Wow, there can be no doubt that Call of Duty: WWII is a looker. Activision has revealed the first footage from the forthcoming FPS as part of the title's reveal trailer, and while it's expectedly gritty, there's a definite beauty on display here.

The game's due out on 3rd November, and hopes to build a sense of camaraderie with the soldiers you fight alongside. What do you think of this reveal trailer? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 20
Looks good!
I can't wait.. I love WW2 shooters
Looks interesting, as long as the story is good and the campaign is long (at least 7-8 hour), the steelbook version is mine
No British army?
I'm ready!!!
Looks good! Definitely interested to see more of it at E3.
Call of Duty is BACK baby! Real wars are always the best options for a game like this.
I'm stoked but also slightly disappointed...Why can't we play as the Germans for once? Come would be a bold and great move
Looked like it was mostly cut-scenes to me. Can't see it impressed me....
cod world at war was the best cod world war 2 is coming.I'm back at cod.
If the campaign is worth playing I might pick it up.
So they really are making another one of these. I doubt they can pull it off as well as the original Call of Duty or Medal of Honor did. Plus, how long has it been since Saving Private Ryan?
Just what I hoped it would be, it looks and sounds great, it's COD so you know it will play well enough. For the first time in a long time I am actually excited to play a COD title.
@Neolit Please xD
Besides, I bet they could do a good story of a good german soldier trying to survive in the war...
Also I think being american and killing germans in a game about ww2 is just as bad as the opposite...don't care what history tells us, not all germans were evil like creatures with a tiny moustache
It looks good with good graphics seeing as that was cut-scenes with gameplay mixed, its definitely better then the sci-fi crap anyway.
looks good visually, oh my.
@AFCC It was immensely disappointing that BF1 didn't have a German campaign. There truly was no easily defined good vs. evil so Dice had the perfect opportunity. Seeing a German and Japanese campaign in this would've been good though, might teach some of these antifa goons what true fascism looks like
I'm potentially interested, but I'll need to see more. Namely, I want to see standard gameplay running and details on what the mechanics of multi-player are going to be. Is this the same game with a different skin? Or are they going to change quite a lot? Or possibly strip it down a bit?
@Neolit xD I like the way you "sarcasm" boy
@thatguyEZ Sadly, the world seems to be afraid of the USA and in these games they try to avoid controversy towards them
@playstation1995 agreed ten fold
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