Tasty looking PlayStation 4 title Hyper Light Drifter has received an equally tasty looking limited edition retail run courtesy of iam8bit. The package includes a reversible cover with gold foil, a retro-style instruction manual, a fold-out world map, and a copy of the game on Blu-ray for $29.99 – but there are only 9,000 copies being manufactured. Take a look at the full set below:

In other news, did you know that Hyper Light Drifter received a retail release in Japan? Here's its similarly awesome box art:

And people say that physical products are dead.
[source store.iam8bit.com]
Comments 23
Oh crumbs. This game is so awesome. Finished NG+ just recently. I would love this but buying it just to sit on the shelf...I'll reluctantly pass
Oh that cover is fantastic
Oh right. This is that game that was supposed to come to Vita until the dev flaked on it.
No I'm not bitter. Why do you ask?
For $30? I had to go for this. HLD was one of my favorite games from last year, so I'm all for owning a physical copy.
Wish I had gotten the SNES Collectors Edition one. That Cyan cart was beautiful, if nothing other then a shell.
Ah, the winner of Push Square's coveted "Tarrant's Choice" award.
It's a game I've got an eye on, so I'd gladly get a physical copy if I had the bread for it.
I've never played the game, but seeing how well received the game is, and being an avid collector of physical games, I decided to order a copy.
The Japanese version looks too good..
After the Tarrant Choice award I literally just picked up digitally in a recent sale. Looking forward to playing it through though.
Man that looks excellent. Well worth picking up - mainly because the game is ace.
Love that Japanese cover art!
Nice, saw this on Play Asia a few days ago. I've never played it and alongside axiom verge and shovel Knight I probably need them all in my life.
@DrJoeystein Plus €25 shipping.....
@Flaming_Kaiser Oh goodness, it was only $4 for me! Yeah, if the shipping had been that much I'd have passed on it. :/
I love this game, every time I think about that dash challenge my hands cramp up!
@ellsworth004 did you get it? I have managed about 450 :/
@kyleforrester87 yeah I finally got it. I found the best way for me was to just go back and forth. When I tried to go around in circles I always hit the middle section of the room. It just takes a few minutes and really makes your fingers cramp. 🙁
It's been awhile since I played it and I can't remember if the outfit u get is even worth it.
Is there any any or verbal dialogue in this game? I watched an old gameplay video the other day and there wasn't any. I was wondering how hard it is to figure out how to play.
@Sambin nah no dialogue or text, the world tells the story along with picture panels when you meet NPCs. The story is quite difficult to comprehend to be honest and open to interpretation but that's a lot of it's charm.
@ellsworth004 Hmm I found circles easier I can't get any rhythm back and forth. Hope to crack it one day..
That black/gold cover is absolutely gorgeous. Really want this...but just can't really justify buying it again.
held off buying it digitally a while ago. now my reluctance is rewarded. i ordered that thing quickly.
@Sambin yeah it can be hard to interpret. But it's such a good game, the combat is very enjoyable, one of my favorite Indies.
@ellsworth004 Just got the 800 dash finally, got 801 :')
I've done the NG+ so I think the next hard one is clearing without dieing. If I'd done this right after my Ng+ run I don't think I'd have had many problems but I'm rusty now so we'll see :/
Nice. Yeah I tried to play it again the other day and got owned. Probably have to start a new game to get a refresher.
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