions are purely cosmetic, it won't matter if they do go back to WW2. Corporate greed is killing CoD more than game-play design - especially as games like Overwatch, Titanfall 2 etc are offering all the meaningful content for free. Titanfall 2 also shows that movement can be a lot of fun.
@Tasuki Well certainly, it's just that the name is awful. Sorry, I should have specified that
Anyway, what happened to 'Chemical Warfare' and the 'Vietnam' setting that was doing the rounds before this...
Seems more like some 'fans' wish rather than actually leaked art. The name is abysmal too...
Can't be any worse than CoD1 sorry I mean BF1 that game sux, still play it sometime's for a quick fix but it's a poor game. Tbh i've lost all hope of there ever being a decent BF game again.
As eye rolling as this clearly is, it's the best COD has looked in a long time from my perspective. I hope the campaign is all played from the perspective of the same character and is similar in tone to Frontline. Frontline is also the name of a flea treatment for cats, rabbits and small dogs. Fact.
Oh yay. If there's one era that's been played out more than futuristic, it's WW2. How about another modern day era game? The best part of Infinite Warfare's MP is the Tactical Team Deathmatch, we just need an entire game built around that gameplay.
Surprised to see the negativity. I'm quite excited for this.
WWII, wait what? LoL
They think name it like this could help them to sell it more cause they think people still remember WW game
What they don't know is a people who played WW lived call of duty series after a number like black opsII
Even this thing shows every thing on call of duty after MW2 is for money and nothing else
I have fond memories of playing Medal of Honor Frontline and Rising Sun with my brother on our original Xbox. I don't think I've played anything WWII since then...so I'd be interested in this if it's true.
cod world at war was the best cod ever
@get2sammyb It depends on the group. CoD fans are really excited about this, others not so much.
@playstation1995 I always felt like BO2 is the best, but that's my opinion.
It's about time. But it's not just the timeline, people are fed up with cod points as well.
@Kyroki Well of course sadly, it's proven to be making Activision alot of money. So people can't be upset if they are buying them.
I'm ready to go deep and take out those nazi swine! Will feel good to take out the bad guys again. There's so much history and untold stories to tell... What about hunting down rogue nazis or counter spies after ww2? Or seeing the v2 rocket fields, battles undercover, even romance with the enemy field agents, etc. If single player developed deep stories like uncharted 4 or last of us... COD could bounce back!
Too predictable and an overused setting. Was hoping they'd try something a bit different such as the Napoleonic Wars. Guess they want to play it safe.
What would be a lot more interesting, if they have to go back in time, to do alternative history, steam punk (maybe) WW2 - don't think its right for an Arcade and 'fun' shooter to use the disaster that was WW2/ Already hearing some very 'negative' terminology being used by the commenters...
@LieutenantFatman Actually CoD has used post WW2 more the WW2 as a setting there were 4 games that were WW2 setting and 8 post WW2.
Stupid. Dumb. Zero Iterative.
Should stick with near-modern settings &/or future Sci-fact and make it work better.
Was done with ww2 games since World At War, dammit!
Black Ops 2 & 3 anyone?
Well, it finally happened.
The series has become so creatively bankrupt, it looped around and ended up right where it started.
Weird name but it's exactly what I wanna see. WW2 is a great era for a game, and it's almost been a decade since we've had a WW2 COD, it's more than welcome.
What they need to do is an actually decent Vietnam game. I know there has been some that are ok...but a COD game with napalm, helicopters and..well you get the point.
Just as bad a name as Battlefield One.
Why don't they go back to the 1970's and do 'Nam?
They could make it like Platoon and it would be feckin' awesome. Not that I agree with war mind you...
With game play of standing in line, then upon command marching straight ahead into enemy canon fire and if still alive, firing a single volley from a kneeling position?
@RPE83 Heh, hopefully a bit more variety than that. Something similar to Sharpe would be great for example.
COD:Sharpe with Sean Bean voice acting would be awesome.
I'll definitely be in for that 1. The only cod I've really ever enjoyed was world at war. Every other game since has been rather turd. Especially infinite warfare.
That said though, we know they'll ruin the game with micro transactions.
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